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◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

The pitter patter of honey glow tanned bare feet walking against the hardwood floors echoed throughout the halls of the Banik Compound. 

Soft fingers ran through unruly chocolate brown hair as the young woman – barely 21 – passed by Alpha’s office. She peaked inside to see her mother, Chaaya Adabi – the head beta and temporary Alpha until the Alpha got better – talking with her father, Ishaan.

Chaaya had a disgusted look on her face. “I don't want to go to crummy North America.” She pouted.

“We need to go. It’ll help us find a cure for the Alpha and her mate.” Ishaan kissed her cheek, coming up behind her to wrap his arms around her. “It’ll also give us a chance to see the twins again.”

“Bhaiyā and Didi? (Big brother and Big sister?)” The young woman yawned, rubbing brown her eyes as she stood at the doorway. “Are we gonna visit them?”

“Yes.” Chaaya stood up from her chair, walking over to the younger woman. “Dalaja, you should go get some sleep.”

“I couldn’t sleep. My room is too cold. I got up to get blankets and heard you two talking about Alistair and Ayame.” Dalaja said, her mother passed her a blanket.

“Yes, we’re going to their pack tomorrow for a summit meeting.” Chaaya rubbed Dalaja’s shoulder. “Now go get some rest. Tomorrow I want to talk to you about some potential mating options for you. I already have 3 men lined up. I’ll have an omega send you the profile I have on them in the morning.”

Dalaja sighed softly and walked back to her room. “I’m sure they’ll be great mothers…” When Dalaja entered her room, she threw the blanket on the bed.

She plopped down on her bed, the sound of laughter from the courtyard making her turn towards the window.

She watched as her friend, Bimala, and her mate, Ayaan, walked onto the courtyard. Bimala laughed rather loudly, holding onto Ayaan’s arm. “Let’s go dancing~”

“We just came from dancing, my love.” Ayaan swooped her up, carrying her bridal style. “Why did you insist on doing shots when you’re a lightweight?”

“Because~” she trailed her fingers along Ayaan’s chest, “aren’t I just the cutest when I’m drunk?”

Ayaan kissed the top of her head as they reached the entrance of the compound. “You’re cute even when you’re sober.”

Dalaja sighed softly. All of her friends found mates so quickly – heck, even her little cousin had a mate and she was 8 – which made cold nights like these all the more worse.

Certain times of the year, the compound would get so cold at night the two thick blankets she wore on nights like these weren’t enough. Normally, you would have your mate to keep you warm, but since Dalaja was unmated, she would have to suffer the cold nights alone.

It was on nights like these where Dalaja truly felt alone. Where she felt like nobody would understand her… not her parents… not her siblings… not her friends… nobody.

Tears trickled down from her brown eyes. She clutched her pillow closet, sobbing into the soft, fluffy headrest..

After hours of crying, her body and mind finally drifted off to sleep.

Her eyes flickered open to reveal a beautiful snowy field covered in miles upon miles of snowy pine trees. She shivered as her bare feet walked through the icy snow. She rubbed her arms, trying to gain some sort of warmth as she scanned her surroundings.

Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the forest, a certain Russian wolf strolled through the winter wood. Knowing something seemed off, he began to walk faster, his walking soon turning into running.

Dalaja’s body began to freeze. Shivering like a cat in rain she wondered if she could muster enough strength to go on. She could feel her toes freeze over as her body began to stop in its tracks.

Her eyes fluttered close as she leaned forward, waiting to feel the cold impact of the snow that never came. Instead, she was welcomed by the warmth of another’s arms.

“Why hello little one.” Valentin smiled, holding her in his arms.

Dalaja tried to open her eyes to see her savior, but when she did, all she met was a blur. She tried to muster up the words to thank him but no words left her cold lips.

She looked away from him, her body still shivering. His hands gently stroked her cheek as he walked through the woods. “Why don’t you tell me why you’re in my dreams little one?”

“I-I-I don-don’t know…” She shook her head. “W-wait! Thi-this is my dream!”

