{25} - Run!

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-A few days later-

"Are you sure this is okay? What if we get caught?" Cascade whispered, following after Smokescreen and his brother as they silently tiptoed out of the base.

"Relax, 'Cas. I used to do this all the time back on Cybertron. Never got caught." Wildbreak chuckled, glancing around before running outside and sighing in relief.

"Yeah! I sneak out all the time! Magnus never lets me leave base without permission, so I just sneak out! Now come on, let's drive!" Smokescreen laughed, transforming and racing off down the road.

Wildbreak laughed and transformed as well, taking off after Smokescreen with a squeal of his tires.

Cascade just stood there for a minute before transforming as well. "Wait up, guys!" He yelled, racing off after his brother down the road.

They kept driving until they reached a forest, where Smokescreen transformed and laughed. "Aw yeah! That was awesome!" He exclaimed, seeing Wildbreak and Cascade catch up and transform.

"No fair! You cheated!" Wildbreak huffed playfully, rolling his optics. He glanced at Cascade, who still looked a little nervous. "Chill out, little bro. That was fun, wasn't it?"

"I guess so.... yeah!" Cascade replied, chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of his helm. "Can we go back now?"

"Yeah, sure— Hang on... what's that?" Smokescreen asked, tilting his head when he spotted something in the forest and walking towards it.

Wildbreak looked in the direction that Smokescreen was looking, seeing the same thing. "C'mon, 'Cas. Let's go check it out."

"But guysssss! We're not supposed to be out here!" Cascade groaned, throwing his head back and huffing in annoyance as he followed his brother into the forest.

The trio walked further into the forest, pushing aside tree branches and bushes that were in their way as they kept walking. They came to the edge of a small clearing when Smokescreen stopped in his tracks, prompting Wildbreak and Cascade to stop as well.

"What is it?" Cascade whispered, clinging to Wildbreak and peering over the mech's shoulder.

"It's.... energon?" Wildbreak said, a confused look on his face. "But.. its just sitting there...."

"Well, it's ours now! Let's go get it!" Smokescreen exclaimed, taking a step forward.

"Smokescreen no!"

But Wildbreak's warning came too late. Smokescreen tripped a tripwire and a heavy metal cage came crashing down on Wildbreak and Cascade, trapping them inside.

Smokescreen whipped around and his optics widened in surprise. "Oh scrap! How was I supposed to know this was a trap?!"

"Oh I don't know.... maybe because you don't just find energon sitting out in the middle of a forest?!" Wildbreak growled slightly, looking down at Cascade when he felt the mech trembling in fear. "Hey, we're fine 'Cas. I'll get us out of here."

"N-No.... look.." Cascade stammered, pointing at the area behind Smokescreen. Megatron was parting his way through the bushes, his burning red optics staring down the trio as he approached them.

"Frag...." Wildbreak mumbled under his breath. "Smokescreen! Get out of here! Tell the Autobots!"

"What?! I'm not going to leave you guys!" Smokescreen argued, backing away as Megatron advanced on them.

"Just go! We'll be fine!"

Smokescreen looked between Wildbreak and Megatron, sighing and taking off into the forest. He transformed once he reached the road and sped back to base as quick as he could.

Wildbreak watched him go, sighing in relief before turning his attention to Megatron. He held Cascade close to him and growled, pulling out his gun. "Never thought I'd have to gaze upon your ugly bucket ever again." He spat, narrowing his optics.

"Strong words for a youngling trapped at my mercy." Megatron growled, pausing once he reached the front of the cage. "Since Starscream was unable to do the simple job of capturing you two, I decided to do it myself."

"Finally got your hands dirty, huh? Look, we don't mean anything to you. Let us go." Wildbreak said sternly, holding Cascade close when he heard him whimper softly.

Megatron let out a dry chuckle, a sneer on his face. "Why should I? You are traitors to the Decepticon cause and you deserve punishment for what you've done." He growled, pressing on his comn link and calling Starscream to bring the Nemesis over to his position.

Wildbreak sighed, clutching his gun tightly and looking down at Cascade. He looked absolutely terrified, which hurt Wildbreak's spark. "Hey... don't worry about this... I won't let him hurt you or me, Okay? We'll be just fine, I promise."

Cascade only nodded, pressing against his brother's side and trembling harder in terror.

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