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A/n: I forgot to say thanks to who said to call the "white fang" as the red fang.

Y/n's Mansion, Yuri's Pov

Wesker (ear piece): "Just let y/n know that I will need protection from the red fang, so they don't steal any our materials for the prototypes."

Me (ear piece): "I'll tell him, but I have one question though."

Wesker (ear piece): "Is it about the figures with the red fang?"

Me (ear piece): "Yes... kind of, but did all your of cameras happened to be blurred out the figures while the red fang soldiers were clear to see?"

Wesker (ear piece): "Yes."

This is bad news!!!

Me (ear piece): "...Okay thanks for telling me wesker and I'll talk to y/n about this." as I took out my ear piece and gave it to ruby for safe keeping.

I question many things that y/n did and most seemed reasonable to the point for me not to ask why he did it, but there is only one thing that mostly everyone agrees why bring those two teams back when he told no-one about their history & relationship.

Me: "Ruby?" as she quickly ran to my side.

Ruby: "Y-yes yuri?"

Me: "I want you to be honest with me and answer this: Did those two teams, that y/n rescued, did anything suspicious when you & y/n were in yunaiteddo high?"

Ruby: "I... um... well..."

Me: "If you don't mind ruby, but I need an answer before y/n & them get back from neraka."

Ruby: "..."

Ruby: "...Alright! I never paid attention to Yumi & Miyabi's team because I always thought they were always better than most students in every category!" as she used her semblance and went  back to her room.

Did I missed something from her past or brought up a bad memory? I'll ask her later, but right now I better- 

Ted: "Rub- oh hey master's maid ted was looking for ruby." as he broke through the front door.

Wait a minute, why does ted have a folder in his hand? Then I ask ted why he has a folder and he just says that he was going to give that folder to ruby.

Ted: "Ted isn't suppose to tell this to anyone, but ruby asked awhile back if ted can spy on both ninja teams during the night time."

3rd Person Pov

Yuri (Was ruby already suspicious of those two teams and didn't ask for my help... I think she & ted can handle this and it can test her loyalty to y/n by doing the right thing with the two teams.)

Yuri: "Don't worry ted I won't say anything to ruby and besides I was going to test her loyalty, which I hope she does the right thing to do when she has to do something with the two teams."

Yuri: "One more thing ted... make sure it's her own choice to prove that she's loyal to y/n and still a good leader."

Ted: "Okay." as he went to find ruby's room.

Then yuri went to check up on venelana to see if she's doing alright. Once she found the room that venelana was staying in and knocked on the door to see if anyone was in the room and pushed the door to see if the door was locked, but to her surprise the door was unlocked as the door opened half-way. Then she peeked in to see that no-one is there.

Yuri (Why would they leave their door-)

Venelana: "Were you checking up on us?" as yuri turned around to see venelana & millicas with new clothes on.

Yuri: "Yes and I was wondering if you two are doing good, since grayfia wanted the both of you to be here."

Venelana: "Oh... okay and does everyone else that stays here like our company?"

Yuri: "Yes." as the atmosphere got quiet and slightly awkward.

Yuri: "..."

Venelana: "..."

Yuri: "...I'll get going now and if you two need anything just call any of us and someone will come." as she slightly bowed and went to clean up anything around the mansion.

Venelana: "Will do." as they went in their room and just left the door opened while venelana just laid on her own bed until she fell asleep.

Millicas on the other hand went to get something to eat from the kitchen.

Timeskip to evening, Random Abandoned city

We see nina, ted, esdeath & ruby walking on a dark, quiet, empty street.

Ruby: "I-I-Is th-th-this where s-s-suppose to m-m-meet the p-p-person th-th-that y-y-you get y-y-your s-s-stuff for pr-pr-projects?"

Nina: "Yes and this person that we're meeting with he's... oh how can I say this umm... he always have everything for any project when we need him." as ruby slowly hid behind ted.

Esdeath: "Would this person carry a-"

Nina: "I never asked him if he carrys anything else other than what umbrella needs." as she interrupted esdeath.

Nina then said be her guest if esdeath is curious about what else the person has for sell. Once nina said that they heard footsteps coming from an empty building and nina told the other three to don't do anything unless they want to go with her as she started walking towards the footsteps. Esdeath instantly followed, while ted & ruby decided to stay.

Ruby: "So... do you have any good stories or anything to tell?"

Ted: "Ted confused by what ruby said to ted before about love and ted don't know anything about it besides being friends with ruby."

Ruby: "Yeah?"

Ted: "Does ruby like somebody?" as she turned away from ted.

Ruby: "Yes and he's very nice to me."

Ted: "Now ted curious on who ruby likes."

As she was about to tell him something ted grabbed and covered her by using his body as he was stabbed then got blasted by magic in the back.

Ruby: "Ted! You okay?" as she sounds very concern for ted, while she a cracking sound.

Ted: "...Ted's back is now cracked and to think ted was going to ask ruby to crack ted's back." as he just chuckled and grabbed whatever was stabbed on his back and broke it in half. 