“I believe you have it backwards. This is my dream.” Valentin clarified.

“N-No! Th-this is,” a cute sneeze interrupted her, “m-my dream.”

“Alright, little one, this is your dream.” Valentin chuckled, allowing the latter to win just this once.

“Wh-Why are yo-you calling m-me that? Yo-you don’t look much old-older than me.” Dalaja squinted her eyes, but that only seemed to make the blurriness worse.

Valentin stopped in his tracks. “Little one, can you see me?”

“N-No… it’s all blurry,” she traced her hands over his face, “how old are you?”

“25. How about you?”

“21.” Dalaja replied, her hands trailed down his neck, “I can’t see you, but I can feel you.” Warmth traveled through her body as her hand touched his heart. Like a moth to a flame, Dalaja latched onto the Russian wolf, hoping to soak up as much warmth as she could from him.

“Little one, you’re freezing! Why didn’t you bundle up?” Valentin chuckled, looking down at her attire to see she only wore a white silk nightgown.

“This i-is what I slep-slept in… I didn’t ex-expect to be i-in a sn-snowy woods.” Dalaja muttered into his chest, her body still shivering.

“Let’s find somewhere out of the cold.” Valentin suggested, spotting a cave up ahead.

Once the pair reached the cave, Valentin tried to place Dalaja down but she wouldn’t let go. “N-No… you-you’re warm.” She murmured.

Valentin sat on the cave floor, his back against the wall. “How long have you been cold?”

“T-Too long…” Dalaja replied, her body absorbing Valentin’s heat like it was the last remaining energy source.

“How long, little one?” Valentin asked again.

“M-My en-entire life…” She looked down in shame.

Valentin lifted her head. “You’ve never had warmth?”

“N-No… some-sometimes the cold gets so bad I e-end up in the hos-hospital.” Dalaja whimpered slightly.

Valentin felt his heart break. The woman went her entire life without heat… no wonder she didn’t want to let him go. I must be some gateway drug to her… the first taste of real heat she’ll experience… and many more to come.

He felt her body shift in his arm, her body fitted perfectly in his. They were like puzzle pieces. She felt a grumble erupt from Valentin’s chest as she held onto him tighter. Does he… enjoy this? She questioned, opening one of her eyes to look up at Valentin.

“Don’t worry about me, little one.” He smiled down at her, stroking her cheek. He could feel the trace of dried up tears. “Were you crying?”

She shook her head, looking down in shame once more.

“Tell me the truth, little one.” Valentin whispered softly. As if his body knew it, he upped the heat. Dalaja mewled softly, gazing into the blurry silhouette she could make out of her savior.

She nodded, her tears began to swell up again. Valentin felt anger bubble inside him. “Who made you cry?”

“N-Nobody… it was just me…” Dalaja sniffled.

Valentin wiped her tears. “Why do you say that?”

“I saw my friend and her boyfriend return from the night out on the town tonight… I just couldn’t look away… like my mind was forcing me to watch it. I felt sick to my stomach… it was almost like it was punishment for me not finding my mate…”

Valentin hugged her tightly, resting his head in the crook of her neck. The smell of jasmine and sandalwood flooding his senses. His eyes flickered a bright magenta. That was the one thing Dalaja could see clearly for a split second before returning back to blurriness.

His whole body shivered slightly, adjectusting to the beautiful smell. He could feel his fang beginning to grow at the sight of her unmarked neck.

“You perv.” His wolf scoffed.“We have to be patient with our little one. We can’t spook her.” 

He nodded slightly, knowing his wolf was right – he was always right.

He smiled, his hands stroking her face and down her neck. “Is this alright, little one?”

“Ye-Yes…” Dalaja nodded.

His fingers soaked in every aspect of her body from the neck up, seeing as it would be impolite and rude to continue downwards after only just meeting today. He couldn’t believe how soft her skin was to the touch.

