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Yunaiteddo, 3rd Person Pov

We see konton and esdeath clashing swords.

Konton: "Why are you defending this city?!" as she quickly grabbed and held esdeath's sword still then tried swinging her sword only for esdeath to dodge. 

Esdeath: "I'm merely defending this city because I know I'll get paid for defending it."

Then esdeath kicked konton's sword out of her hand.

Esdeath: "But the real reason why I'm defending this is-"

She was interrupted by a blue orb landing in front of them and slowing down time around them.

Konton: "Crap!!!!" 

As those two saw cavaliere on a elder greyon along with three other figures.


Cavaliere: "You two get the girl in white and black, and the schnee." as the verdugos just nodded and dug underneath the ground.

Esdeath then tried to break the ground, but was too slow to even lift up her rapier high enough. While everyone forgot about konton and she used this opportunity to retreat. Then cavaliere stabbed his sword in the ground to manipulate the electricity around to make the ground electrified only to esdeath.

Esdeath: "Wait a minute, I heard about you cavaliere." as she created a ice pillar to stay away from the ground.

Esdeath: "The same cavaliere that was created to protect his master and what was his master name again? Oh wait, its the only one named y/n."

Then she created icicles and shot them towards cavaliere only to be melted by wall made out of fire.

Esdeath: "Who are you."

Cinder: "I'm cinder another one of y/n's demon generals."

As esdeath quickly made more icicles and shot them towards both cavaliere and cinder. Which the icicles did nothing to cavaliere because he created a lightning shield around him and the elder greyon, but cinder did destroy most of the icicles which one icicle did piece through her right shoulder.

Cinder: "Bitch!!!" as she readies a fire ball and looks up to see nothing.

Cinder: "Hmm, where did she-"

She was interrupted by esdeath cutting her left arm off, which had the fire ball ready, and she screamed in pained and didn't do anything because any of her healing spells take a long time to do.

Then the elder greyon shot another blue orb towards cinder just in case esdeath tries finishing off cinder.

Cinder: "Thanks." as she begins to slowly heal herself and cavaliere & the elder greyon is protecting her until she's done healing.

Esdeath then came out of nowhere and tried attacking cinder only to be kicked away by the elder greyon 

Esdeath: "So thats how your going to be huh? Well two can play at that game." then she whistles and four maids showed up.

Cavaliere: "Wait... are... they who I think they are... the other sisters of yuri and nabe!?!?" as the two verdugos showed up with blake and weiss next to cinder.

Cavaliere (Shit!!!! I hope the rumors weren't true about them!)

Then he opened a portal for cinder and the two verdugos to go in.

One of the maids: "Stop them from fleeing!"

As all four maids tried stopping cinder and the two verdugos, that were carrying blake & weiss, only to be slowed down by another blue orb and allowed those three to leave.

Esdeath: "Oh well, at least we can still take of cavaliere and I hope he screams for my entertainment~"

Cavaliere then shot a lightning bolt at esdeath, which she dodged... barely. Then the four maids attacked and injured the elder greyon which knocked off cavaliere and opened a portal back to neraka limping.

Cavaliere: "Damn you." as he did a wide swing of his sword only to cut off esdeath's left arm, while the maids jumped out of the way.

Cavaliere: "Whats wrong? holding back the pain." as the maids sneaked attacked him and heavily injured him to the point where he's barely on one knee.

Cavaliere (Well... if I were to die now... it would make me happy knowing that I did my purpose.)

Just as cavaliere was waiting for his death from the maids, instead he saw a fire wall surrounding him which made the four maids & esdeath jump back.

Cavaliere (What the?) as he looked on top of a destroyed building to see a fire skeleton?

???: "Stay away from master's favorite creation!"

Cavaliere (Why does he sound... familiar?)

Then the fire skeleton? jumped and landed in front of the five women and blasted them with a heat wave spell.

???: "Is master's favorite creation hurt?"

Cavaliere just said a little bit then the fire skeleton engulfed cavaliere in fire and few seconds later cavaliere was healed up.

Cavaliere: "Uh thanks?"

Ted: "Ted don't like seeing master's creations hurt and ted was told to come help master's creation if master's creation was in trouble."

Cavaliere: "Ted!?!? When did you get another form???"

Ted: "Oh, ted had this form since ted was created." then ted smiled and quickly teleported the both of them back to y/n.

Meanwhile esdeath and the four maids were getting up from ted's heat wave spell.

Esdeath: "Heh, you win this time cavaliere, but next time... we won't lose."

Solution: "Lets go back to the headmasters." as those five went to yunaiteddo.

Y/n's Mansion

Cavaliere: "Ted?"

Ted: "Yes master's favorite creation."

Cavaliere: "Thanks... for.... saving me back there."

Ted: "It's no problem and did ted see Solution Epsilon, Cz Detla, Lupusregina Beta, and that bug maid?"

Cavaliere just nodded while ted went back to his golem form.

Ted: "This is bad for master's two maids." as ted somehow is pouring sweat.

Ted: "Ted will tell master's favorite creation why ted is even afraid of those maids."

Then cavaliere sat down on the ground.

Ted: "When ted's creator was creating ted and my three other friends. Ted was implanted with some memories of ted's creator and the memories showed that ted's creator wasn't human before ted's creator betrayed her own master."

Ted then told cavaliere about how yuri and nabe killed their master and sacrificed the full power they had in order to remain hidden as humans from their four sisters.

Cavaliere: "Why did they betrayed their master ted?"

Ted: "Ted don't know why and it might be better if master's favorite creation ask ted's creator."

Cavaliere: "Oh... well, I'll ask yuri then and thanks ted for giving me this information."

Ted: "No problem." as he smiled and did a salute.

A/n: Done and the next chapter will explain why yuri and nabe betrayed their master. I honestly never expected this bullied cliche of a book to be my popular book, which was originally a side project. So thanks for whoever reads this. 

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