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i am alone in here since last three days, yes last five days, actually that is what i assume,because with no source of natural light it was quite difficult for me to figure out  what time is it and i have already lost the count of number of days or what date might be today,for the first time since i was bought here i am loosing hope because i guess i have nothing to hold on to,its practically impossible for me to get out of here on my own because even if i can not see i know that there are guards who are thrice of my size right on the other side of iron door.

the door yanked open creating a ear piercing sound only to reveal two bull dogs, yeah that is the name i have given to vidut's men , cause they are just like them trained to move only on his orders,followed by two more, followed by the devil himself,for the first time in so long i was able to see his face properly, even though his body was still very well built his face was telling another story.

his men came towards me in a fast pace before their master could

"on knees",one of them barked.

"what is there something on my knees,so kind of you to tell",i replied i seriously don't know where was that coming from.

another set of men came towards me forcing me off the bed, soon there was a kick on the hinges of my knees making me fall on my knees and a hand was holding down my head.

""just when i thought you were smart enough to make good decisions on your own, but dont worry sweety i can make you do anything i like"".vidyut said while siting on a chair with his legs crossed,"*leave her"", he said and their hands were off me but marks were still there on my skin which was now as white as a sheet of paper showing off my green veins .

""you better tell them to keep their hands off me vidyut,or else there will be no hands left"",i said dusting off my hands hoping that the prints will dust off too.

""ah,back to fiesty,nice"".he comented

""ok so am i allowed to break your jaw so that you can keep your mouth shut for a while"",i retorted

""unfortunately no sweety,now back to bussiness ,what do you know about me as per your records"" ,he asked shifting in his chair and rubbing his forefinger and thumb on his chin.

""that you're an asshole for sure"",i chuckled

his eyes went to the corner  of the room and he flicked his head in the other direction.confused i turned my face to quench my curiosity just when a heavy fisted hand fell on my jaw,and instantly blood came out of my mouth,huh so this is how they are gonna do it.

""now sweety we dont need to do this, you can tell me""


""you are  sure  that this  will work right"",kevin asked a little terrified

""if this does not work , i dont know what will i do"", i replied 

""neil you know that by doing this you are risking lives of everyone with you "".commisioner sir asked me

""i know sir, that is why i am not asking anyone to join me""


""you are just like her arent you, ayeesha would have been proud of you, but you know what I think of you , I think that you are dumb far more dumb then your mother was.""

I was lying on the floor with blood smeared on my lips after what seemed like an hour.

Vidyut kicked back his chair and went towards the door with his dogs following him,"" you know what I was wrong"" , he said stopping in mid way.
He turned around coming towards me with the sounds of his footsteps echoing in the room.

""You are just like me , mean, smart powerful just like me,just like me,I cannot even point out a simple difference between us"". He said with a smirk and left my room leaving me alone behind in the room.

And for the first time I was scared , scared of the future,cause now the thought was settling inside me that no   one was coming  for me , no one.

I closed my eyes letting the pain settle in ,
But there was something good , even if I die here with no one to mourn for me  and I will be thrown somewhere instead of burying ,
past few months have been amazing, atleast I can die with the thought that there were people out there who loved me, finally someone loved me Neela ma, Rhea ,ali an....and Neil.
There was something , something of which I was unaware of , deep in his eyes, the way he looked at me spoke thousand more words to me than he could ever had, he was not like other snobbish, rude , dominating men I hated for most of my life, he..he was different ....I don't know in what way but he surely was,
only if we had met in different circumstances like those in which ri and Ali met,
Maybe if I wasn't stuck here,
Maybe he was not who he was,
Maybe if I was not as broken as I am,
Maybe in some parallel world ,
Story could have been different.

But this world is not led by maybes or if , it is led by truth and the truth was that I was stuck here smeared in blood , with cuts and bruises all over my body,with no hope within.
Ok so chapter was kind of boring and depressing but some major action is on the way.
I am not gonna say upvote because I know this chapter is not good
But still as per ritual

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