A part of him felt like if he touched too roughly she might shatter like glass, but he knew better than to doubt his little one. He knew there was a strong side that was yet to be revealed to him – or to anyone at the matter.

Dalaja gasped softly. Sure, in the past she has dates with men before – most being ones her mother set up in hopes of setting her up with a mate – but none of their touches could compare to his.

His fingers trailed warmth all around her body. Dalaja closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. “Please…” She murmured, her cheeks staining red. She could feel him drawing little circles around her neck.

Her body shivered. Her neck was especially sensitive to his touches. His nail accidentally stalked the skin of her neck, leaving a slight scratch. She whimpered, knowing this was too good to be true and would end in pain instead of pleasure.

Valentin chuckled. “I will never hurt you, little one, that’s a promise.” She began to panic as she felt herself waking up.

“N-No! Don’t make-make me go!” She pleaded.

He leaned in, his hot breath against her neck sending a pleasurable shiver down her spine. “Little one, it’s okay. Remember this when you ever get cold again… remember the heat you felt tonight… and when you need it, I’ll be there… little one.”

Dalaja shot up from her bed, clutching the blankets to her chest. She breathed heavily for a while, looking around to see she was back in her room. She shook her head. “No… no… where are you?” She looked around from the man but he was nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, in Russia, Valentin gasped loudly. His black eyes bursting open to first lay eyes on the ceiling. “Little one?” He turned to his side, hoping to see the werewolf in question but she wasn’t there.

He frowned, leaning back on his bed as he raked his fingers through his black hair. “Where are you my little one?”

In Mainland China, Dechen sat at her vanity desk. She hummed a small tune as she brushed her midnight blue hair in the mirror. Noticing the picture of her mother, father, and herself on the desk, she sighed. “I miss you mom…” She kissed the picture before placing it back down on the desk.

She yawned, slipping out of her clothing and into a pink night dress with japanese cherry blossom flower designs on the helm. She smiled, her eyes drifting towards the countless number of roses on her dresser. They were all from potential suitors her father set her up with.

He never forced her to choose one she didn’t like, but he wanted to speed up the process of his daughter finding a mate. She knew her father meant well, but none of the men were her type. They were all brutes… selfish men who cared nothing but themselves.

She wanted someone who could sweep her off her feet. Someone who wouldn’t call her crazy when she screamed randomly at the TV while watching shows. Someone who’d curl up next to her at night and stay there forever. Someone who’d make her breakfast in bed on lazy sundays.

She knew her father only wanted her to find happiness, but he didn’t know his daughter's taste in men at all. She laid down in her bed, letting the silk sheets bring her comfort and before she knew it, her soft midnight blue eyes closed shut.

She was awoken by the soft summer breeze that kissed her face gently. She opened her eyes, feeling around the area to feel cherry blossoms petals beneath her feet and cherry blossom trees surrounding the field.

She sighed in delightly. It was at times like these where Dechen truly found peace. She fell backwards into the cherry blossoms, the petals flowing upward on her impact. Dechen laughed, rolling around in the petals like a little child rolling around in the fresh autumn leaves.

She couldn’t contain her joy at the moment. The life of the alpha’s daughter was stressful. With all the meetings, orgazining, and not to mention dates her father constantly kept setting her up on, Dechen rarely had time to relax and have fun.

Which made moments like these all the more special.

Not that far away, the alpha of the Idowu Pack, Dayo, watched as Dechen danced through the petals, flopping down once again. He slowly walked over, trying to get a better look at the spectacle that was this woman.

He shifted into his wolf form, the hazelnut brown toned slowly stepping closer to the woman sleeping on the cherry blossoms. Not wanting to startle her, his movements became even slower as he came closer.

Once he was in range, the smell of juniper berries and roman chamomile filled his senses. His eyes flashed a bright marigold color as soon as he caught a whiff of her scent. His wolf perked up, trying to race towards the woman but the human side wasn’t going down without a fight.

“What’s wrong with you?! You can’t just run up to her like a wild animal! She’ll freak out!” Dayo scolded, trying to hold back the wolf the best he could.

