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Crossover with Nekoka Kareshi and Kuroneko Kareshi. If you're not in knowledge of those manga then you might get a little confused so I guess it's better if you don't read it :( also this chapter contains crude language and mentions of yaoi because nekoka and kuroneko are yaoi manga

"Ehh, Kokonoe-san, you can't control your transformation well?"

Lambo, sipping on a smoothie in a cafe, chats with his long time friend. Kokonoe was blond, green-eyed, and just a little older than Lambo himself. But they had one thing in common.

They were both werecats.

"Yeah, it's pathetic, I get it." Kokonoe pouted, sipping on his own milkshake, "But that stupid dog at my door knows, Lambo-san, he definitely knows!"

"I'm more terrified of birds, though," Lambo admitted.


"Skylarks in particular."

A moment of silence later, Lambo sighs. "This other guy I know transforms when he's tired. Like, the overworked kinda tired. Really caused so much trouble that one time..."

"Isn't it easier to stay in human form, though?"

"Exactly. And to think he's past twenty years old now!" Lambo rolled his eyes, "He has territorial fights with his cat every day. And he fights every day with this guy that rears a dog."

 "That's racist."

"I guess."

With a sigh, they sipped on their milkshakes again.

"But," Kokonoe spoke up again, "I guess it's nice you're so carefree."

"What, boyfriend troubles?" Lambo asked, "How your human been doing? Anything explicit I shouldn't know?"

"Lambo!" Kokonoe blushed, "I'm not-- geez! Can you act your age, please?"

"I kinda live in a house where that can't happen, so." Lambo sighed, "If we're talking perverted school nurses, yours is pretty docile already. You wouldn't wanna meet Shamal."

"Let's stop talking about that."

"Alright then. You been seeing that pervert stray black cat around?" Lambo grinned.

"Let's stray away from any topic that involves explicit matters, please!"


A certain black-haired male sneezed.

"Caught a cold?" Gokudera asked, putting down a cup of iced coffee before the man. He settled down on the seat opposing, "I spent all those years telling you to stop sleeping around, Shingo."

"Shut it, Hayato," Shingo sneered, "I've got a proper owner this time, alright?"

"What happened to 'I don't need an owner', Mr Stray Cat?" 

"Quit bragging about my status just cause you're a purebred domestic!"

Sipping on his coffee, Gokudera sighed, "What's he like this time?"

At that, Shingo gulped down a large mouthful of coffee, "He's a leopard breed. I kinda got caught by mistake and now I can't run away so..."

In the back of his head, Gokudera wondered why the news of a leopard werecat sounded familiar. Has he heard this before?

"Lucky you, you got yourself a noble blooded werecat boyfriend," Gokudera mumbled in a monotone. "If there was a feline equivalent of bitch, I'd be calling you one already."

"You already do," Shingo sighed. "What about you? I heard you've been caught up in your human blood business."

"Yeah," Gokudera said absent-mindedly, "My boss is a little too busy, so as his right-hand man I've got a lot of full schedules. Today's my first day off in months."

"You shoulda spent it sleeping, idiot. What'll happen if you transform again?" Shingo mumbled, "I already see those eye bags."

"Speak for yourself, you slut. Didn't you have work?" Gokudera groaned.

As if on cue, Shingo let out a sneeze.

Simultaneously, they took a sip of their coffee. With a sigh, they grumbled.

"We're both useless adults, aren't we?"

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