Wendy and Nashi day!

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Wendy smiled brightly as she and Carla walked into the guild, ready to start a new day at the fairy tail guild. It's been 10 years now, and Wendy's hair had grown longer, she had grown taller, she had the figure she wanted for a long while now. But Wendy's appearance wasn't the only thing that changed, lots of things did. Mainly the relationships between many of the guild members had changed. Gajeel and Levy were married, and were expected twins,Gray and Juvia were together and had a child named Storm,Erza and Jellal had gotten together, and Natsu and Lucy were together as well, and they had a daughter Nashi. Speaking of Nashi she ran up excitedly to Wendy, pulling her into a hug.
"Morning Aunty Wendy!" Nashi exclaimed.
"Morning Nashi, how are you?" Wendy asked kindly.
"I'm good." She replied cheerfully.
"Oh Wendy!" Natsu and Lucy called her, walking up to Wendy and Nashi.
"Do you mind baby sitting Nashi for a while? You see we're going on a mission, and no one else is available at the moment." Lucy asked.
"Sure I don't mind." Wendy replied cheerfully.
"Really! Thanks Wendy, I owe you one!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Oh don't worry about it, I like hanging out with Nashi. Good luck with the mission."She replied kindly.
"Thank you Wendy!" Lucy said before her and Natsu headed out of the guild.
"Yay! A day with Aunty Wendy!" Nashi exclaimed excitedly.
"That's right! So what do you want to do first?" Wendy asked curiously. Nashi thought about it for a while, thinking off all the different games they could play.
"Let's play hide and seek, because I'm really good at that game!" Nashi says confidently.
"Alright but one rule you need to hide in the guild, I can't go losing you." Wendy replied seriously.
"Fine, but there are two rules. No cheating! Which means you can't use your nose to sniff me out!" Nashi said, pointing at Wendy.
"Alright fine, I'll count to 15 and you go hide." Wendy said, closing her eyes.
Nashi looked around frantically as she tried to find somewhere to hide, the tables would be to obvious but where else could she hide.
Nashi panicked as Wendy was nearly finishing counting. Mira would surely let her off hiding behind the counter. So that's what Nashi did,she jumped over the counter, and hid on the opposite end of it.

"15! I'm coming to find you!" Wendy says, as she began looking around the guild. She started looking underneath the guilds tables to see if she was hiding underneath one. As Nashi heard Wendy's getting closer to where she was and not being able to find her, she couldn't help but let out a giggle. Wendy heard this, but acted oblivious to this.
"Oh no I can't find her! I wonder where Nashi is!" Wendy exclaimed, causing Nashi giggle more. Wendy walked quietly towards the counter, not letting Nashi hear her. Then Wendy peered her head over the counter shouting
"Eeek! Hahaha I guess you found me Wendy, you didn't have to scare me though." Nashi replied laughing.
"I'm sorry Nashi, I just couldn't help it." Wendy said giggling.
"Hey Aunty Wendy, I'm hungry, can we go out to get something to eat?" Nashi asked sweetly.
"I would love to Nashi but your parents didn't tell me if I should be feeding you anything..." Wendy muttered awkwardly.
"Oh please Aunty Wendy! Pretty pleaseeee!" Nashi begged, using her puppy dog eyes. Wendy always ended up giving in to Nashi's puppy dog eyes.
"Oh okay fine." Wendy replied, taking Nashi's hand as they headed to the ice cream shop.

Next thing you know, the two were walking down to the park, Nashi with her cookie dough ice cream, and Wendy with her strawberry and white chocolate ice cream. They say down on a bench nearby, eating their ice creams.
"Thanks for the ice cream Wendy!" Nashi exclaimed happily.
"No problem Nashi." Wendy smiled at her, and then her attention was directed towards these group of kids playing in the park, Wendy couldn't help but find it adorable.
"Say Wendy, do you ever want kids?!" Nashi questioned curiously. Wendy looked shocked for a second, but then she looked deep in thought.
"You know I've never really thought about it to be completely honest. But maybe in the future it would be nice to have kids." Wendy answered sincerely.
"Mommy and Daddy, are always saying you'd be a great mom. And if your a great Aunty, then I'm sure you could be a great mom. I mean your already really cool, you buy me ice cream all the time and your a dragon slayer!"
"Thank you Nashi, oh yeah,how's yours magic been going?" Wendy asked her.
"Better! I'm going to become stronger, that way I can beat that annoying Storm FullBuster in a fight!" Nashi shouted, standing up all fired up. Wendy just giggled at her behaviour.
"Hey leave us alone!" Wendy and Nashi turned around to see a group of mages from twilight Ogre picking on the group of kids at the park.

"Don't try and pick a fight with us brat!" The twilight Ogre member snapped, he looked like the leader of his little gang. Wendy walked up to them whilst keeping Nashi close behind her.
"Leave these kids alone!" She exclaimed.
"Would you look at that! It's one of those fairy brats! Look stay out of this girl!" A fairy tall man said.
"I don't want to fight or hurt any of you, but if you don't leave these kids alone, then I will." Wendy says bravely.
"Listen up, this isn't your problem, we can do what we want, and I doubt a young woman who's from the fairy tail guild, could do anything to stop us!"
Wendy gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists, annoyed and angry. Even if she didn't like to fight, Wendy couldn't let them get away from bullying those kids and insulting fairy tail.
"Sky Dragon....Roar!" Wendy bellowed, attacking the several members of Twilight Orgre and sending them flying into the air. All the kids looked up in awe at Wendy.
"Wow Aunt Wendy! You were so cool!" Wendy couldn't help but smile, for some reason seeing Nashi and the other kids smiling at her, made her feel happy and good about herself. If Wendy ever did decide to have children, she hoped they'd end up being like Nashi.
Next will be a chapter about an older Romeo.
Also all these pictures I'm sliding you are from an artist from deviant art I don't own any of those drawings.

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