“But Dayo! She’s right there!” His wolf pleaded, trying to move closer but the latter had a hard grip on the wolf’s movements.

“Will you promise to go slow, not jump on her?” He questioned.

“Yes warden…” The wolf rolled his eyes.

Dayo smiled, loosening up control as he began to walk towards the woman. She slept peacefully under the cherry blossom tree, the petals on the ground acted as some sort of bed.

Dayo was starstruck. She looked beautiful sleeping under the tree. The sunlight that beamed through the tree turned pink as they passed through the petals, giving Dechen’s beautiful medium golden skin a light pink glow.

Her midnight blue, almost black, hair was flowing down her right shoulder while the rest flowed down her back. He couldn’t see her eyes, but he imagined they were just as beautiful as the rest of her.

His eyes glanced at her lips. He blushed slightly, wondering what it would be like to devour those delectable crimson lips. He scolded himself for such depraved thoughts.

She mewled softly, her body turning towards the hazelnut brown wolf. Pulling the wolf down, she snuggled close to his fur, nuzzling her face in it. “I don’t remember getting a stuffed animal this big…” She opened her eyes to see the wolf smile at her.

She quickly scooted away, kneeling beside the other side of the tree. “I-I’m sorry! I wasn’t expecting company. If I’d known you were coming I’d look more presentable.” She chuckled nervously, rushing to fix her hair.

Dayo morphed out of his wolf form, peeking over on her side of the tree. “You looked fine the way you were, ododo mi.”

She tilted her head. “What did you say?”

His mouth gaped open slightly. “Oh… that’s right… you don't understand Yoruba.”

“Yo...you what?” Dechen was even more confused.

“Yoruba.” The two sat under the cherry blossom tree side by side. “It’s the language me and the majority of my pack speak.”

“It sounds beautiful.” Dechen smiled, catching one of the flowers as they fell from the tree.

Dayo slowly took the flower from her hand, placing it in her hair. “Ododo mi.”

“What does that mean?”

“My flower.” Dayo translated, brushing back strands of her midnight blue hair.

“Hey! I caught the flower, wouldn’t it be my flower then?” She shot back, a sly smirk on her face.

Dayo chuckled, gazing into her midnight blue eyes. “I wasn’t calling the flower ododo mi. The flower doesn't belong to me or you – it belongs to nature. I called you my flower.”

Dechen blushed, looking away from Dayo. “Sh-shut up…”

“You have to learn how to take a compliment, ododo mi.” Dayo rested his head on her lap. At first, Dayo was shocked, not knowing what to do, but soon after, she began stroking his black hair.

Dayo smiled, a growl of approval and appreciation erupting from his chest. Her fingers were softer than clouds as she threaded them through his wavy black hair. She smiled widely. She didn’t know if the smile was from the fact she pleased Dayo, or that she pleased an alpha wolf in general.

Either way, she loved it.

“Tell me about yourself, ododo mi.” Dayo yawned slightly, something about her fingers in his hair slowly put him to sleep.

She stopped her fingers, contemplating what to tell him. Dayo growled softly. “Why’d you stop?” His voice forming into a soft whine.

“Sorry, just thinking.” Dechen muttered.

Dayo noticed the sadness in her eyes. Is something wrong, ododo mi?”

“My father… he means well, he just... wants me to have the love he and my mom share. He keeps setting me up on dates with men that aren’t my type.” Dechen explained, her fingers removing from his hair entirely.

“Tell me, ododo mi, what do you look for in a man?” He questioned, moving her hand back onto his head.

“Are you asking me questions so I can keep stroking your hair?” Dechen chuckled, stroking his hair again.

“Yes and no…” he purred, wrapping his arms around her waist, “I want to know about you and your fingers feel like heaven in my hair.”

