Chapter 1 - The Legend of Puss in Boots (and Abigal)

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"Puss in Boots! Puss in Boots! Puss in Boots! Puss in Boots! Puss in Boots!" A crowd cheers from the background as a familiar ginger cat walks towards the closed curtains, cracking his neck. Next to him as a human sized fairy with purple hair, purple eyes, and was wearing some adventure clothing, her wings reflecting the light of the stage. The two enter on the stage before the ginger cat, Puss in Boots, yells to the crowd, "Welcome to our fiesta!"

The crowd cheers as the fairy, Abigal, flew up to the upstairs balcony while Puss made small talk with some people before walking up, using the objects from the crowd, including a boy's own face, to step on. The boy says to his father excitedly, "Papa, he stepped on my face!" "And we will never wash it." His father said before everyone looked up to Puss and Abigal with Abigal's foot on a bag before Puss shouts, "People of Cordova..." "It's Del Mar." a woman in the crowd corrects him. Puss made up his mistake, "People of Del Mar..." The crowd cheers as he says, "...accept this golden gift from Puss in Boots and Abigal!" Abigal tips the bag over, spilling gold coins to the crowd as they cheered before a man shouts to them, "Play a song!" Puss tries to decline, "No, no, no. I couldn't."

"Sing, Puss and Abigal, sing!" The boy yells as he was now on top of a cow. Abigal glanced at Puss as he says, "Nah, I couldn't possibly..." She then used her magic to make a rock monster, which tossed him a guitar. He instantly caught it and plays some lively guitar melody, which made the crowd cheer.

He winks at the forth wall before he starts singing,
♪ Who is your favorite fearless hero? Who is your favorite fearless hero? ♪

Abigal starts to fly around, singing next,
♪ Who's brave and ready for trouble? ♪

The crowd sang next,
♪You are, you are. ♪

Puss went next,
♪ Who's so unbelievably humble? ♪

The crowd went next,
♪You are, you are. ♪

Abigal and Puss sang a duet,
♪ Who is your favorite fearless hero? Who is your favorite fearless hero? ♪

Puss did the next part,
♪ Who's the gato who rolls the dice. And gambles with his life? ♪

Then Abigal,
♪ Who's never been touched by a blade? Puss in Boots is never afraid ♪

Puss did some tap dancing and sings,
♪ Who is your favorite fearless hero? Who is your favorite fearless hero? ♪

Puss laughs as he joins Abigal in the air while hanging on some curtains. The music kept playing until the door opens, revealing the Governor of Del Mar, who instantly dropped his suitcases upon seeing the destruction of his home. Abigal sees him and taps Puss on the shoulder, making him look back, sees the Governor, and quickly clears his throat. The Governor looks upon his home, townspeople and guards wearing his clothes, one of his wig being worn by a horse, and his portrait ruined with Puss' face on it. "My clothes. My wig. My portrait!" The Governor yells in shock before turning his head up to Puss and Abigal, who flew back down on the balcony.

"Oh. *chuckling* Hey, Governor. Uh, one second." Puss spoke before he climbs down, using his claw to slide down, tearing the portrait in the meantime before landing next to Abigal. The Governor instantly recognized them and says, "The outlaws, Puss in Boots and Abigal!" The two wanted poster of Puss and Abigal appeared in front before Abigal spoke, "Welcome! Nuestro casa es su casa." The Governor grew angry and yells, "No. Su casa es MI CASA!"

"Arrest these filthy peasants and bring me the heads of Puss in Boots and the fairy!" His guards rushed inside before Puss spoke to the musicians, "Hey! This is a party! Where is the music?" The musicians continue playing while Puss and Abigal fought off the guards. Puss rides on an ice sculpture of himself towards the Governor, who tried to cut off Puss' head, but he cuts off the head of his ice sculpture before Puss says, "Puss in Boots has never been touched by a blade. But you..." The Governor's wig, skirt, and pants were cut by Puss as he yelps in shock. He glares and yells, "Skin that cat!"

The guards ran towards Puss until a feminine voice yells, "Hey Governor!" The guards and the Governor turn to Abigal, who points a lot of fireworks at them and says, "You really need to lighten up!" She launches the fireworks towards the guards and Governor as some of the rockets shot through the roof and explodes. Colorful lights explode in the sky, but unknown to them, the giant of Del Mar woke up from the disturbance, looks at the mansion, and began to growl. The crowd watches as the two fought off the guards, but they jump at the two and ended piling on each other. "Silly guards, dog piles don't work on cats." Puss said as he and Abigal are next to them while holding a glass of milk in his paw. He takes a sip, but the roof was ripped open to reveal the giant of Del Mar as it growls angrily at the crowd.

"Holy frijoles." Puss mutters as everyone started screaming and running away before one of the audience says to Puss, "You awoke the sleeping giant of Del Mar!" Puss made a run for it with Abigal following on flight as the giant tears the roof off. The two see a boy on his cow before he was grabbed by the giant before yelling with excitement, "Whee! I'm flying!" "No, you are not flying. We will save you!" Puss yells, until the giant grabs the Governor next as he pleads, "Save me, too!"

"If it's convenient." Abigal said before she took flight into the sky. Puss points to a musician with a double bass, "You, launch me." The musician nodded before Puss says to the others, "And the rest of you, play double time." The musician launched Puss into the air as they played double time. He joins Abigal in the sky as the giant sees the two and charges towards them, but Puss pierced his sword in the giant's thumb. The villagers from below gasped at the pain while the giant screamed from that and whimpers. "Spanish Splinter."

Puss said, which the crowd cheers. The giant glared and threw Puss away as the cat shot on a sign and crashed through the wall of a building, while laying casually. He soon stops near a man sitting in a table, about to drink his coffee before Puss snatched it from his hand, saying, "Gracias." He drinks the coffee, which made his pupils sharply shrink from the adrenaline before slamming the cup back on the table, sprints to the exit and leaps out, holding his sword out as he yells, "Fear me, if you dare!" The giant of Del Mar grabs a big church bell and wraps it around its hand, swinging the bell towards the cat. Puss avoids the bell before he climbs up the hint on its back and cuts the rope of the giant's bag, which carries the captured villagers and governor inside. The bag falls down towards the ground until Abigal's rock monster caught it before placing it down carefully. Puss continues to fight the giant as he covers the giant's good eye with its eyepatch and the giant swung the bell, hitting itself with it instead. The giant began to fall to the ground with Puss riding on its head before it crashed onto the ground, the bell hanging on its horns.

With the giant defeated, the villagers cheered for the cat and fairy as a chicken came over, handing Puss and Abigal each a bouquet of flowers as Puss says, "Gracias, Del Mar. You have been great! Get home safely. Good night." As he and Abigal walk away, the crowd chants his name for one more round of applause. Puss went back and says, "You're still here? Okay, okay. One more number."

Abigal notices the rope on the bell getting loose as she tries to get Puss' attention, "Uh, gato." Puss doesn't pay attention as he held a guitar and says to the crowd, "I call this one "The Legend Will Never Die-" he was about to finish, but the bell fell on him, crushing him.

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