№26|Care For A Doughnut?

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№26|Care For A Doughnut?
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Dayo stood at the doorway of Dechen’s room, hesitant to knock on the door. His cousin, Enolia, patted his shoulder. “Stop being a wuss and talk to her!”

“What if she doesn't want to talk to me?” Dayo gulped.

“Did you see how she reacted when she saw you? She looked like she was about to jump your bones!” Naade laughed, ruffling Dayo’s hair.

“Why don’t you two just go to lunch? Start small.” Enolia suggested. Naade’s arm slung over his shoulder.

“Start small,” Dayo muttered, knocking on the door, “okay… I can do this.”

Dechen walked out of the bathroom, grabbing her kimono before answering the door. She smiled at the wolf. “Hello Da-Dayo. Is there anything I can do for you today?”

Dayo scanned her up and down with his eyes. She wore a beautiful red silk kimono with doves on it. “I-I-I… um…” He stammered.

Enolia slapped him upside the head, stopping his stuttering. “Will you join me for lunch today? I heard there’s a nice little cafe here.”

Dechen blushed, nodding quickly. “Sure!” She cheered. “Let me just get dressed and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

With that, Dechen closed the door and did a little happy dance before beginning to get dressed. Dayo smiled widely, knowing she was celebrating – as was he.

“Have fun, cousin!” Enolia called out, walking off with her mate.


Barron walked into his office to see Medusa on the phone with someone.

“Oh, Julio, you’re so funny.” She laughed, propping her legs up on the desk. “I’m glad you’ve decided to participate in my study.”

“Of course,” Julio smirked slightly, “I would do anything for a cute scientist like you.”

Medusa blushed, twirling her hair in her fingers. “Oh shut up.” Her snakes hissed at the man on the phone. “Babies! Stop that! Mama’s on the phone!”

“Are those the snakes?” Julio asked, chuckling slightly.

“Yes,” Medusa tapped her snake’s noses, “sometimes they hiss at new people they don’t like.”

“Well, you like me, don't you?” Julio asked.

Medusa nodded. “Of course,” she smiled slightly, “you seem like an amazing person.”

“Why thank you, Medusa.” Julio vice grew sly.

Barron growled slightly causing Julio to smirk. “Is this that the wolf you’re mated to?”

“Yes.” Barron spoke up, his voice growing deep and gruff. He marched over to Medusa and snatched the phone. ”This Julio?”

“Pleasure to meet you, Barron.” Julio chuckled. “I must say your mate is very beautiful, her profile pic on the dating site is very tasteful.”

“Let’s make something clear, buddy.” Barron clenched the phone in his hands. “At the end of the day I was the one who marked her, I’m the one who gets to go home with her, I’m the one she loves.”

“For now.” Julio chuckled slyly. “One date can change a lot. She’s not going to love you forever, Barron.”

With that, the phone crushed in Barron’s hands. Medusa jumped up. “Barron! What did you do?!”

Wolfie whimpered. “I’m sorry, Luna! He pissed us off!”

Barron gulped, sighing softly. “Sorry…”

Medusa sighed, shaking her head. “It’s alright. Barron, Wolfie... did he say something?”

“He said that one date can change a lot… that you won’t be mine forever.” Barron frowned slightly.

Medusa chuckled, lifting up his head. “Julio’s stupid... I’m yours forever.”

“Promise?” Barron muttered.

“Promise. It’s just one date and we’ll never have to deal with him ever again.” Medusa assured him.


Montego stood at the doorway of the potions room, glaring at Oliver who sat on the other side of the room. The two watched as their fairies laughed and mixed potions.

“He did not!” Chelia laughed, pouring dragon scales into the mix.

“He did! I swear Olly laughed so hard he fell down the stairs!” Giselle chuckled, mixing the potion.

Chelia looked up at the two wolves who occasionally growled at each other. “Can you stop? Why can’t you get along like me and Giselle do?”

Montego glared at Oliver, growling deeply as he walked over to Chelia and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her in close, growling at Oliver. “Mine.” He muttered deeply.

“Montego, I don’t think that’s what she meant-” before she could continue, Oliver grabbed Giselle, pulling her in close.

“Mine.” He growled back.

“For the sake of the gods!” Chelia and Giselle groaned in annoyance, escaping the wolves grasp. “You two need to get along!”

“We don’t technically need to, you just want us to.” Oliver pointed out. Giselle glared at him.

