Chapter 1: Stupid feelings

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Envy POV

I was waiting to attack the pipsqueak in front of the gate of Central military. Sooner or later he had to come out and I could kill him once and for all.

I even had the upper hand cause it was dark and I could hide in the shadows. I was getting pretty impatient though.

"Dammit, hurry up already", I whispered to myself.

Then the gates open and Edward came out with his iron brother. Now was my chance. Smiling wickedly I jumped out and charged.

Edward looked at me surprised at first but turned a bit of his metal arm into a blade. I tried to punch him but he blocked with the blade, hurting my hand.
I pulled away as my hand regenerated.

" How many times do I have to beat your ass to get you to leave me alone?!", Edward yelled.
I glared at him.

"Tonight pipsqueak, I will kill you tonight", I declared.
" WHO ARE YOU CALL-",In a swift movement I kicked his chest and sent him flying against the wall of a nearby building.
" Brother!!", Alphonse called out.

"Stay back Al", Edward told him. He ran to me and tried to slash and kick me but I dodged easily. I jumped up and kicked him to the ground.
I pinned him down and turned my arm into a blade.

I raised it to his throat and I smiled evilly.

" Finally, you die", I stated. Edward gritted his teeth. Suddenly I froze. I felt like I couldn't move. I tried to move but my refused and remained stiff.

Edward's expression softened.
"Envy?", he said confused. I growled and looked away, my hair covering my face.

" Shit, not again", I muttered.

Hating the scene I fled out of there and into the shadows.

Edward POV

I stood up and stared into the direction Envy ran to. Alphonse ran over to me.
"You ok brother?", he asked.

" Yeah, yeah I'm fine", I replied.
"What happened?", Alphonse asked. I shrugged.

" Not sure, that's the third time this week though", I said. For these past 2 weeks Envy had attempted to come and kill me, only to suddenly stop and run away.

"Its weird, he definitely isn't acting like himself", I stated.
" Do you think something happened brother?", Alphonse asked.

"I don't know....I honestly don't know", I replied.

We decided to head back to the hotel. When we got there Winry was there with a freshly baked apple pie.
" Hey guys, you're finally back. And just in time to", she said holding it.

She set it down and Alphonse sat at the table. Winry took the first piece and ate it happily.
"Yummy", she hummed.
She noticed I didn't touch mine and looked at me worried.

" You ok Ed? You seem confused ", she asked. I nodded. " Its cause I am confused", I stated.
I explained the situation to her.

"I see, that is kinda weird", she replied.

" I know, but I don't know what to do about it", I groaned.
"Maybe talk to him", Alphonse suggested.

I sighed.
" Have you met Envy? He doesn't talk about weird stuff like this", I stated. I ate my apple pie, trying to distract myself.

The other 2 looked at me concerned but didn't push the matter.
I just wish I knew what was going on.

Envy POV

I ran and ran. Until I was in the underground hideout beneath Central. I sighed and sat against the wall.

I've tried so hard to kill that pipsqueak bastard but every time I get this stupid feeling, a feeling that makes me not want to kill him.

I don't know what it was, in my spare time he never left my mind.

Every time I try to forget him he just wiggles back in like the shrimp he is. I cursed and punched the wall.

"DAMMIT, why can't I do it?!", I yelled. My voice echoed throughout the tunnels. I slumped against the wall and scowled.
" Stupid feelings, what the hell?", I muttered to myself.

Well there's the first chapter. I hope you liked it. Next one might come out tomorrow. Love my readers!!

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