Chapter 3

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When the bell rang, Samuel got up for lunch. That would be the same cream pie or some burger, he had been having for the last two years. 

The cafeteria was full of a sea of students, different faces—as he didn't want to bother remembering who they were. 

He didn't waste any time and grabbed a burger and went to his usual place; the furthest table beside a corner where his friends had already gathered. 

"So, what'll be today's plan?" His friend, Noah asked both David and him. 

"What do you mean?" Samuel asked. 

"Tonight, Roger is giving a party! Of course, you don't want to miss it, do you?" Noah winked at him. 

"No! I better pass."

Both David and Noah went silent. It was like the sun had set up from the North. For two years, Samuel never missed a party unless he was busy with someone else, that is. And when he went, girls would follow him to be laid at his feet. 

"Are you having a fever?" Asked David, concern written over his face. 

"What no! I have to finish my project. In case, you didn't forget..." he looked at Noah, who shared the same classes with Samuel, "Mr Bridgers would be taking it on Monday."

"I didn't forget. We have enough time, man! It's only Friday."

"And you haven't done a single project." 

A frown appeared on Noah's light brown face. His green eyes took a turn on David, who was busy devouring his lunch. David shrugged when he felt Noah's gaze—he was a class junior to them, clearly, he had no idea. 

Noah certainly didn't remember, Mr Bridgers would be talking all of the projects together. 


While Noah chomped on his bread, frustrated he won't be attending tonight's party, David mumbled, "Sexy..."

Both of their eyes followed to where David's gaze stayed. It was a brunette girl and they hadn't seen her. Probably the first years from different departments however, Samuel concentrated on his cheeseburger as he felt hungry and already craved the burritos from breakfast. It was tasty. 

When he was about to take a bite a slap landed on his back followed by a voice, "So, guys, you're coming today, right?"

The cheese had slipped and fallen on the table from Samuel's burger. A few muscles twitched on his jaw as he snapped his head to Rogers. 

"No!" He answered with gritted teeth. He was hungry and it was the cheese he hadn't had for at least three months—which now stayed firmly on the table all scattered, if he could add. He had been working out on his abs and that's why he only ate salads, protein shakes and chicken soups. Most of his fast-food cans had expired and he certainly didn't like to bother cooking foods. However, he treated himself pizza last night. 

"What? You aren't coming? Are you serious?" Rogers displayed the same emotions as his friends gave him a moment ago. 

"I have projects." He angrily chomped on his burger which had emptied with only veggies. 

"No! Please, say yes! Monica would be coming tonight and she was asking whether you're coming or not."

"Monica Hamilton?" Noah asked. 

"Yes!" A grin formed on Rogers's face. He was trying so damn hard to have his hands on her but she was greedy. Any boy would want her as she had a doll-like face and a model's body. Even Noah was trying to get her attention. 

As for Samuel, he never liked her. Yes, she was beautiful but a doll was never his forte. She was trying to get his attention for the past few weeks but each time, he scared her off with his glares. 

Noah gave Samuel his best pleading eyes—puppy dog, if he could decipher it and it annoyed him more. 

"Please say yes, Sammy!" Noah coed and Samuel's brow twitched. Noah certainly knew to annoy him. 

"Don't call me that!" 

David chuckled and his dimples appeared on one side of his cheeks. "I'll be coming."

"Noah and I have projects to finish, I don't think we should go." Samuel said which made Noah to shout at him, "Hey, don't decide for me!" 

Samuel got up while saying, "Do as you please, I'm heading for class."


It was tiring as Samuel entered his room. Well, he always felt tired. His classes had finished and now he had trouble finding his copies as his room was messy with his gym equipment, clothes, and books. There was little room for him to walk even if his room was bigger than Kennedy's. 

He heard the front door. Soft footsteps walked on his apartment, near his door. It must be Kennedy. He took a glance at his watch, it was six. She was early today, and he could hear her humming to her room. 

Just when he was searching for his books he remembered, he had to make dinner as well. He huffed and thought of making spaghetti. His mind was full of thoughts when he tripped on his dumbbells and fell on his bookshelves, hard. 

"Damn!" And a few books toppled on his head. 

Nothing was going great. First, his cheese, then he and now his books. 

