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Wendy was at the guild sitting with Team Natsu. They had just been on a job, that would've been decent pay if Natsu, Gray and Erza didn't destroy everything. Lucy and Wendy really needed to go on a mission by themselves sometime soon. Erza was lecturing Gray and Natsu about their fighting again, and just as Wendy started to drown their conversation out, her attention was brought back to Macao who was running in her direction.
"Is something the matter Macao?" Wendy questioned politely.
"Romeo is really sick. I know it's a lot to ask but do you mind helping me take care of him?" Macao replied worriedly.
"Sure I don't mind." Wendy answered kindly, and with that they both headed towards Macao's house.

When they arrived, Macao directed Wendy to his son's room. When she walked inside, she immediately pitied Romeo. He looked like he caught a really bad flu, a dangerous one that had been spreading around Magnolia lately. Romeo's face was a bright red, a clear sign he had a fever, and he was sweating, and breathing very quickly. He let out a horrible cough, as his weak body jolted up from the impact. He quickly lay back down out of breath.
"Son I brought Wendy over, hopefully we can get you better as soon possible." Macao exclaimed softly, as Romeo had managed to let out a weak smile. Wendy kneeled down beside him, placing her hand gently onto his forehead. His temperature was boiling, she definitely needed to try and cool that down.
"Macao can you get me a small towel and a bowl of cold water please?" Wendy asked kindly. When he went to retrieve those items for her, Wendy studied Romeo carefully and how bad his condition was. By the looks of things it's going to realistically take her the full day to heal him, as she's going to need to take breaks now and again. Healing magic takes up a lot of energy.

Macao came back into the room, handing Wendy the small hand towel and a bowl of cooling water.
"I'll leave you alone to help heal him now as you'll probably want to concentrate. Just call me if you need help with anything." Macao uttered, before walking out the room. Wendy placed the soft towel into the cold water and then delicately placed the towel on Romeo's forehead. His face winced slightly at the cold.
"Sorry.." Wendy murmured guiltily. Wendy placed her hands over his chest, and a green glow emitted from them. She began the healing process. Romeo let out a silent sigh of relief, as the magic rushed through his body.
"I'll try my best to heal you as quickly as possible it might take a few hours at the least though." Wendy said, as she released more magic.
"T-thanks.." Romeo managed to utter out tiredly and managed to give her a small smile. Wendy smiled sympathetically back at him before continuing the healing process.

It had been a few hours now, and Wendy couldn't heal him anymore. Using the last amount of energy she had, she used her final healing magic on Romeo. Wendy had to gather her breath for a moment, she was tired and exhausted. She placed her hand on Romeo's forehead and smiled in relief, as his temperature had gone down quite a bit. Although he was still warm and quite ill, and it would be a while till her magic energy came back. She picked up the bottle of medicine on Romeo's cabinet beside his bed and opened the lid. She poured the medicine onto the spoon and gave it to Romeo. Romeo had a look of disgust when he swallowed the medicine, and he burst out coughing again.
"Sorry but don't worry hopefully you won't have to take anymore..actually I might be able to make you something that tastes good and will get you better. I'll just need to ask your Dad first!" Wendy exclaimed as she ran out of the room.
"Hey Wendy, is Romeo alright? Do you need any help?" Macao asked.
"He's feeling better. Actually I kinda have to go shopping, you see my magic needs to recover and I have this great soup that will help Romeo." Wendy replied.
"Alright we can go there now if you want?" Macao said.
"Who's going to look after Romeo?"
"Don't worry, I'll ask Wakkaba to come over, he lives right next door and we won't be to long."

Luckily the shop was only about 10 minutes away, so it didn't take either of them to long to arrive there.
"What do we need to get Wendy?" Macao asked.
"Well we need to get chicken, carrots, onions,water, and some special healing herbs they have in the herb section." Wendy replied. After gathering the chicken, onions, carrots and water, all they had to collect was the healing herbs. Wendy placed her hand on her chin as she was deciding which one would be best to use. She picked one that had a more lighter green colour compared to the others.
"How do you know which one to pick?" Macao asked.
"This herb helps fight against flu's and viruses, where as say the one on the top shelf, that one specialises in healing more serious medical illnesses, a lot of hospitals here in Magnolia would use those herbs." Wendy exclaimed, as she picked up three more of the light green herbs.
"Where did you learn all this?" Macao questioned.
"My mother taught me. Grandine decided it was best to teach me about natural healing, not just sky dragon healing as they might come a time when I can't use my sky dragon magic." Wendy replied sadly, as she thought about her mother. Macao placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Let's go pay for the ingredients." He said, and Wendy nodded her head I'm agreement.
(I don't know if the official spelling is Grandine or Grandeeney but I'm saying Grandine because it's easier to remember and I do t have to keep looking up the spelling😂)

When they came back to Macao's house, Wendy got started on the soup as Macao talked to Wakkaba and thanked him for looking after Romeo. After about 20 minutes, Wendy managed to cook the soup and it turned out alright, the final thing she had to do,was add the herbs and stir them. Macao walked up to her after smelling the soup and wanted to have it for himself, but he knew it was for Romeo.
"Wow Wendy, your smart, kind and you can cook, my son better marry a girl like you when he's older!" Macao exclaimed laughing. Wendy blushed looking away in embarrassing. She placed the bowel of soup on a tray before walking to Romeo's room.

"Your back!" Romeo exclaimed, sounding much better then he was before, although Wendy still felt the need to ask him if he's alright.
"How are you feeling now?" Wendy replied, gently placing the soup on the table.
"I'm feeling better, still quite a bit ill, but your healing magic definitely helped a lot. What's that? It smells really good." Romeo said, as he pointed towards the bowel.
"That is my homemade chicken soup, it should help out a lot, it had healing herbs in there, as well as chicken obviously, and carrots and onions." Wendy replied happily, as she handed the bowl over to him. He picked up his spoon, and as soon as the soup touched his lips, his eyes widened. He quickly began to demolish the soup. Wendy giggled slightly, but had to move back because he was a messy eater.
"Your like Natsu." Wendy joked.
"It's just I've never tasted something so good! I'm usually always eating my Dad's food, and that tastes awful." Romeo exclaimed.
"I heard that!" Macao shouted.
"Sorry Dad! It does taste really good though." Romeo said to Wendy.
"Thank you, I'm glad you like it."
"Hey Wendy."
"Thanks for looking after me." Romeo said gratefully.
"Honestly it's no problem at all."

Wendy regretted saying those words the next day as she had caught Romeo's illness, and she couldn't heal herself. She had tried to go to the guild, and go on a mission, but Erza, Natsu, Lucy and Gray forbid her from going on a mission, saying she wasn't in the right state. She was sitting on a table with Carla, her face burning and she couldn't stop coughing, she was about to head home, until a bowel of soup was placed in front of her. She looked up and saw Romeo smiling and completely better and healthy.
"I heard you were ill Wendy, so I made chicken soup!"

This was fun to write actually the last few chapters have been really serious and sad so it was nice to write a light hearted chapter. Hope you all liked it :)

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