SS: Part 1

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Part: 1


Y/N was led to a room upstairs.

Gruncle Stan didn't lead her to the attic . . .that was dipper's own room now.

She was now led to a spare room .

He opened it and it showed a very girly room.

On the left of the door was a bed covered with pinks sheets and some light blue pillows with stuff toys around. On the foot of the bed was a trunk, and on top of it was a grappling hook.

The bathroom door flew open, walking out of it was mabel putting on her sweater.

On her sweater was a shooting star on the pink background. She was also wearing a light purple floaty skirt, paired with flat brown boots that was just above the ankles.

She has great style, maybe we
could be friends.

Thought y/n.

But she remembered that she shouldn't stick close, she doesn't want the incident to happen . . . again.

"Hi I'm Mabel! I love your sweater! Where'd you get it? Do you like glitter? How about animals? I love them both equally! Want to meet my pet pig?! And it looks like you already met my gruncle stan!" Mabel said with great enthusiasm and showing that she really wants to meet her.

"Hi mabel I'm y/n, y/n l/n. This isn't a sweater, it's a sweat shirt from forever 17. I also like glitter and cute animals and . . . You have a pet pig?" Y/n said with less enthusiasm but showing interest.

"Yup! His name is waddles wanna meet him?" Mabel said.

Y/n didn't have time to say her response since she was just dragged to the other side of the room.

The bed right beside the bathroom door that separates them both, was covered in pink sheets and pale yellow pillows. There was a brown teddy bear on the side and a turquoise colored heart pillow on the other side.

On top of the bed was a medium sized pig-around 15 pounds-lying on its back and looking at the two with its signature cute face.

"This is waddles! And this is also your bed" Mabel said giving the pig a belly rub.

"Alright, y/n right? Yeah. Here's your stuff and this is your room. I was talking to your dad and he tells me you're rebellious, so your curfew is at 7pm and you get to go outside 8:30am alright? Or else your grounded for a week, got it?" Stanley said.

"Okay, gruncle stan" y/n said looking obedient.

Wow . . .she picks up gruncle fast.

Gruncle stan thought looking at her.

"Alright my brakes over time to start up tours! And you two" Stanley pointed at the two girls. "Soos is gonna take care of ya"

That was the last words he said before exiting the white painted room.

Right after that soos came in and said,

"Yo what's up hambones, I'm soos by the way"

He reached out his hand for a handshake.

"Hello soos I'm y/n nice to meet you" y/n said shaking his hand.

After the shaking of hands.

Soos said,

"Hey wanna watch some ducktective? They gave a huge cliffhanger."

"Yeah!" Mabel said leading the duo downstairs.

"What's ducktective?" Y/n said looking confused.

A duck that is a detective? . . .sounds interesting . . . Yet stupid!

Y/n rudely talked in her head.

"You.have to watch it! Come!"Mabel said leading them faster downstairs.

Down stairs, there was a small tv. A yellow recliner that could probably fit two, What seems to be a dinosaur skull, an aquarium with a lobster in it and a table with chairs at the far side of the living room.

On the table were two men-I mean a boy and an old man-was playing a board game.

It was Dipper and Gruncle Ford playing dungeons,dungeons and more dungeons.

And beside the board game's box there was a smaller plastic box-like a wedding rings box.

"Guys look y/n is here!" Mabel said, sitting on the recliner.

Y/n followed her and sat beside her while soos sat on the skull.

When the tv was on the channel that's when the two males noticed the three.

"Oh greetings y/n ,I'm your gruncle stanford" he said, abandoning the game and walking towards her for a handshake.

He fell on one knee and reached out his 6 fingered hand.

Woah! 6 fingers! . . .weird

Y/n said in her head.

"Greetings too! *giggles* I'm y/n!"
Y/n said admiring the man's weirdness.

She then walked to the boy who was concentrating at the board game.

She cleared her throat to get his attention.

It worked, the boy stared at her for a good 15 seconds, was that the look of shock or admiration?

"H-Hi I'm Dipper" Dipper said reaching his hand for a shake.

Was that hesitation?

"Hello Dipper my name's y/n"

He blushed a bit.

Probably from embarrassment . . . He does look like a shy person . . .

Y/n thought.

"You two look alike are you-" y/n was cut off by Mabel saying,

"Yup we're twins and proud of it!~"

Well . . . they are adorable twins

Y/n said in her head, in fear of making the male twin redder than he already is.

This is gonna be a great summer!

Y/n said again in her head.

"quack . . .quack, quack, quack!"

Laughter then was heard.

"This! . . . Is ducktective!" Mabel said, pointing at the tv.


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I make chapters longer than this!

So what do you guys think?


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