Chapter 5: The changes.

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I was just about to doze off with my head snuggled up to Reiji's neck, when the door opened to reveal a frowning Ayato.

"Get dressed, you have a visitor."

"Who?" Questioned my 'snuggle buddy'.

"It's (y/n)'s boyfriend." At the sound of this Reji looked at me.

"When did you get a boyfriend?"

"Yesterday." I hummed against his neck. "Why? Did you want to try me out."

"Don't flatter yourself, i'm far from in your league."

"Well it was worth a try." Once I was changed, I lay down on the bed in a sleeping beauty manner. The sound of the door opening reached my ears and soon the sweet smell of Yuma filled my nose.

"I know you're awake." He deadpanned.

"No, i'm in an eternal sleep and you have to kiss me." I could practically feel the glare that my boyfriend was giving me.

"You're not getting another one." A flick was sent to my head and i sat up to rub the area.

"Ow. That actually hurt."

"That's the point." I slightly pouted as Yuma turned away from me but when his lovely brown eyes slightly shifted to me, I gave him a warm back hug.

"Thanks for visiting me. I'm sure that Shuu put you through hell before you even got to say 'hi'." It seemed that this triggered his more seductive side since he calmly turned around and carefully pinned me to the bed to nip my neck. The brunette's face was a bright scarlet and I could tell that he was embarrassed.

"I-it's good that you're okay." He stayed atop me for a little while longer and we lay there in a comfortable silence.

"She's sick so I don't suggest sex." Said a voice from next to us.

"That's not what this was leading to, you pervert!" Reji slightly pulled away to push his glasses up.

"That doesn't matter, visiting hours are over, you need to leave." Yuma returned his gaze to mine and placed a surprisingly delicate kiss on my cheek.

"I'll see you later." Once he was gone, I turned to the red eyed vampire that turned him away.

"What the f*ck?" Even though my voice was calm, it was obvious that I was pissed.

"The sun is almost up you need to sleep."

"Wait?" I gripped his arm to prevent him from leaving. "Who have you been using for blood since i'm so sick."

"Although it isn't exactly the classiest way of getting blood, we had to use Yui."

"Oh." Seeing that I had nothing else to say, Reiji released himself from my grip and left the room, condemning me to be all alone again.

"You are such a whore." I instantly opened my big (e/c) eyes to see Ayato who somehow managed to place my head on his lap without me noticing. A strand of my hair was wrapped around his pointer finger as he played with it.

"What are you doing?" I could feel myself getting drowsy at the feeling of his hands in my hair but I still managed a glare.

"You miss me. That's why you're sick." He didn't look down at me but it was obvious that he was reading my movements. 

"I don't miss you. Now please leave me be." We stayed like that...silently staring into space until I remembered my dream. 'He said he only hurt me because he didn't want me to leave."

"Why did you hurt for so long?" The question came out like a river and I could feel my ex lover's body stiffen before he looked down. At first they were filled with a feeling that I only saw in Shuu's eyes but then they shifted into an unrecognizable rage which soon changed into a devious glare.

"I did it....because I like it when you suffer." and with that Ayato was gone, leaving me too terrified to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the feeling of an indescribable pain in my neck.

"Reiji!" and just like that he was by my side.

"Does it hurt?" Unable to remark, I only gave a nod. He leaned down to look at my neck and when he saw the problem his eyes went wide with what seamed to be fear."We need to get you out of this room."

"Why?" My voice came out dry and almost demonic which made me instantly shut up.

"What's wrong with her?" It was Shuu. 

"Look at her neck."

"It's black...why?"

"I don't know but for her to be cured someone had to drink from her until her veins go back to normal."

"But she'll have to become a half-blood in the process if we want her to live."

"It's either that or she dies."

"I could change her." Everyone turned to face Kanato. I quickly shook my head despite how much it killed me to do so.

"I won't let you touch her, you'll probably kill her" I could see my blonde haired savior glare at the childish boy before him.

"No, I won't. There's no need to. She hasn't done anything to me and she's not as annoying as miss Yui." I smiled at his words, being slightly reassured. 

"L-let him." My voice sound worse than before and I wasn't even sure that anyone understood a word I said, but apparently they did.

"Are you sure? Once you've changed your blood may not be so sweet." This time it was laito. 'When did he get here?'   I went to nod my head but found that my body was stiff. 

"...Go on, do it." It was obvious that Reiji was worried but in all truth, there was nothing he could do. The time went by slowly and all I could feel was the immense pain of Kanato sucking at my neck. But that was thing that scared me, although I could feel the pain, I couldn't move nor scream. I was completely trapped at the mercy of the unpredictable vampire atop me and gawd was I worried. 

When the process was done, I could barely tell the time or remember what happened but slowly I regained full consciousness and manged to open my eyes, though what I saw wasn't expected. There was Ayato cuddled against my side, with his head on my stomach as he slept. I lightly moved my hand to ouch him but the sound of a loud crack made me rethink my decision.

"Ayato." I whispered. My voice was now much smoother than it was before but I knew that my body was far from human. I was a half-blood now, and I could never change that. I'd have to learn to cope with drinking a human's blood and living in the shadows, unable to ever tell any of my mortal friends that I wasn't like them anymore. A small tear fell down my face at the very thought of all the things I couldn't do and someone's thumb wiped it away.

"Don't cry, unless it's for me. You're too special to be so sad for no good reason." I looked to my side to see that Ayato was the one coaxing me. My eyes widened in fear and I began to cry harder. 

"Please, I don't want you to hurt me anymore."

"No matter what I do to hurt you, you'll never feel my pain."

With that one phrase he was gone leaving me to contemplate his words.

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