Chapter 6

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12 years ago

Marching band season has come to an end. I arrived to first period to discover that we get the whole week off from rehearsals to celebrate winning our final football game of the season last Friday.  I am excited to have this morning off with an extra 45 minutes to finish my biology homework that I totally forgot to do.  

I find a spot beneath my band locker and settle in with my homework paper so I can begin labeling the parts of the cell. I reach in my bag for my biology binder so I have a hard surface to write on and get one of my sparkly pencils from the depths of my backpack before settling in. I pop in a headphone to list to music while I work. 

Before long, my friends Casey and Payton from the color guard find their way over to me.  They plop down with their backs against the lockers just like me.  Peyton pulls the headphone out of my ear. "Whatcha doing?" Peyton asks.

Casey peers over my shoulder to glimpse what I'm working on. "Ooo is that for Mr. Kumar's class? I have him 4th period. I'd be happy to help you." 

I smile and hand my paper over to Casey. "That would be great! I lowly only remember the mitochondria. Everything else is kind of blurring together." 

Casey digs in her backpack to find her own copy of the assignment. "Anytime.  Especially if that time helps me avoid removing tape off of flag poles with Natalie and Emily. I'd like to leave today with my fingernails in tact thank you very much.

Peyton nods her head in agreeance. "Yeah anything to get out of that room it is beyond tense right now.  Apparently there are rumors going around that Emily slept with Natalie's Boyfriend after the band party on Friday. I have no desire to be an accomplice to murder if she decides to use a flag pole to get revenge."

I laugh as I begin filling in some of the answers Casey shows me.My pencil breaks so I reach in my bag to find a pencil sharpener. As I sharpen, I say "You color guard girls are so full of drama at all times. I'm going to miss you now that the season is over." 

"Same here," Payton responds. "A study hall for the remainder of the year is not nearly as exciting as band rehearsals. Not that I loved the loud noises at 8am everyday, but the fresh air is preferable to the body odor and moldy food smells that suffocate the study hall room. If only it had windows. 

I finish my homework and give Casey back her copy. After we place them back in our backpacks, she says excitedly "Well I don't know about you, but I've decided I want to join a winter sports team. I need something to fill my days with and also want to try something new. Color guard turned out to be a great experience for me so I think I want to keep the punches rolling."

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Payton asks. "I've seen you try to throw wrappers in the trash can n the guard room so I sure hope you don't have your hopes set on basketball." 

Casey leans over me so she can smack Peyton on the arm. "Hurtful. And no. I'm not thinking about trying out for the basketball team. I was thinking about the swim team. Don't you swim Jenna? We could do it together!" 

I avoid making eye contact with her as I double check that my backpack is zipped. "I mean I do in the summers for a rec team but I'll be honest. I really wasn't planning to join the high school team. It's never really been my favorite sport."

"What?" Casey begins to stand up as we notice everyone starting to gather by the band room door. The bell would be ringing any second. "You have to! It would be so much fun! We could share a lane and you could help teach me how to swim! WE could cheer each other on and meet cute swimmer boys!" 

I stand up to join her while slinging my backpack over one shoulder. "Yeah, but are you really ready to smell like chlorine nonstop for the next 4 months? Or to have your hair be unmanageable due to how dried out it is? Let's not forget you will be hungry all the time."

As the bell rings we start our way out the door and down the hallway. Casey stops me one more time in front of the water fountain. "Those are all sacrifices that I am willing to make. And I hope you reconsider and join me. Think of all the time we can spend together." 

I roll my eyes and start down the opposite hallway toward the science labs. "I'll think about it but no promises. Don't get your hopes up. See you at lunch!" I wave goodbye as we both get swallowed up in the massive flow of teenagers racing through the hallway. 


After lunch, I stop at my locker to switch out my books for my afternoon classes. I have plenty of time before I need to get to my English class which is fortunately right across the hallway. As I rummage around looking for my copy of Romeo and Juliet on the way back of the top shelf, I feel someone step up next to me. 

