Chapter 7: Kisses

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I quietly sat on yuma's lap as our English teacher lectured the class for their behavior the day before. 

"Yuma, i'm so bored." 

"I can't do anything for you so stop whining or else i'll throw you off of my lap." Startled by Yuma's tone, my body tensed against his and I quickly shut my mouth. the two of us stayed like that for awhile until the sound if the bell rang throughout the school and it was time for everyone to move to their second period. I placed a soft kiss on my boyfriend's cheek and left the room to head to math.

When I finally reached the lovely wooden door of my math class, I opened the door only to see the sight of Mr. Park, my teacher, yelling at Laito. His once combed back hair was sticking up in random places and his face was red with rage.

"How many times do I have to tell you to pay attention when i'm talking instead of flirting with the girls around you!"

"Don't worry it won't happen again." Soothed the handsome vampire with his left hand on his hip. The two glared at each other though Laito's glare was devious and filled with mischief. it wasn't long before the teacher gave up and pointed the red head to the seat that Ayato was currently occupying.

"Ayato, you're sitting next to (y/n). Laito, please go and take that seat." A low growl rose up into my throat at the sight of my ex moving towards the seat next to mine. 'Why me? Why so cliche?' I thought with a sigh. While it may seem like I was overeating, I honestly wasn't. See, I sat in the back of the classroom, and when I say the back, I mean the extreme back where the teacher can't see shit, meaning that Ayato could do almost anything to and no one would notice a thing.

Without a word, I took my seat and pulled out my sketchbook and storybook. It was quite obvious that we'd be doing a review from the tone in my teachers voice and to be honest, I just wasn't in the mood. As I entertained myself with countless drawings and stories that I had created, Ayato slowly moved his chair towards my own before lightly tilting my head towards his and smashing his lips on mine. 

The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but those few seconds were enough for the teacher to catch us.

"(y/n), Ayato, detention for the both of you."

"What the hell?!" I growled as I stood up and marched forward towards the teacher, though I was quickly stopped by the cocky voice of the same boy who'd just kissed me.

"Don't or else you won't like the outcome." Fearful of his words, I slowly sat back down in my seat and began to sketch, though instead of drawing my usual flowers and beaches, I decided to draw Ayato and what I saw him as...a handsome arrogant self centered beast.

By the time I'd finish the picture class had ended and I could finally leave for home, though the look in Mr. Park's eyes reminded me that I wasn't going anywhere and neither was Ayato. With a huff, I sat back down and crossed my arms in a pout. 

"Aww is (y/n)-chan mad?~" cooed the handsome redhead.

"Shut.up. I'm only here because you kissed me."

"You know you wanted me to." He frowned.

"I'm dating Yuma, what if he figures out about this?"

"Then I guess we'll have to keep it a secret." I analyzed the mischievous look in the vampire's eyes until I found what I was looking for.

"You wanted to tell me something. What is it?"

"I don't like Yuma, you need to break up." At this, I let out an incredulous laugh.

"You, the same guy who tortured me non-stop and constantly degraded me, believe that you have the right to decide who I choose to love? He treats me far better than you ever did, the only person who could even waver my feelings for him is Shuu, and...

"I doubt he'd help the likes of you." 

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