Side Character #3

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The author was shuffling through notecards on their desk, several flying across the floor. Suddenly they were all picked up and stacked onto the desk.

"Who's there?!" The author panicked.

"Holly. Holly Hendricks. I was told you wanted to see me."

"Oh, yes actually. Come in, come in!"

The door was thrown open by a girl wearing worn, fingerless leather gloves with a tight fitting black turtleneck tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"I forgot how much you loved black." The author joked, pointing finger guns at the girl.

"I don't like black. I only wear it because it blends in with the night so I won't get caught." Holly adjusted a gun in holster on her belt as she said this.

"Alrighty... anyway we should get started." The author said, ushering her to sit down.

"Whatever you say, dork."

"Question number one. What do you like to do when you're bored?"

"Shoot things. It helps me calm down."

"Have you ever had a crush?"

"Love is for the weak."

"What is your favorite book or book series?"

"The Hunger Games. Sometimes I wish it were real, that way I could die proudly."

"Are you some sort of goth teenager of something? Why are you even an option?!" The author questioned, giving an annoyed sigh.

"I'm here for plot device mostly. Probably gonna be clitchè knowing me."

"Luckily you are completely wrong and have no idea what I have in store for you." The author cackled.

Holly shrugged her shoulders before starting to pick at her nails.

"Second group of questions." The author said suddenly. "Have you ever been on a romantic dinner?"

"No. Never have, never will. Don't want to." Holly mumbled, picking on a bit of old nail polish.

"Do you like roller coasters?"

"Yes, actually. The thrill truly gives a meaning to living."

"Yep, goth teenager..." The author sighs, face playing gently before continuing. "Third group. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?"

"Don't screw up so much."

"If you could back one dead person back to life, who would it be?"

"My mom."

"Who is the most important person in your life?"

"No one, human interaction causes pain."

"What was the most important moment of your life?"

"When I shot my first gopher."

"What are a few things you'd like to do to make the well a better place?"

"Kill every last jerk in the world. In the end, no one will be left."

"If you could meet anyone in the world for a week who would it be?"

"Emma Watson. She's my role model of what I wish I could be."

"If you could go anywhere in the world, for free for a month, where would you go?"

"Antarctica. I'd live out the rest of my days with polar bears and penguins as I slowly freeze to death."

"Actually I don't think that's possible..."

"Silence. Let me dream."

"Last group of questions." The author gave an annoyed sigh, opening a folder. "Would you do anything on a dare?"

"No! Last thing I need is a stupid dare to ruin my already ruined life!"

"Fist bump or high five?"

"Fist bump. High fives aren't cool enough."

"Romance or friendship?"

"Either way they wouldn't last long with me."

"Would you give an organ to a stranger in need?"

"Nope. I need my organs thank you. Maybe if they ask nicely enough I'll give it to them."

"Well that's generous... I think."

"Sure, whatever."

"You are getting on my nerves." The author huffed before waving their hand in a shooing motion. "Be gone, peasant!"

"Alright, but we'll see who the real peasant is when you end up shoving that lame excuse for a tail up my ---!"

The author shoved Holly out of the room screaming, "Keep it PG!" before slamming the door.


Alrighty! Third choice is done! Now you can vote. Please only choose one and, if you can, please give a reason.

#1 Jordan
#2 Andrew
#3 Holly

~Fox be out!

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