{10} - How did you....?

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'Uh oh...' Cascade panicked and hopped off of the computer panel, quickly hiding under something and staying still. He could hear Ratchet yawn and move around, which only made him more nervous.

"Huh... fell asleep again.." Ratchet mumbled, rubbing his optics and sighing. He glanced up at the computer and groaned, not wanting to work anymore. He figured that Cascade was with Bumblebee or Optimus, so he turned on his heel and left. "Maybe Wheeljack's still asleep in our berthroom...." he mumbled again.

Cascade listened as Ratchet's pedesteps faded, coming to the conclusion that the medic had left the computer. He cautiously crawled out of his hiding place, peering around before pulling himself back up onto the panel. He saw the button from before and smiled, reaching down and pressing it.

-Meanwhile, on board the Nemesis-

"Wha...?" Breakdown mumbled, raising an optic ridge as he glanced at the communication panel that was placed in the corner of the Medbay.

"What is it?" Knockout asked, tilting his head slightly and setting down the datapad he was holding.

"There's a transmission coming in, but it isn't from Megatron or anyone on this ship..." Breakdown mumbled, studying the screen for a moment before his face lit up. "Oh my god, did he actually learn how to do it?!"

"Learn how to do what? What are you talking about?" Knockout said, getting a bit confused as he walked over to Breakdown. He looked up at the navy blue mech, his optics narrowed slightly.

"Heh... in my spare time, I've been teaching Cas how to use the communication panel in case he ever got lost or needed us. He might be using the Autobots' communication panel to reach us!"


"Hey, don't get mad at me! Just answer the dang thing!"

Knockout huffed, resisting the urge to throw a fit and turning to face the panel, pressing a fingertip to the screen and answering the call. "Hello?"

Video feed soon popped up on the screen and Cascade could be seen standing on the computer panel, looking curiously at the screen. His optics lit up and he smiled brightly. "Carrier!"

"Hah! I told ya, Knocky!" Breakdown chuckled, bending over so he could see. "Glad ya figured it out, kiddo!"

"Quick, pinpoint the signal of the transmission so we can go and get Cascade. I'll tell Megatron so he doesn't blow a fuse again..." Knockout mumbled, patting Breakdown on the shoulder before darting off out the door.

"Alrighty, don't worry Cas. We're comin' for ya." Breakdown said, moving the video over a bit so he could work on pinpointing the signal.

Cascade did not notice that Optimus was coming down the hallway, having heard the commotion and gone to investigate.

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