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No, don't worry I'm not going to upload this book on any other app, this is exclusive for only wattpad (unless I do really get a good opportunity and I know I won't ehehehhe)


Hello Minna,

It's your author Haruka! (I totally wanted to sound cheesy)

*ahem *ahem

A lot of the readers of Wet & Wild have complained me that why am I not uploading the book? Some even asked me in dm amd I have replied each of them (I don't remember if I have but ehh)

Alright, first I know it sucks to read a book that isn't even completed and it gets on my nerve as well but the thing is, I wanted to finish this book in April this year. I had planned the plot accordingly and wrote small summery on every chapter but I couldn't really write much... Because of pregnancy and writing exclusive books on other apps. (I totally needed money for my bills) *dramatic music plays*

Well, you see, I'm 5 months pregnant and my journey in this state is really not good since I have already mentioned about it several times in my wall on Wattpad.

But then many of my readers said, it's okay, take your time and it hurt me as I'm kinda taking advantage of all of your support. So, I decided I will update at least 2 chapters a month as it's better than not to update anything. Also I was reading this book and I saw I totally missed a point in the middle of the story and I'm thinking of revising it again.

You have been supporting me all the time no matter how bad I write, I mean, really, I sometimes feel ashamed of not taking this books seriously. And you guys are the reason I try to improve in writing.

I love to create all sorts of pictures in your mind by my writing and believe me I love to read all your comments. Other than one time, I got a hate comment, I had never gotten any hate comments before. (Well, I'm not planning to get any hate comments *please spare me* *I have a poor heart *sniffs) but I am blessed with readers who actually support no matter how bad of a writer I am. 🥺🥺🥺

Anyways, I'm not going to unpublish the book but I'll have to change some pages... You guys may have to read it from the start but I guess, it won't be mandatory... I haven't done any changes yet, I'm still writing and once I'm done with a few chapters and the changes, I'll let you know in my wall of Wattpad. And on Facebook page (Michelle Manisha's books) and on my Instagram (michelinharuka)

Until then sayonara!!! Chu!

PS: Please I can't promise when I can update since my morning sickness is really bad... I'm having hard to control my emotions too and the laziness...

Date: 17the July, 2023

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