“What do I look for in a man…?” She hummed softly. “I look for respect, kindness, and protection. Those are the three things I look for in a man. Someone that will respect my decisions and not question them. Someone who’ll treat me as their equal. Someone who won’t patronize me when I’m at my lowest. Someone who’ll hold me when I cry. Someone who’ll protect me when I need it.”

Dayo took a mental note of every word she said, making sure to never forget it. He turned to face her, stroking her cheek. “Ododo mi…” Her medium golden skin was so soft to the touch. “I hope you find someone who can satisfy your needs soon.”

He kissed her nose. ”You deserve everything you asked for, ododo mi…” He whispered softly in her ear, his fingers tracing her lips. “You deserve the world.”

“Ododo mi!” Dayo shouted, sprouting up from his bed in a cold sweat. His body shivered at the loss of her fingers in his hair. Just the thought of those sweet crimson toned lips made him spiral in a black hole of lust.

He sighed, falling back on his bed. He began to think back on how charming she looked sitting under that tree. So innocent… so pure… so beautiful.

Meanwhile, Dechen woke up – her body filled to the brim with an unimaginable heat. She mewled and groaned softly, trying to unravel herself from the blankets that covered her. She sat at the edge of her bed, her hands resting on her cheek as she breathed heavily.

It was at this moment, an important fact dawned on Dechen. “I never got his name…”

Across the world in Mexico, Salvador watched as his parents dined over food in his father's office.

Camila sat in Alfonzo’s lap, the Alpha feeding a chocolate covered strawberry to the Luna. Camila giggled, nibbling into the strawberry.

“Once again,” Salvador leaned at the door, “weird.”

“Why are you still awake? It’s 3am, Sal.” Alfonzo question, twirling strands of Camila’s honey brown hair in his fingers.

“Couldn’t sleep,” he sighed softly, fully entering the room, “what are you two still doing up?”

“I was trying to get this menso (stupid) to bed.” She slapped the back of his head slightly. “He’s been lounged over this computer screen keeping an eye on the infected wolves in quarantine since this afternoon.”

“How’s Tio y Tia (aunt and uncle) doing?” Salvador asked, walking up the monitor to see two wolves. The chiffon toned wolf seemed to be a tad bit more calmer than apricot toned wolf, but both were still raging.

“Your tia calmed down some… your tio isn’t getting any better.” His father sighed, looking down in shame. “This damn virus took my brother and his mate. As soon as we find out the wolf that started this, I’ll rip his head off!” He clawed his nails into the hardwood desk.

Camila placed her hand on top of his, smiling at Alfonzo softly. “I know you will, but before you go killing anyone, you need your sleep.”

Alonzo smiled back at her, moving his hand off the desk and around her waist. “Why are you always right, Hermosa (beautiful)?”

“If I’m not right, then you’ll always be wrong. We can’t have our alpha always be wrong now can we?” Camila smirked, wrapping her arms around Alfonzo’s neck. She giggled, placing a small peck on the Alpha’s lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Alfonzo picked her up, the two walking towards the bedroom.

“What was that?” Salvador abruptly asked.

Alfonzo turned to face him. “What do you mean, son?”

“That whole thing you and mom just did there. You two were so mushy-gushy you forgot I was even in the room!” Salvador exclaimed.

Camila and Alfonzo laughed. “It’s a mate thing.” They answered simultaneously.

“What?” Salvador was still confused.

“Sometimes, you love someone so much you forget other people are in the room – heck! Sometimes you’ll forget your even on earth! – All that matters is just being with them.” Camila explained, snuggling close to Alfonzo’s chest.

“I still don’t get it.” Salvador said, tilting his head slightly.

“You’re not supposed to understand it right now.” Alfonzo stroked Camila’s hair. “You’ll understand when you find our mate, but for now that’s the best way we can explain it to you.”

“Dad, I’m the only wolf in the pack that has metal rods in my legs to make sure the bones can stay aligned.” Salvador sighed, shaking his head. “Nobody is gonna wanna mate with a freak like me.”

“Don't say that,” Alfozo smiled up at his son. “You’re gonna find someone, I promise.”

“Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.” Salvador scoffed, waving goodbye to his parents before walking out.

Camila patted Alfonzo’s chest. “I’ll be right back.” She hopped down from her mate’s arms, walking into the hallway to catch up with her son.

“Salvador,” she walked up to him, wrapping her arms around him, “she’s coming.” She backed away, her arms still around him. “She’s trying to get to you as fast as she can, Salvador.”

Salvador hugged her back, burying his face in her shoulder. “I really needed that, mom… thanks…”

“Of course,” she stroked his hair, “when you find her, treat her right. What do I always tell you women hate in a guy?”

“Not being understanding.” Salvador replied.

“Not only that, but women hate when a man lacks respect for their woman. If you don’t respect her then she’ll leave you on the side of the road like yesterday’s garbage.” Camila stated, lifting her son’s head off her shoulder.

“Respect her, okay?” Her tone grew serious.

“Yes, mom. I promise I’ll respect her.” Salvador smiled, nodding at his mother.

“Good,” Camila patted his back, “get some sleep.” She winked at him. “Tonight should be pretty interesting~”

Salvador didn’t question her words and just laughed, walking back to his room as he climbed into bed. His eyes began to close as a single thought passed through his head.

She needs to get here soon... 

The smell of fresh summer trees made his eyes shoot open. He slowly sat up from the grass he was laying on. He looked around to see a beautiful summer forest.

He could feel his bare feet rustle around in the morning dew wet grass as he walked through the field. He didn’t know why he was here, but he could sense it was important.

From across the way he noticed a woman standing there, and when the two locked eyes, her eyes widened as she began running away.

“Hey! Wait!” Salvador called out, chasing after her.

Kalypso breathed heavily as she frequently checked behind her to see if the man was still chasing her. No… not again… She shook her head as she continued to run.

“I just want to talk!” Salvador called out.

Kalypso knew exactly what that meant. It was never talking… it was just yelling and wanting to kill her. Nobody ever wanted to talk to her… ever.

“Just calm down!” Salvador soon had enough, his wolf form came bursting out, catching up to Kalypso and soon tackling her.

The sable wolf pinned her to the ground, his paws pressing on her arms. He growled slightly, his brown eyes locking with her amber ones.

“I’m sorry!” She sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I’m sorry for burning down your pack! Do whatever you want… I deserve it!”

“What is she talking about?” Salvador questioned, morphing back into his human form. “Hey… hey… hey…” He sat up, sitting on his knees. “I don't want to hurt you… I just wanna talk.”

“T-Talk?” She stuttered, sitting up as the two knelt beside each other.

“Yes… talk.” He wiped her tears away. “Did you think I was gonna hurt you?”

“I’ve had dreams like these before… spirits of wolves who’s pack I burned…” She held her knees close to her chest. “They all wanted revenge… sometimes they’ll hit me or fight me… other times they’ll try to get pleasure from me…” She sniffled, her tears starting up again.

“Why do you let them do that to you?!” Salvador stood up in rage.

Kalypso whimpered. Salvador sighed, sitting back down beside her. “Mi reina… why do you let them do that to you?”

“I deserve it…” Kalypso frowned, burying her face in her knees. “I burned down so many packs with my last coven I deserve the punishment they give me.”

“No you don't!” Salvador gripped her shoulders tightly. “Nobody deserves to suffer every time they want sleep! You shouldn’t let them do that! Explain to them you’re good now!”

“What’s the point… every time I say I’m sorry it makes things worse…” Kalypso sobbed, clenching the skin in her lower thighs. leaving more scars then there already were.

“Stop that!” Salvador cupped her hands. “You already have enough pain… don’t cause yourself more!” He kissed her hands. “Please… I’m begging you… don't let them do this to you… you’re a powerful witch. Use some of that beautiful magic of yours to stand up for yourself.”

