The Rules, the Commands and the Forms

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Welcome to Ivyclan! Here in our crater-like camp with cave-like dens, we hope you enjoy staying here and we hope that nothing bad happens :) (total lie)

Rule time!

1 No hate
2 Dislike the character but not the player
3 No unrealistic characters like Starkit with purple fur or rainbow eyes. I don't really care for "proper" genetics because this is warrior cats but do be slightly realistic
4 In order to have an apprentice, your cat must have at least 2 leadership (I will bend this a little if we don't have a whole lot of cats to mentor apprentices)
5 In order to become mates, the cats need to have 10+ relationship for example: say Angelwing and Lightningsnow have 10 in their relationship, then they are eligible to become mates
6 In order to become deputy, your cat will need to have 10 fighting and 15 leadership.
7 The cats will have a certain amount of energy per moon. Leaders will have 5 energy. Deputies and Medicine cats will have 4 energy. Warriors will have 3 energy. Apprentices will have 2 energy. Kits will have 1 energy. I'll be using @/A_Fanfic_Queen 's idea for the energy of the queens and that'll depend on their kit's energy. If their kits are 0-1 moons, then the Queen will have 0 energy. If their kits are 2-3 moons, then the queen will have 1 energy. If their kits are 4-5 moons, then the queen will have 2 energy. Last but not least, the elders will have 1 energy.
8 If you want to do code breaking commands, then I will have a separate chapter with a couple of comment starters (mostly just a dot) where you can reply to. The one thing I'll ask is that you don't look through them as it would give away the surprise but it'll also be boring that way. The code breaking commands will have a 🔺 next to them.
9 Normal clan rules like in the books
10 There's no character limit but do keep in mind that there more characters that there are, the more I'll have to keep track and updates will be slow (well more slower)
11 The wheel (and a random event generator) will be used so my hands are tied for certain events (unless we get a major event very early in which I'll skip until we get past Moon 3 like a dog attack)
12 If there's 0 prey for some time, then cats will be getting sick at random.
13 Have fun! :3

Here are the commands.

/train (skill) character name

/bond with (character that you want to bond with) (+1 relationship)

/ask to be mates with (character that you want to be mates with) (character name)

/become mates with (character who asked you to be mates) (character name) (+3 relationship points)

/reject (character who asked you to be mates) (character name) (+3 relationship points)

/hunt (character) (+1-3 prey) (BONUS: can be done with other cats with more prey being caught)

/eat (character name) (-1 prey) (+1 energy)

/kill (character you want to kill) (character name) 🔺

/kill random cat (character name) 🔺

/become secret mates with (character you want to be mates with) (character name). (Can be used for medicine cats, rogues, cross clan relationships or cats who already have mates) 🔺

/play with (character you want to play with) (character name) (Kit only)

/promote deputy (character you want to promote to deputy) (character name) (Leader only and character must meet the Deputy standards in the rules)

/demote deputy (character you want to demote) (character name) (Leaders only and must have a valid reason. I will see if the reason is valid and will allow the demotion to go through)

/heal (character that needs healing) (character name) (Medicine Cat only)

/gather (character name) (Medicine cat only) (+1-3 herbs) (BONUS: can be done with other cats, like two medicine cats gathering together or a small group of warriors going with said medicine cat with more herbs being gathered)

/speak to Starclan (character name) (Medicine Cat only) (once every six moons)

/patrol (character name) (+1 tracking or +1 leadership) (BONUS: can be done with other cats with getting +1 relationship with all of them)

/socialize (character name) (+1 relationship with 2 randomly selected cats)

/rest (reduces the risk of any Greenleaf health conditions. Chances of prey or one of your stats going down. Only used in Greenleaf)

/search for resources (to reinforce camp)

/reinforce den walls (+5 camp security, -2 camp resources)

/reinforce camp walls (+10 camp security, -7 camp resources)

/construct barriers outside of camp (+15 camp security, cost of 2 energy and -12 camp resources)

/antagonize (cat) (character name) (-1 to 3 relationship)

/antagonize (random) (character name) (-1 to 3 relationship with 2 cats)

/comfort (speeds up the recovery of a grieving cat and +2 relationship)

May add more if necessary.


Age: (in moons please)
Family: (optional)
Other: (optional)
Mentor: (if apprentice)
Tags: (optional)

Shout out to A_Fanfic_Queen for their command games. They're really fun :D

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