☕️Chapter 5☕️

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Hosuhs P.O.V

I walk outside, I am feeling annoyed today. Daniel and Stephen got into a pretty heated argument, about content or something, I don't know, so I couldn't sleep. I walk into the bookstore and see Jay.
I turn around and leave.
"Since when does Jay read?!"
I see a little ish girl running down the street? She looks about, 9-10? She looks super happy.
She runs into a girls arms, it's (y/n), I observe.
"I've missed you!!"
"I know I know! I've missed yow too! But I had to move her so I could work with Ethen and Ashey!!"
"Any boyfriends yet?"
"I have one!"
"You're a fucking player."
"NO IM NOT! I'm content with the one I have."
"Says the girl who has 5 EXs."
"Zip it."
She looks up at me and turns all pink, I look down and see that I have my hoodie on, it's a little chilly outside. I also have some skinny jeans on. I have my danplan RPG shirt on under my hoodie. (Y/n) does not have a hoodie on or anything like that.
The girl yells looking and pointing to me.
She walks towards me.
"Sorry, my sister can be a pain."
"It's okay, I understand."
"Brrr! It's a chilly morning!"
"Well its September."
"That explains it!"
She shakes a bit and I look at her, I take off my hoodie and feel my shirt being tugged up as I lift it over my head.
"Ah- Hosuh, your shirt!"
She grabs it and pulls it back down and I take the hoodie off from over my face.
I hand her the hoodie, she smiles and takes it, immediately putting it on without hesitating.
"Thanks Hosuh."
She smiles. I see her sister flailing all around, her hair going everywhere, and her skirt flying around.
(Y/n) immediately turns around and starts chasing her sister.
"(Y/n) wait! Don't use up your energy!"
She stops and looks at me. Her sister still running.
"Let me catch her."
I take my hair out and put the elastic around my arm, I get ready and shoot off like a rocket, I chase her sis around for about 2 minutes before catching her.
"Who are you anyway?"
She asks.
"Im Hosuh. Hosuh lee. And you are?"
"Oh! Sorry! I'm Monika (l/n)! (Y/n)s sister!!"
"She told me!"
I walk back over to (y/n).
"Why can't you use your energy sis?"
"N-no reason!!"
"What she said! Nothing. She is just- Tired! That's all."
She was fooled
For now.
"Do you want a piggyback ride Monika?"
"Yes please!"
She jumps on (y/n)s back and she wraps her arms around her.
"Ack-stop Monika! You're choking me!"
"So, Monika, are you here alone?"
"Yeah, our parents aren't the, well, best at their job. So they went to a hotel when I stay with (y/n)."
"Wow, (y/n) why did you never tell me this?"
"I thought you would overreact...."
"No no no! Thai is bad!!"
"Well she can't just live with me! I have lost of work and Ashey can't stay and babysit her!"
"She can stay with me."
"Yah! I don't do much, and when I do, I'm sure Ashey could handle it!"
"YAH! Please (y/n)!!!!! With sprinkles and syrup?"
"Okay fine. I'll tell mom you're staying with us."
"What about her school?"
I ask nervous.
"She will go to school here! She is a social butterfly so she will have to trouble making friends."


"Hey Ashey! What's Doki Doki literature club?!"
"DONT PLAY THAT! It has- um- swearing, and- death."
"Oh. Then I will play minecraft!"
"Okay!! Stephen! Set her up with a new world!"
"Yes queen."
Stephen walks over and helps her set up, I am baking.
"Hosuh why don't you go the the Cafe? (Y/n) is working!"
"Okay why not!"
I go outside and walk to the cafe.
"HOSUH! Sit down!"
I sit down and (y/n) walks up to me.
"What do you want?"
"A coca please."
"Why not coffee?"
"I don't like the taste."
"Well have you tried tea?"
"No, not really."
"Do you want to try one?"
"Sure, I'll have your favourite."
"Okay! One (f/f) coming up!"
She walks off.

Your P.O.V (it wont centre)

I walk to the back and make his tea, I then add lots of salt. I walk back with it.
"Here you go!"
He takes a sip, then a second, then a third. He finishes it.
"Did it not taste funny? Like salty maybe?"
"It did, I just didn't want to hurt your feelings."
"So you drank it, even if it tasted salty, so you won't hurt my feelings?"
Tears form in the corners of my eyes.
"Are you okay?"
"Yah I'm fine, it's just, no one has ever done something like that for me.. they would've said it was crappy and bad...."
"Here, (y/n), sit down."
I sit down. He grabs my hands. I feel my face burn.
"You are an awesome amazing great, and, well, beautiful, person.... and if anyone says anything like that to you, ever, tell me and I will take them down."
"For me?"
"All for you."
He gets up with me and goes to walk out, but he trips and falls on top of me. I impacted with, not the ground, but, his hand?
I open my eyes to see Hosuh, on top of me, with his hand under my hand. His other hand holding my left hand down, he has his right hand under my head. We are inches apart, he looks down at me.
"You- called me beautiful...."
I say with shakey breath.
"You-you are..."
He leans closer. We are about to kiss... but guess who walks in and ruined this moment?
That's right

School for me started, so my updates may be a little weird but I will try to stay up to date with new chapters!!!
That's all!
Oh and shoutout to
You make great stories so keep up the good work!
That's really all!
Should I confess to my crush?
I just wanted to check you were still reading

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