Kalypso shook her head. “This is how the gods and goddesses want me to repay my sins… by having every wolf from every wolf pack that I’ve burned down exact their revenge on me… if this is my punishment then I’ll gladly accept it…”

“What is your problem?!” Salvador shook her back and forth. “You need to stand up for yourself in here! Tell them that you’ve changed! Show them that you’ve changed!”

“Why do you care? Why are you even here?!” Kalypso scooted away from him.

“I think I’m here to help you,” Salvador scooted closer, “maybe that’s why the gods and goddesses but me in your dreams,” he stroked her cheek, “to protect you.”

“I don't need protecting…” Kalypso muttered.

“Will you stop being stubborn?!” Salvador scolded, shaking her again. “I’m trying to help!”

“Look, I don’t need your help-” Before she could finish, a loud roar pierced through the forest.

Kalypso's eyes widened, she slowly stood up, her knees wobbling. “go away… you won’t want to see this…”

“What are you talking about? What was that?” Salvador questioned, standing beside Kalypso.

“I need you to leave…” Kalypso tried to push him away but Salvador wasn’t moving an inch.

As the roars got louder, Salvador stood his ground. “I’m not leaving you!” Out of the corner of his eye he could see a large brown wolf hurtling towards them.

Salvador’s mind went blank, a single thought passed through his mind.


Out came springing the sable wolf from Salvador. He snarled at the brown wolf. “Back… off… she’s mine!” He snapped, chasing the wolf away.

He walked back towards Kalypso, morphing back into his human form. “I told you,” He cupped her face. “I’m here to help you… Mi reina (my queen).” He kissed her forehead, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She wrapped her arms around him, inhaling his scent of white fir and sandalwood. “You didn’t have to do that…”

“Mi reina, (my queen),” he lifted up her chin, “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” He explained, his eyes flashing a lilac color as he inhaled a whiff of her smell of bergamot and manuka.

He moved strands of her sunset orange hair behind her ear. “It’s okay to be saved sometimes… even Superwoman takes the day off.”

“Thank you…” Kalypso sniffled, nodding slightly, the two began walking side by side. Their fingers intertwined with each other.

“Mi reina,” he kissed her hand, “you don’t need to be strong right now… that’s what I’m here for.”

“WOAH!” He yelled, his eyes bursting open as he fell off the bed. He breathed heavily. “Dammit… I never got her name.”

A knock from the door made Salvador look towards it, hoping it was the woman in his dream. He soon frowned when his mother walked in.

“Have a nice dream?” Camila smirked slyly, leaning against the doorway.

“Yeah… it was really nice.” Salvador smiled, getting up off the floor.

“I told you, all you needed to do was wait.” Camila winked. “I’m sure you’ll see her soon.”

Salvador nodded, pulling the covers over him. “Thanks mom… she’s… wonderful.”

“I’m sure she is.” Camila smiled. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

Meanwhile, in Australia, Piper yawned and stretched her arms over her head as she crawled into bed when a cold shiver ran over her body.

She shivered and quickly rushed to her closet, pulling out a hoodie that said MINE on it with big pink letters. Warmth traveled over her body as she slid it on. She sighed in delight. He always knew how to warm me up… she fell back down to bed, her fingers running over the hoodie.

Her eyes slowly began to close as the warmth of the hoodie flooded her body.

The cool crisp autumn air made her eyes shoot open as her feet rustled in the fall leaves. She laughed softly. Fall was always his favorite season… her smile soon turned into a frown as she recounted found memories of her best friend.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when a being of black fog could be seen ahead. She squinted slightly, leaning forward to get a better look at the figure.

Her eyes widened with tears as the figure became clearer. “Kirkland!!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, running towards the man in question.

Kirkland turned around to see Piper running towards him with open arms. As happy as he was to see Piper again, he glanced down at his hands – the dark power radiating off them was intoxicating and not in the good way.

As Piper got closer, Kirkland shook his head rapidly having his hand up in defense. “No! No! No! No!” He shouted, trying to keep Piper away, but his attempt was futile.

