Me. Talking about crap. That probably doesn't matter.

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I'm just pretty much gonna talk about a few things and all that and how my life will probably be taking a toll on my Wattpad activeness.

As many of you know my grandpa has pancreatic cancer that can't be fixed and has been going in and out of the hospital leaving me to go to Utah at any moment at the drop of a hat and lead to me being a crazed ball of anxiety that could explode at any moment.

I've been having to focus more on school these past few days because I'm finally being encouraged to write more, especially since my friends found my new story idea and loved it.

I've been writing a lot more outside of Wattpad since I'm planning to publish my first book when I finish a story I'm working on. I'll keep you updated and probably release a preview on Wattpad but if I do publish it you'll have to buy it to read the whole thing.

Weirdness, Emotions, and Growing Up
I kinda want to get off the internet. I'm on it way too much and feel guilty when I'm off it. I've started to role play more frequently again but it removes me from time with my family and when I finally am starting to realize who I am and who I wanna be. The internet has also been kinda worrying my parents that I'm becoming less and less socially active. I've found some friends outside of Wattpad and I'm starting to fit in. I feel bad for saying this but... I might leave Wattpad, throw myself on the rickety board and hope it floats. I wanna be something and so far I'm wasting my existence talking to people I've never actually met. I'm starting high school this year and the advanced classes are probably not going to be easier with me using my time to get ton Wattpad and roleplay. When I get my phone I'll try to get a kik to keep in touch with you guys but just know that I'm thinking about leaving. I wanted you to know so it wouldn't come as a shock if I do. But anyway thank you for reading this and being there for me.

And too lazy to tag anyone else.

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