"Allow me," Charlie says as his hairy arm reaches up to the top of my locker inches away from my face. I can't help but think about how good he smells as I wait for him to hand my my book. "Is this what you're looking for?"

I nod my head yes. "Thank you! I don't know who designed this lockers but they obviously weren't 5 and a half feet tall.  lose things up their all the time. I appreciate it." I close my locker door and replace my lock. 

"Anytime," Charlie says as he nonchalantly leans against the locker next to me with his arms folded. "So listen. I meant to ask you in band this morning, but you're coming to swim team tryouts this week right? They start tomorrow."

I brush a stray hair behind my ear and clutch my book to my chest. "About that. I was actually thinking I wouldn't be swimming in high school. I just don't think it's for me."

"What are you talking about?" Charlie says as he lifts an eyebrow at me. "You've got talent. And grit. You've got everything you need to be a swimmer at this level and we'd be lucky to have you. "

"I know," I say as I shake my head back in forth, considering what he said. "But it just seems more competitive and less laid back than summer team. Plus none of my friends are swimming here. I would be alone. Let's not forget walking home in the winter with wet hair sounds like a horrible time."

"What am I? Chopped liver" Charlie says as he stands up. He places his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. Did he get taller? Since when do I have to look up at him? "I will make sure you are not alone. You'll make new friends in no time. A lot of the team is in band so you already know a bunch of people. I'm sure someone can give you a ride home so your hair doesn't freeze."

He does have some good points. But I barely register any one them. All I can think about is how his hands are on my shoulders. His hazel eyes are focused on me and only me. I am absolutely consumed as I start thinking about the laps  I could be swimming across his irises right now. My heart is beating twice as fast and I feel myself blushing from the attention he is giving me. 

"So, will you be there tomorrow?" He asks me again. "It would mean a lot to me if you would at least come try it out before you decide you don't like it. 

The bell behind us rings, giving us a one minute warning. I sigh and give him a sheepish smile. "I guess one practice wouldn't hurt. What time again?" 

Charlie grins. "3:30. I can't wait to see you there. Got to get to class. Later Jenna." 

He waves goodbye before we head down separate directions of the hallway. Just as I turn to enter the English room, I look back to Charlie as he walks down the hall. His back is turned to me so he doesn't know I see him do a celebratory fist pump as he walks away.


Tuesday, after school, I find myself wandering down to the natatorium to swim team tryouts. The pool is at the farthest end of the building and to get to it, you have to wander down the entire athletic hallway to get to it. It means the coach saw me coming and we awkwardly stared at each other for 30 seconds before we were close enough to say anything to each other. When I finally get close enough,  the coach opens the glass door for me and directs me to wait on the bleachers while everyone makes their way from their lockers. 

I wait on the  metal bleachers as familiar faces slowly trickle into the room. I take a minute to observe my surroundings. The ground is covered in this multi-colored pebble like flooring. There are blue and white lane lines crossing the 13 foot deep pool. The short metal starting blocks line up at the far end of the pool between the diving boards. The backstroke flags hand from poles across the pool a good 20 feet below the ceiling. Floor to ceiling windows and broken up by banners celebrating the swim teams's victories and record swims. 

A I take a look around, I become aware of the fact that my clothing is clinging to my body. I've been in the natatorium less than two minutes and I am already sweating like a pig. The humidity and heat is sweltering in here.  I take off my swim bag off my back so I can take my sweater off too. The relief is instant. 

As I am stuff my sweater into my bag, I look up and see Charlie rounding the corner and entering the pool area. It's like the world slows down around me. I see him scanning the bleachers, his head turning slowly as he checks every face. . As soon as he sees me, his eyes light up. The excitement is visible on his face from across the room. His grin is contagious and I return it back to him as he begins walking over to me. I made the right choice. No going back now.

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