“Kirkland!” She cheered, tackling him in a hug. “I missed you!”

“Piper! You gotta let go! I’m infected!” Kirkland warned her. Piper shook her head.

“I don’t care,” she smiled up at him, “I haven’t seen you in ages! Where have you been? Why did you leave?!”

One look in her green eyes sent him tumbling down a hill of libado and love. He hugged her back. “I missed you too, Pipey.”

Piper watched as the black fog split away when she touched Kirkland. She smiled, pulling him down to the ground, wrapping her body around him. “I missed you… so much Kirkland.”

Kirkland didn’t know what to say. The woman he loves was near centimeters away from him. He stroked her cheek, her skin was always so warm to the touch. She mewled, her body shifting slightly at his touch.

Kirkland smirked, his fingers tracing along her jaw and neck. She whined, her back arching as his touches became lower. “You like that, Pipey~” He purred in her ear.

“You know I do…” Piper pouted, folding her arms over her chest like an upset child. “Don't think your kisses will make me not upset with you.”

“Wait a minute,” Kirkland gave her a questionable look, “you’re mad at me? Weren’t you the one who just ran up and hugged me a few seconds ago?”

“Yes, but that decision was made in the heat of the moment! I’m still mad at you for leaving me… do you know how many years it’s been since we attempted to mate that night?” Piper looked away from Kirkland.

“A long time,” he turned her face back towards her, “and I'm sorry. I wanted to mark you – I still do now… but I couldn’t and still can't…”

“Why not?!” She whined, her lips forming into a pout.

“Look at me, Piper!” He stood up. Piper scooted back a little, taking in Kirkland’s appearance. The dark fog made it hard for her to see the man she longed for. “Piper, I’m infected. You don’t want to be with me right now.”

Piper stood up, her hand stroking his cheek as the darkness spread at her touch. “You can have a hundred diseases and I won't stop loving you.” Her lips softly grazed his. “I want you to have me… right here…” Her tongue traced along his lips. “Right now…”

As tempting as the offer was, Kirkland shook his head. “You’re not thinking straight, Piper, you don’t need someone like me right now…”

“I’m thinking clearly alright,” she pulled him in close, “I want you now.”

Kirkland gulped slightly. She was so hot when she was possessive. He shook the thought out of his head. “N-no!” He pushed her away. “You deserve better – you need better.”

“Fine,” she sighed, rolling her eyes as she began to walk away, “I guess I’ll just ask one of the other betas in my pack to satisfy my needs.”

Kirkland growled, backing her against one of the trees. “If anyone is going to satisfy you, it’s gonna be me.”

“Didn’t you just reject me when I tried to make a move moments ago?” Piper smirked slyly.

“Yes, but you aren’t going to some other beta to get your pleasure,” he leaned in, his growl vibrating from his chest, “you know only I can give you the pleasure that can send you higher than the clouds.”

“Then do it.” She challenged.

“What?” Kirkland was taken aback.

“Take me to the clouds and never bring me down.” Piper wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in close.

Kirkland’s mind was in such a fog of liabdio and lust he leaned in to kiss her only to be met with the cold bark of the tree.

Piper shot up from her bed. She growled, punching the wall in anger and leaving a noticeable dent. She removed her fist from the wall, watching as blood dripped from her knuckles. Piper fell back on her bed, clutching the fabric of her hoodie tightly.

Mark or no mark… Her fingers traced over the wording on the hoodie. I’ll always be yours, Kirkland.


Sooo. Topping at wooping 6115, this is the longest chapter Wereology might have. Like I will never, and I mean EVER, make a chapter that is more than this.

Anyways! What did you think? Aren't they so cute already?! Like I love Valentin and Dalaja!

Oh! Let's also address the huge elephant in the room. Kirkland, yes the Kirkland, actually had someone who liked him! And it wasn't one sided like Celaneo! That's huge!

This is just the start of the new arc! Wait till we get deeper into it! It's gonna be awesome!!

Till Wednesday! Stay safe everyone

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