“Play nice or it’s celibacy for you.” She ordered, pulling him down by his collar. “Got that?”

“Ye-Yes, Luna.” Oliver gulped.

“Whipped.” Montego scoffed.

“What are you laughing at?” Chelia glared at him. “The same goes for you, unless you play nice with Oliver. All of this,” she ran her fingers up and down her body, “is off limits.”

The men sighed, looking at their mates. They knew they weren’t ones for bluffing, especially on matters like these.

“Fine.” Oliver and Montego groaned, giving the other a lingering glare.

“Thank you.” Chelia and Giselle kissed their mates' cheeks. “Giselle and I are gonna walk around the pack a little. You are welcome to join us.”

Chelia turned around, winking at the two wolves. “That is… if you behave of course.”

Montego and Oliver groaned again, following their mates outside. While they didn’t like the fact they had to see more of the other wolf, the bright smiles on their mates’ faces made it all worth it.


Kirkland paced back and forth in his box. He hadn’t seen Piper in days, and he began to grow worried. “You don’t think something bad happened to her right?” Kirkland nervously bit his fingernails.

“Of course not. Our mate is strong. She can handle herself.” His wolf assured him. “You need to stop worrying. Your endorphin levels are starting to drop, and if they get low enough-”

“...the virus will activate again, I know, I know.” Kirkland finished for him, his body still relentless. “What if something happened to her? Dammit why can’t I think straight when she isn’t here?!”

“Welcome to the life of the mated, Kirkland.” Malakai strode to the box and leaned against the doorway.

“What would you know? You’re not a wolf.” Kirkland scoffed.

“Don’t be rude! After all we did to him and Vanessa we have no right to be rude!” His wolf scolded.

Kirkland sighed, nodding slightly. His wolf was right – he was always right – but Kirkland would never admit it.

“I may not be a wolf, but Vanessa tells me when I go into Ardglass for work, she has a hard time thinking straight.” Malakai explained, walking close to Kirkland. “She says her mind begins to fog up and her wolf gets restless. Apparently Vanessa’s wolf doesn't like me being away from her for too long, and when her wolf gets antsy, so does Vanessa.”

“But I’m not Vanessa…” Kirkland muttered.

“I know you’re not,” the warlock examined Kirkland, giving him a judging glare as his eyes quickly scanned him, “she’s way hotter.”

“Ha ha.” Kirkland laughed sarcastically. “Mind telling me why you're here?”

“To help you with your little virus problem.” Malakai pulled out a tupperware with a strawberry doughnut inside. He used his magic to phase it through the box and land into Kirkland’s hands.

“A doughnut?” Kirkland looked up at him suspiciously.

“It’s a special doughnut.” Malakai winked. “I made these for Vanessa when I went away on a business trip to India a few weeks ago.”

“How is a doughnut supposed to help me?” Kirkland examined the pastry, his eyes then glancing back at Malakai’s hazel orbs.

“It helps with the worry, and it also keeps your endorphins up.” Malakai explained.

“How?” Kirkland questioned.

“Will you just eat the damn doughnut?!” The warlock scolded.

“Sheesh! I’m eating! I’m eating!” Kirkland groaned, taking a bite. Once swallowed, his eyes began to glow a bright yellow.

His eyes shot open, and he began feeling around. The first thing his hands recognized was the rough texture of wheat growing from the earth. He stood up looking around to see Werewolves casually hanging about along the wheat field.

“Where are you my little aussie?”

Kirkland’s eyes widened at the voice – it was his, yet it sounds younger. Kirkland rushed towards the voice to see 15 year old Kirkland make his way through tall wheat that steamed from the earth.

His head quickly turned towards the left as the rustling of the plants caught his attention. The delectable smell of grapefruit and spearmint flooding his senses.

“There you are!” Kirkland tackled the other 15 year old to the ground, gazing lovingly into her green orbs.

She giggled, slapping Kirkland’s chest playfully. “Why do you have to find me so quickly? Can’t you just drag it out once?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Young Kirkland laughed, brushing strands of her hair behind her ear.

“Is that what this was? A fun chase?” Piper pouted, looking away from Kirkland.

“Honey,” Kirkland placed a small peck on her nose, “since the day I arrived at the compound, everyday has been a chase to get to you.”

“I’m so happy your pack and mine did a trade.” Piper wrapped her arms around him.

“Honey,” Kirkland rested his head on her’s, “this trade was the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me.”

With that, the scene faded to white, soon fading into another scene.

