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Tanya's POV

After the evening chat with Dalia and Abigail, I was in my and Dante's room with a book in my hand. I could hardly concentrate on the story of Romeo and Juliet as my mind was occupied with questions.

Questions about who I really was and why I was chosen to be Dante's mate, the most feared Alpha in the whole of the werewolf world. Dalia somehow, along the line let it slip that I was in no way a normal human. It was revealed that the moon goddess had seen something in me.

It was either that or I was chosen for a purpose. A purpose that no one knew about and which hopefully would be revealed with time. Because of the thoughts swarming in my head, I decided to skip dinner.

Another reason for doing that was because I didn't want to face Dante yet, hopefully, when he'd return I'd be fast asleep hence he loved the game of not speaking to his mate except when necessary.

Sadly as if my mind summoned him, I heed a noise coming from the door, and seconds after the devil himself materialized in all his handsome glory. There was an unquestionable power in the way he walked and swayed those broad shoulders.

His face stoic and jaw sharp, he stopped at the end of the bed and gawked at me. Commanded by his stare I unhurriedly lowered the book I wasn't even reading to my lap and watched him as he unbuttoned his linen black long-sleeved shirt tucked into matching black slacks.

I struggled to remain unfazed by his bare chest and distinguished eight-pack as he slowly let the shirt loose from below his waist and dumped it on the side of his bed, his defined muscles rippling by the action.

"You weren't at dinner," he later spoke as I discreetly gulped, the sight of his bare upper half proving too much for my senses.

"And you are supposed to still be there, it's just-" I gazed at the clock and took the opportunity to shut my eyes for a millisecond to recollect my thoughts before I swerved back to him. "8:06 pm, or don't you have pressing matters to discuss with your Beta after eating?"

"I do," he answered in that deep voice of his and sauntered to my left, prompting my vision to follow his movements as he unhooked the Rolex from his wrist. "But I was ordered to leave."

"By your sister?" I lifted a brow knowing no one else was allowed to tell him what to do.

"Yes," he affirmed, and tilted his head to gape at me, provoking the earring he had on to glisten as it met with the light from the chandelier.

"She's a smart woman," I said when my suspicion was confirmed.

"So I've been told." He bobbed his head and trudged in the path of the bathroom, letting loose his belt. "Don't fall asleep, I'll be back in moments."

He closed the door after that and so I tried to return my focus to the book in my hand. Hopefully, I did and was getting into the story when he emerged. I was so immersed in it that I didn't look up which was partly my doing thus I knew I'd lose it if I caught sight of him in a towel.

"You can remove that book now, I'm decent," he announced, and I did as I was told to see him in grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips.

"How did you know?" I asked baffled.

"You were blushing." He smirked, his eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't place.

"Oh." I giggled shyly and looked away when he advanced towards the bed.

"Don't, I want to see you," he uttered and hooked his hand below my jaw, and turned my face to him, my breath hitching at the innocent touch. "That's better." He smiled as he sat down.

"H-how was your day?" I quizzed, trying to make conversation as the temperature in the room seemed to have risen.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, I had a meeting with the elders," he answered honestly which surprised me as I expected him to lie and keep that information away from me. "Also I'm considering dismissing Arthur from the group, the old fool happens to be getting ahead of himself and forgetting who's in charge here."

"Okay." I nodded, folding my arms. This provoked his eyes to divert to my breasts as the action appeared to have made them strain on the nude fabric of my gown.

"How about you?" He asked after clearing his throat and switching his interest back to my face, or specifically my lips. "A little birdie told me you were seen running down the stairs and hall."

"A little birdie is a small word to describe the number of eyes that pursued me out of the building," I said with a laugh recalling the ordeal. I'm certain the whole pack should be buzzing with that news by now."

"Don't you think that was a bad idea?" He implored and I couldn't stop the glare I directed at him. "I'm not against you having fun, but you could have gotten hurt."

"Well I didn't," I gritted, getting annoyed. "And stop treating me like a child."

"Where did that come from?" He frowned. "I have never called you a child."