Then ted created fire gauntlets and a fire aura around ruby for more protection as ruby heard some familiar voices or a certain group.

???: "Damn! How did he survived that!"

Ruby (Is that... one pervert tried talking to me before or was it someone else?)

Ted & ruby turned towards the voice to see rias and whats left of her peerage. 

Ted: "Ruby, who are the weirdos and why is the brown haired one staring at ruby VERY weirdly...?" as he doesn't know who rias or her peerage is.

Ruby said that they are Rias gremory, the heiress of the gremory and is the one with red hair. Next was Akeno himejima and well... she didn't know much about akeno other then the fact that she was a fallen/human hybrid before becoming a reincarnated devil. The next person was Yuuto kiba and same as before she didn't really know anything about besides him being a reincarnated devil.

Ted: "Did ruby just kept to herself?"

Ruby: "Well... I did mainly stayed by my former team and the last person is Issei and everyone back in yunaiteddo high called him a huge pervert for many reasons."

Rias: "Ruby!?" as ruby looked away from rias.

Rias: "What are you doing here with this... person?"

Ruby: "I... uh... um..."

Rias: "I hope you know that your sister is upset about him taking off with you and she kindly asked-"

Ruby: "NO!!! I'm not going back to yunaiteddo nor to yang!!!" as she pulled out crescent rose and shot near rias' feet.

Ruby: "Don't you dare try to say something about me bullying y/n on purpose!"

Rias: "Oh, why not?" as she smirked.

Ruby realized what she just said in front of ted and quickly covered her mouth with her other hand.

Ted: "Uh, sorry ted wasn't paying attention to ruby ted was daydreaming about something and what did ruby say?"

Ruby: "Nothing *sighs* except for rias tried lying about me bullying y/n on purpose."

Ted: "Hey red hair don't be lying to ruby because ted can hurt red hair and red hair's friends." as he caught a sword with his hand.

Ted: "Don't do that... pervert."

Ted broke the blade and threw issei back at rias. Then kiba started charging towards ruby as akeno & rias shot their magic at ted, which slightly staggered him.

Ruby quickly transformed crescent rose and blocked kiba's sword swing, while issei got back up and tried attacking ruby. Then ruby quickly used her semblance to put some distance between her, kiba and issei.

Ruby: "Why bother trying to capturing me when you two probably won't get anything from yang or your master." as kiba said that he's only doing this as proof that rias was sorry for what happened before when she and issei ate him up as infected.

Ruby: "I'm not even going to ask you... pervert."

Issei: "Ah come on! You ask what kiba gets out of this, but not me."

Ruby: "No." as she swung at issei, which she cut off the hand where ddraig use to be.

Ruby then threw up once issei's arm landed on the ground, while issei complained about how its going to be hard to touch both of rias' boobs. Kiba took this opportunity to try and grab ruby... only for him to get burned by the fire aura.

Meanwhile those six kept fighting, we see two people sitting and observing on top of a roof.

Azazel: "What do you think of those two fighting together?"

Joker: "Who ted & ruby?" as azazel said yes.

Joker: "Then I going to be honest here ruby needs more training with ted and ted on the other hand... well he's just ted. But they complement each in a pure way."

Azazel: "Oh? Please explain."

Then joker explained how ted is more naturally stronger & durable and ruby being more agile & faster, except that they aren't really good against magic users.

Joker: "Plus they're learning more about the real world and ruby is trying to make up with y/n even though he already forgave her. I wish it were that easy for what I did a long time ago." as he whispered that last part to himself.

Azazel raised a eyebrow and said something to joker.

Azazel: "You mean like what you did to your biological mother." as he quickly caught joker's attention.

Joker: "How would you know if I did something to my real mother, hmm?"

Azazel: "Oh I don't know... maybe I happened to knocked and opened your door right after you disappeared from heaven when your mother was murdered or when I saw a pair of angel wings that had blood stains all over them which were in a dumpster."

Joker: "..."

Azazel: "Or this one time I received a report from someone in yunaiteddo that a clown was murdering anybody in his way including both the powerless and powerful people just for the hell of it and had your exact description: white hair, blue & green eyes, 5'9, wearing a dark purple jester outfit, and yelling in the street "Memes!!! they're the DNA of everyone's soul and we're all pawns and no-one can do nothing about it!" doesn't it sound all way too familiar to you?"

Joker lost his cool and grabbed azazel by the neck and started choking him.

Joker: "You know azazel I was starting to like hanging out with you, but I'm not sure anymore because you know all about this information and guess what?"

Azazel: "What?" as he struggled for air.

Joker: "You forgot to mention that I never wanted to known as a rapist from being a got damn angel!!! and my mother wanted me to just accept the fact that I was one for the rest of my life. As months went by I was slowly starting to accept my angel heritage, until one day I saw what changed the way on how I see angels."


(Past) Joker: "Where is my mommy?" as he kept looking around heaven for her.

