What am I? (4)

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Unfurling, uncurling, blossoming.

Warmth rushing to cheeks, heart pumping ecstatically.

Ba dump, ba dump, ba dump

Shy eye contact followed by a hoard of butterflies.

Growing, blooming, flourishing.

A secret smile, a kind action, an electric touch.

What is this feeling?

Count the colour's of your eyes, the dimples in your smile, the little habits you have.

You're captivating, entrancing, bewitching.

Remembering your favourite song, your happy birthday, your cute embarrassing moments.

Can't contain this feeling any longer.

A flustered confession, a warm embrace, floating on cloud nine.

Is this really happening to me?

Sweaty palms, dry throat, first date.

Please let it go well.

Hands clasped, booming laughter, a clumsy kiss under the moonlight.

Forever and always yours.

What am I?

I am....First Love

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