I'll be back I promise part two.

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A now 16 year old Wendy, was trudging through Magnolia's forest. She was on a solo mission. Whilst Wendy had become very strong over the past few years, her confidence was still low, and she felt like she needed to get even stronger. That's why she was on a solo quest right now, and why she's taken many before hand. Her thoughts wandered back to Romeo, and if he'd gotten any stronger.
"I'll be back I promise."
Wendy hoped that he was okay. She knew he'd keep his promise, but he had been gone for a few years now. When his father found out Romeo went away, he had been dead worried ever since that day. It was honestly no surprise he had been drinking more alcohol then usual. The whole guild had been worried about him after his departure, but Wendy had reassured them he'd come back. However now she couldn't help but have doubts herself.

She took out her map, trying to figure out the location of a cave nearby. Lately in Magnolia these animal like monsters had been attacking the streets and people. But they had mainly been targeting guilds. Apparently they're attracted to magic energy, and they need to be stopped. Wendy being the kind person she is, and wanting to help as many people as she can, took the job to stop these monsters. It would be scary, but she had to do this.

A few minutes later she drew near to the cave. Wendy prepared herself, ready for any surprising attacks. Which quickly came as three wolf-like monsters darted out of the cave, prepared to kill Wendy.
"Sky Dragon Roar!" Wendy bellowed, knocking the monsters backwards towards the ground. As they slowly started to get back up, Wendy attacked them with a sky dragon wing attack, stopping them from getting back on their feet. Wendy quickly turned around as she heard a snarling sound, and just about managed to dodge, another monster which had appeared behind her. The now four monsters gathered together and started running towards her, alongside a flock of bird-shaped beasts who started flying towards her, their wings outstretched.Wendy closer her eyes, concentrating as she performed one of her strongest spells.
"Dragon Slayer Secret Art:Sky Drill!" Wendy shouted, as she blasted a powerful blast of magic towards all of the monsters. The powerful gust of wind attacked all of them, and they were all knocked out in that one powerful attack. Wendy had grown a lot stronger in these few years, the sky drill didn't take up all her magic energy anymore.

Just when Wendy had thought she'd took them all out, this giant beastly bird, starting dashing through the morning sky and towards Magnolia. Wendy ran as fast as she could trying to catch up to the beast.
"Sky dragon wing attack!" Wendy yelled, but to her avail the monster dodged her attack. Wendy kept on running as fast as her legs could take her, but the monster was now in Magnolia. People were screaming as they ran away in fright from the monster, but it wasn't targeting the people, it was targeting something else. The monster changed direction, and as Wendy turned around the street,she immediately knew where the monster was heading.
"It's targeting fairy tail.." Wendy uttered in worry as she ran even faster.

The bird drew nearer to the guild, picking up on the intense magic energy from all the mages there. It was completely ignoring Wendy, as the monster looked like if was planning to completely destroy the fairy tail building, from the way it charged towards the once again newly-made guild. Then a blue fire striked the monster sending it to the ground, it was like the attack came completely out of the blue! Wendy stopped her running, as the monsters crashed to the ground, causing smoke to appear from the impact. Wendy squinted her eyes, noticing a shadowy figure. As the smoke dispersed, Wendy immediately smiled sincerely.
"You've been gone for a while, I was starting to worry." Wendy exclaimed, laughing slightly.
"Well I came back, like I promised." A now 17 year old, and stronger then ever Romeo said.

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