(past) Joker: "Mommy! where are you?" as he yelled.

I was getting tired of looking for her, before I gave up looking for her I decided to go down to yunaiteddo and saw the true nature of angels and the real roles of them.

I saw them using other people and it didn't matter if they were powerless or not angels shouldn't be allowed to leave heaven unless they were ordered to do so, but I guess micheal didn't have the fucking the brains or the balls to tell them to stay up in heaven.

(past) Joker: "W-W-What are you two doing to those people?" as one angel finished blowing his load into a random woman.

Male Angel: "Oh we're just making sure that would be more angels in the future." as the female angel forced herself onto a random guy.

(past) Joker: "O-O-Oh, but why do they look like they're not enjoying what your doing to them?"

Random woman: "Please help me!!!" as the male angel slapped her across the face and told her to shut up or else he'll bring his friends and turn it into a gang bang.

Then the woman started crying and begged him not to do that, but he said it was too late and he's bring his friends along.

I just stood their like a fucking idiot and allowed the raping to continue happening, until I kept hearing damn voices in my to do kill both angels and the victims but I kept telling myself maybe their just fallen in disguises. Until I noticed they both had halos over their heads and thats when I fell to my knees and tears were shed. Then the voices kept get louder and louder to kill them and I gave up and lost my innocents.

(past) Joker:

(A/n: Any of the laughs will do.)

As everyone started looking towards me and the victims were the only ones that legit shaking in fear and as for the two angels they were looking at me like I was nothing, but oh boy they just created something far more dangerous than any villain, grimm or anything else on the planet.

(past) Joker: "I see now... angels praying on both the weak and strong humans just for creating more angels for future generations, hehehehahaha."

(past) Joker: "I guess every angel is just like this, welp I better start cleansing this corruption starting with you two." as he quickly appeared in front of the two angels and ripped off their wings and intestines, while he broke their arms & legs.

Then I started straggling them to death with their own intestines and it felt very... good. Once they were weaken enough I snapped both of their necks and started laughing, which I somehow ended up crying. As I continued to shed tears the woman that was just raped walked up to me and comforted me by hugging and shushing me to try and calm me down, which worked.

Random woman: "Shh, I don't what happened to you just now, but there's no need to cry little one." as she rubbed his white hair softly, while having a gentle tone to her voice.

That woman prevented me from killing anyone else and I told her about how I didn't know that angels were doing this to anyone and I was merely looking for my mother. The woman actually believed my story and to my surprise she wanted me to go home with her since she lived alone and doesn't know if she had any kind of family.

But as the young child I was I refused and she understood why I wouldn't go with her and honestly I don't even know if that woman is even alive anymore and she wouldn't understand what was going on inside my head at the time. Then she sighed and whispered to me where she lived in case if I changed my mind and after that she left and I never saw her again.

(past) Joker: "Is this my heritage to force myself on someone just to create more angels, while that  someone is begging me to stop."

(past) Joker: "Time to fall from grace, hehehahahaha!"

Later on that day I vowed to myself to get rid of any angel that gets in my way. A week went by since that little incident I was home along with my mother and I decided to cut my last tie with anything that was angel related, besides my angel wings.

(past) Joker: "Hey mom?"

Joker's Mom: "Yeah sweetie?"

(past) Joker: "What does it mean to be a angel?"

Then she told me that angels are the purest people that were given a second to help others and what a load of bullshit I knew she knows about what I saw happened.

(past) Joker: "Oh okay, but there's something that you forgot to mention."

Joker's Mom: "What's that sweetie?" as she got closer to him.

Then I took this opportunity and slowly made light spear in my hands. Then waited for the right moment to kill her.

(past) Joker: "You forgot to mention that.... ANGELS force themselves on humans!!!" as he quickly broke both of his mother's arms, which she screamed in pain.

I felt so good about what I did and I couldn't stop myself from stabbing my own mother, but at this point I didn't give a shit about anything holy or angel relate and yes I kept stabbing until my mother's last bone broke and last drip of blood was spilled.

(past) Joker: "You fucking whore! you were never an angel and sure as hell wasn't pure!!! I know I'm one of many of your got damn children that you didn't gave a shit about after every child hit a certain age!!!"

Then I ran away from heaven and kept moving from town to town in case any angel tried hunting me down.

Flashback over

Joker: "Over the years I learned that nearly this whole planet is corrupted, except for the once small town neraka & umbrella who are against the corruption." as he let go of azazel while he was breathing in heavy.

Joker: "Honestly, there are many things that kept me from going back to my old self and two examples would be ted & ruby since one is something I thought I would never see again."

Azazel: "What's... that?"

Joker: "Pure innocence from ted and ruby given a second chance to redeem for what she did. Also I ship ted & ruby since they're generally pure people to be around with." as azazel agreed with him.

A/n: And over.  Damn, even joker is shipping them.

A/n: One last thing: Ted's human form is slightly less powerful than his golem, but ted is more faster, more agile, and better at magic.

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