23. The Gift of Sharing My Good Energy

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I've always liked helping others so I am Grateful for the Gift of Sharing my Healing Energy with Them & reducing their suffering thanks to it.   ( This True Gift I have is wider described in my other book called 'My New Abilities You Haven't Heard About' - & some of my followers can already confirm it because I shared  My Good Energy with them & they all Felt Better & their Mood Improved in just a Few Minutes! 😊 - so it's worth trying, isn't it?  ^_~ ) 

If you don't believe me now - I can Prove it to you! :)

( - If I manage to heal your headache or any other ache, reduce your tiredness, minor sleeping problems or improve your mood with that - You'll stop to be so skeptical !  ^_~ 👍

Cause it Should Work if you are not Good Energy Proof ! :) ... - & most people are not )

& Don't worry about me! 😊

- my Energy is renevable so sharing some of it with you won't do me any harm, I may only feel sleepy for a moment, that's all !  ^_^  - & You should feel Better faster than you expect! :)

So if you are:

- stressed

- tired

- feel sad or annoyed without any visible reason

- have some sleeping problems

- headache or any other ache 

It means that your energy level is low & you need my help

( I am here Everyday - so there's a Great Chance that I'll be online when you message me & ask for it. Don't suffer when you can enjoy your time - just message my Inbox & let me fix it!  🙌 )

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
