Fireworks cause damage

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18:Blane did you get any fireworks

Yep I did just stole them

17:what you stole them


18:Let's go get Jordan and Amata

Lets go

16:that birdie is better than you 17


-2 hours later-

18:I feel bad for Black

I don't

18:of course you dont you did it

I know it was funny though

17:what did you do to Black

I threw a firework at him and it got below the waist


16:That birdie is better than you

18:I hope he's ok

17:I don't care

You should *lights firrwork and threws it at him*

17:I hate you

Jordan:last time I checked you fanboyed over her

Is there such thing as a fan boy

Amata:there is now

Wow guys really

Black:my nuts are all healed up

Amata:thank God
(Ha get it abridged ok I'm sorry *bows*)

*goes to blacks room and steals all his make up and beauty products* hehe

Black:*walks to his room* where did everything go

*laughs so hard she starts choking*


I hope you like it I have wrote a lot down on paper and pencil so the hard part id writing it all down but I hope you like it bye


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