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Max trudged along the familiar path to school, his mind filled with a mixture of excitement and unease. The autumn air was crisp, and golden leaves rustled underfoot as he made his way through the quiet suburban streets. But something felt off. Max couldn't quite put his finger on it, but a sense of sickness gnawed at his insides, leaving him unsettled.

Unbeknownst to Max, a dramatic event had unfolded the night before, one that would forever alter the course of his life. As the moon reached its zenith, he had undergone a mysterious transformation, becoming a creature of myth and legend—a werewolf. Max had no memory of the events that transpired under the moonlit sky, but the consequences of his transformation were beginning to surface.

His pace slowed, and he glanced around, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.

As he neared the school, Max noticed a commotion at the local arcade. Flashing police lights illuminated the area as officers meticulously examined the surroundings. Curiosity piqued, Max approached cautiously, joining the growing crowd of onlookers.

Whispers and murmurs circulated among the crowd, conveying the news of a vicious attack that had occurred the previous night. Max's heart skipped a beat as he overheard details of two men who had been assaulted, seemingly by some unknown assailant. A chill ran down his spine as he considered the possibility that he might be connected to the incident in some way.

As the police continued their investigation at the arcade, a conversation between two officers caught Max's attention. Their discussion centered around the nature of the attack, and one officer put forth a theory.

"You know," Officer Johnson said, scratching his head, "this attack almost seems like it was carried out by some kind of wolf."

Officer Thompson, who had been examining the surroundings, turned to face Johnson with a skeptical expression. "A wolf? Come on, Johnson. What kind of wolf stands on its hind legs and attacks people like that? That's just absurd."

Chief Captain Miller, who had been observing the conversation from a distance, stepped forward, his authoritative voice carrying through the crowd. "Gentlemen, let's stick to facts and plausible explanations. We need to consider all possibilities, but jumping to conclusions without evidence won't help us solve this case."

Max listened intently, the conversation igniting his curiosity even further. The notion of a wolf attack seemed outlandish, yet there was an undeniable connection between the incident and his own mysterious sickness. He couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, he was involved.

Trying to shake off the rising anxiety, Max pushed forward, his desire for answers overpowering his fear. He approached a police officer who appeared to be leading the investigation and politely inquired about the attack.

"Excuse me, officer," Max began, his voice trembling slightly. "I couldn't help but overhear about the attack. Is there anything I can do to help?"

The officer glanced at Max, studying him for a moment before responding. "Well, we're still piecing together what happened, but any information could be valuable. Did you happen to witness anything out of the ordinary last night?"

Max wracked his brain, desperately trying to recall any fragment of memory from the previous evening. But everything seemed hazy and blurred, as though a thick fog had enveloped his mind. He shook his head in disappointment, unable to provide any useful information.

"I'm sorry, officer," Max admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "I don't remember anything from last night. But if there's anything I can do to assist, please let me know."

The officer nodded sympathetically, understanding the limits of Max's recollection. "Thank you for your willingness to help. We'll continue investigating, and if anything comes up, we may reach out to you. In the meantime, be cautious and report any unusual occurrences."

Max thanked the officer and continued on his way to school, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions clouding his mind. What could have happened last night? Why couldn't he remember? And most importantly, was there a connection between his sickness and the attack?

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