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Neil Parked the car in front of my house. I stepped out of the car and turned around towards Neil to thank him. I knocked on his window to which he rolled down the glasses.
Just then we heard screeching sound of tires which came to an halt just besides me.
Rhea came out of the driving seat and the noodle hair guy came behind her .
The noodle hair  guy said sorry to rhea for some reason to which rhea replied in a very high pitched voice"oh just shut up Ali,I don't think this relationship is going anywhere."
And went inside stomping her feet ,I can clearly see some tears on her face.
The only thing my brain could process was that Ri was crying I looked towards Neil only to find him equally confused.
I  walked in a fast pace towards the house , just then I realised the sole reason was standing right there , I went back and held noodle hair guy's collar only to say" whatever  happened should not end with her tears" and I ran inside.
I ran upstairs  only to find Ri's room' door open and she was there pacing along the length of her room .
I calmly called her .
And to say she was surprised would be an understatement , how could she miss me , she parked the car right beside me.
She came and hugged me. I asked her not loosing my calm, "what happens ri"
To which she parted the hug and I knew that this was not what she wanted to talk about right now so I didn't  cling on it for long .

2:00 AM
Avni was sleeping peacefully on her bed but only to get disturbed by a voice in her balcony.
I heard some noise from my balcony as if someone was intentionally knocking. I stretched my hand for my gun at side table and loaded it. Knocking has become more clear, commissioner sir told me that other terrorist might try to reach me for revenge but seriously knocking is the most lame thing a terrorist can do to kill me.
I mentally slapped me and asked me to concentrate.
I walked towards the glass door which parted my room and balcony . I opened my door with a jerk and pointed my gun at the person almost in a reflex action .only to hear " sorry, sorry ,sorry ,don't shoot, soory" .
To say I was amused  would be an understatement ,noodle hair guy was in my balcony that made me question him"why are you here and how did you get here" to which he innocently pointed down , when I bent down I found Neil leaning against the stairs and smirking at me.
And I again turned to noodle guy "what do you want , moreover who are you *
He gave his goofy smile which was kind of cute I was already getting those brotherly wibes from him he said" hey ,I am Ali I know we didn't had any proper introduction but currently I need to talk to your sister as she is really pissed off at me " I gave him a weird look to which he further added" I usually come through Ri's balcony but today she isn't letting me in that's why I came to you may I use your door to reach to my girl" I noded with a wierd expression on my face clearly telling him how confused I am , I gave him way and he went out of my room to Ri's room. He left my room and I was still looking at the door confused just then I heard a sound . I turned around only to see  that mr Neil Khanna had broken one of my flower pot , and he said "I hope you don't like those flowers". I rolled my eyes wondering if I was dreaming or i am going mad.
So another update
Sorry I updated after so long actually I am currently working on an app that is why I don't get time to update
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