“Kirkland! Stop it! You big pervert!” That’s when it hit him like a ton of bricks. Her adorable giggle made him instantly remember where – and when – he was.

This was the night of the Full Moon. It was right before the mating began, and when barely 21 year old Piper and Kirkland couldn’t wait to begin their mating.

“Gods, Pipey you taste so good…” Kirkland purred against her neck, taking in her delectable taste of grapefruit and spearmint. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

Kirkland watched as his younger self poured his entire being into the she wolf beneath him. He smiled softly. “I was so innocent back then… so naive to the problems of the world. To the problems we’d both soon face…”

The younger Piper shook her head. “N-no… but can you show me?” She whispered softly, her fingers tracing up his chest.

“You really want me to show you?” Kirkland whispered in her ear, nibbling at her earlobe slightly.

“Ye-Yes!” She gasped loudly as Kirkland fingers wrapped themselves around her ample breast.

“Piper,” he called out her name teasingly slow, making sure to express every letter of her beautiful name. She mewled softly as his hot tongue pressed against her pulse point.

She could feel his wolf ready to burst out at any moment. She could feel the pent up desire finally being released between the two of them as they shared this blissful moment in ecstasy.

Before his K-9’s could sink into her soft skin. Kirkland felt a tick set off in his brain.

“Get back to the pack, now.” His alpha demanded.

“Now?” Kirkland mentally groaned, halting his movements on the woman.

“Yes now.” Alpha's voice grew gruff.

“But… she-” Kirkland began, but the Alpha growled deeply.

“That wasn’t a request.” Alpha snarled.

Kirkland gazed into her green eyes, feeling his heart break as he backed away from Piper. “I-I ha-have to go…”

“What?” Piper sat up slowly.

“I have to go…” Kirkland muttered.

“Wai-Wait!” Piper grabbed his wrist. “If I did something wrong please tell me… you just can’t do this to me without an explanation…”

“You don’t have time to explain, just go!” Alpha scolded.

“Piper…” Kirkland held her hands in his. “You did nothing wrong… I promise you… I just need to go.”

Piper held him close. “Yo-you’re not allowed to leave!” She sobbed into his back.

“Pippy,” Kirkland kissed her lips, tasting her grapefruit and spearmint taste. “Never forget me.”

With that, Kirkland woke up, leaning up against the wall of the box. Tears started streaming down his face. “Take your damn doughnuts!” He threw the doughnut at Malakai, bouncing it off the wall.


“What’s wrong with you?! Did you think that would help me?! Seeing the day I left the woman I love?!” Kirkland felt tears trickled down his cheeks. He scrunched up his fists. “Was this some sort of joke?! Did you think it was funny seeing how weak I am?!”

“Kirkland, I don’t-”

“Shut up!” Kirkland wiped his tears. “I don’t need your pity! I don’t need any of this! Right now I just need...” he slowly glanced up, locking eyes with Piper, “you.”

Piper smiled softly. “I need you too, Kirk.” She chuckled, entering the box to wrap her arms around Kirkland.

Malakai watched as the endorphin levels in Kirkland rose. Kirkland wrapped his arms around her, burying his face into her shoulder. “I missed you…” He muttered softly, though loud enough for only her to hear.

Piper chuckled, lowering to the floor with Kirkland still in her arms. “I missed you too, but it was only a couple of days.”

“I know… it’s just… knowing that you’re here… unmarked… and I can’t be with you is driving me insane.” Kirkland whimpered, curling up in her lap.

“Trust me… I haven’t been with anyone. All I’ve been doing is going to meetings about the virus all week. It’s a little awkward when they’re analyzing the man you love for every little trace of the virus and it’s symptoms.” Piper chuckled, running his fingers through his hair.

“You love me?” Kirkland gazed into her green eyes.

“Of course I do, idiot.” Piper kissed his forehead. “Was I mad the day you left me on the Full Moon? Of course, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still love you.” Piper placed a small peck on his lips. “No matter what, I’ll always love you. My handsome American Wolf.”

“I love you too, my little Aussie.” Kirkland smiled, listening to the sound of her beautiful heart thump deep within her chest.


Heyy!! Its Wednesday and that means it's update day!! I know you all have been waiting for an update so here it is!

Also, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I hope you all eat ur turkey and such!

So, what did you think of the chapter? Isn't it really shitty about what happened with Kirkland and Piper. I feel bad for poor Kirkland.

Anyways! I'll see y'all on Friday so have a happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!

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