"Yes you haven't, however you treat me like one," I insisted and sat up straighter so our faces were aligned as I went on. "You don't let me step out on my own, you don't let me do things aside from my personal duties, so tell me, are you afraid I would break something?"

"You know that's not the case," he sighed and rubbed his nose. "This is my way of protecting you and it's not you I don't trust, it's the pack members. Some of them are not happy about you being a human as they think it'll put the pack at risk."

"Still that isn't enough reason to keep me locked up," I argued not allowing myself to get distracted by the sharp angles of his face. "Heck, you aren't even around to keep me company."

"About that." He scratched his hair and I nudged away the idea that he might be nervous. "I'm sorry."

"Are you apologizing?" I couldn't conceal my disbelief.

"Yes, and this is something I rarely do so don't make this hard for me," he groaned avoiding eye contact. "I understand where you are coming from. You had a life that I took you away from so the least I can do to help is by giving you a new one."

A grin split my face in half and I was certain I appeared like a crazy woman by the expression on Dante's face as he said "you look weird."

"I can't help it," I chuckled. "The big bad Alpha, Dante Diego Domino apologized. Wait till the whole pack hears this."

"Tanya," he called in a husky voice and I went still thus it had been a while since I'd heard him say my name.

"Hmm?" I managed to hum.

"This never leaves this room, got it?" He eyed me with those deep pools of grey.

"Got it." I gulped at the intensity in his orbs.

"Now tell me about yourself," he invited and tapped the space between us. "But first come here."

I mutely obeyed, compelled by his commanding stare, a gasp leaving my lips as he pulled me on his lap such that I was facing him. We were fixed to each other in a way that I could feel his steel manhood below my ass.

"I thought you knew everything," I said in a murmur, my voice deserting me at our proximity.

"A wise woman once said you can never know everything about someone except if they let you," he answered, crunching his face as if trying to remember the exact words.

"And this wise woman was your sister?" I asked again.

"Yes," he clarified without question.

"She would have made a great Luna," I mused and at the look on his face I bellowed out a laugh. "No no, I didn't mean it that way."

"Good because I don't want to have that image in my head ever again," he shivered and shook his head.

"I meant the Luna of another pack, she's intelligent," I explained and we both knew it was the truth.

"She is," he agreed and intertwined his fingers behind my back, trapping me in his arms and pulling me closer to his chest. "Sadly, she's mated to my bestfriend and together they torture me."

"But you are the Alpha, no one can torture you," I spoke feeling the strength radiating off him.

"Yes, rather they are the only people who can and get away with it," he said and shifted his arms to clutch my waist. "And now you."

"How?" I queried in confusion. "I don't torture you."

"Darling, you have no idea what you do to me," he dipped his head to my ear to whisper. "Barely looking at you without touching you is torture. Why do you think I stay away from you the whole day?"

"You don't want to touch me?" I asked sounding sad.

"I do, but touching you might lead to something you aren't ready for." He kissed his way down to my neck where he left love bites.

"What if I tell you I'm ready?" I suggested.

"I'll know when you are," his words vibrated on my collarbone provoking a shudder. "Now, I might destroy you."

"You sound as if you think I'm a virgin," I mumbled, my brain not in good working order by the onslaught of his lips.

"Don't remind me," he growled, his grip on my midriff tightening and causing a pleasurable pain to seep into my head. "It's crazy enough knowing someone had had what is mine, I don't need to be reminded of it."

"Then make me forget about them," I declared testing his resolve.

"In due time," he asserted, his mouth climbing to my face as his palm went to circle my neck and tugged my face to him. "But now I'll take what I can."

His lips descended on mine in a rough manner that had me gasping and granted his tongue leverage to meet mine in a hot erotic dance. His grasp on my neck kept me in place as he gnawed on my lower lip, licking and sucking whatever I could give him.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he lifted me to allow his other palm to grip my ass and give it a squeeze. I was losing oxygen but he seemed not to care as he kissed me with all feverity as if I would disappear as if he'd waited a long time to do this which in truth he had. A century was a long time to wait.

In case you love teenfiction romance or want to occupy your time till the next update, you can breeze into my other book
'Ignorance Is Bliss' it's a typical bad boy romance and I'm certain you'd love it.

Till next time,


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