"Are you alright?" Asked Kennedy from outside of his door. 

"I'm fine!" He shouted and soothed his head where the books landed a while ago. 

When he tried to get up, another set of books fell on his head and he cursed. 

"Err... You sure?" Kennedy asked again. 

And everything made him angry. Had Annabeth cursed him after he dumped her? Or maybe, Karma had decided to surprise visit him. 

"I'm fine!"

The room was messed up with everything and he could not find anything and finally decided to ask, "Kennedy?"

"Yes?" Her voice sounded near his door, that meant, she hadn't moved. She was still there. 

"Can you help me... a little?" 

The door swung open and she appeared with a big smile on her face as if she had been expecting him to call out. However, Samuel gulped as his eyes scrutinized her figure. She was wearing a black dress which finished on her mid-thighs. The fabric hugged her hourglass body while the end hung loosely as if she wore a small skirt. It had long sleeves while the neckline was high. 

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked, still laid on the floor. 

"Oh my god! What happened? Are you alright?" She totally ignored his question and came to him while jumping through the bundle of clothes and gym equipment. 

She moved the books and placed everything aside to make a little space. A fragrance engulfed his nose as her soft hands held his arms and pulled up. However, he didn't even move.

"Well, it's a mess." She marked while looking around his room. And he couldn't deny, he felt a little embarrassed. However, managing a straight face he said, "I know. I'm sorry."

"Shall I clear this a bit?"

"No! I will do it. Later." 

But Kennedy was adamant to let it go as she continued, "It's okay, give me half an hour I'll place everything in order." And she winked. 

Winked? What was he? A five-year-old kid? 

She started with the books and within ten minutes every self was finely filled. She hadn't cleaned or wiped the dust away, just placed them as he noticed, she had come in the middle of her makeup. She had put red lipstick but her one eye was done. 

He got up to clean his bed which had wires, papers and different assignments. He decided he would clean his room on Sunday.

While thoughts swirled around his head, his eyes fell on Kennedy. She bent over for his piled up clothes and was about to take his shirt when his gaze followed her legs in her red heels. It was smooth. She bent a little more and he was afraid if she bent more than that, he might lose his control and he stood up, "No! Don't!"

She turned only her head while maintaining that position where her behind was up and her red lingerie sneaked a peek at him. 



"Nothing. Just carry on." He nodded. 

After half an hour, his room was a bit presentable while his ears felt warmed up to the core. He had put the gym equipment at a corner as she instructed—it would make a room for him. 

He looked again at her thighs. It was smooth like butter and noted that the dress was pretty short. 

"Where are you going exactly?"

"At a party. My colleague had invited me."

Party? In the neighbourhood? Whenever there was a party, he could get the news without even trying to know. What kind of party has he hasn't heard of? Maybe there was someone who's throwing another party. 

He nodded. "So, you won't be coming tonight?"

"No! I will. It would be late but I don't really like to stay anywhere other than home."

"Great, that leaves me the bother to cook for both of us." 

"Well, if you think you can't cook, I can do it for you." 

He didn't mean to say it like that. He had always been a sharp-tongued person and people would scare away from him. Well, it saved him the bother of chatting endless and useless talks. 

"So, who invited you?"

"Mac! He works with me. He's the manager of the mart."

Mart? Mac? It certainly rang a bell and he asked further. 

"What's his full name?"

She looked at him and he felt he was asking him like he was her boyfriend or better, a detective. 

"I was asking because if something happens to you, I will have an alibi."

A gape formed on her face parting her lips. 

Great job Samuel! You just scared the hell out of her. 

"I mean..." He corrected, "As I'm your room partner, I need to make sure you are safe because I've brought you here, so I have this small responsibility."

She blinked and nodded. 

"Mac Lewinsky."

Lewinsky! He knew it. It was Rogers's party. The mart was actually owned by their father while his elder brother was taking over the business. He knew Mac for a long time. And it was enough to know what was his exact motive to invite her to a party. 

"Great. Who's going to pick you up?"

"Sheila and her husband. They are invited too."

He nodded and said, "Have fun."

She left the room and he picked up his phone while dialled a number, "Noah? Let's hit the party."


1st December, 2020

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