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Joker's Pov

I think that's my que to help my master carry those three back for him. I wonder what's he going to do to them is the question though.


Nah who cares and besides I think I have a clue on what he's going to do with rias and them, hehe.

Me: "See ya later, you old bird." as azazel replied that he's in his twenties.

Me: "No-body cares and it's payback for knowing my past."

Then I teleported in front of y/n and took the three knocked out bodies from him. 

Y/n: "Thanks? and where did you even come from?"

Me: "I've been here for awhile since alastor sensed rias and her peerage heading here and he told me to watch over nina & them." as y/n just nodded at my answer.

Me: "So where's ted & ruby?"

Y/n pointed towards a tree that was besides a random empty building. As I noticed that their eyes are shut aaaand ted is drooling. I did not know that he drooled or is he exhausted from being in human form for too long?

Nah, he probably got only a couple of hours of sleep. Then again when was the last time that I slept for twelve hours straight.

Me: "Hey y/n, I've been curious about something."

Y/n: "What is it?"

Me: "Where did you learn to create your own loyal demons because I've seen an cerberus, the old satan and three other demons/people do that before or something similar to it."

Y/n stayed quiet and when he did try to say something he stuttered something about a voice... Interesting I wonder if it's that damn dog from the underworld.

3rd Person Pov

Joker: "On second thought, I'll just figure it out." as he teleported back to y/n's mansion with the three bodies.

Y/n (What did he meant by that?)

Demonic voice (He... means... me...)

Y/n (I forgot about you... random voice in my head.)

Demonic voice (Don't... forget... about... what... I... said... before...)

Y/n (What you said before annnnnnd the voice is gone.)

Y/n was trying to figure out who the voice was referring as impostors in neraka, but heard another voice coming from a nearby abandoned building.

Mysterious voice: "Oh my~ Do you really believe anything that clown says~" as they giggled and he summoned the fire bow.

He kept his guard up while the demonic voice came back. Then demonic voice said something about a bad feeling that the mysterious voice is apart of joker's past, but is not sure if it's 100% true.

Y/n (Why come back now?!)

Demonic voice (Don't worry about me... just stay focus and keep your guard up.) as y/n sighed and did what the demonic voice said.

Mysterious voice: "Well aren't you just cute talking to your voice in head~"

Y/n: " o_0"

Y/n: "Ho-ho-how do you know-"

Demonic voice (Stay focus and don't pay attention to them. They're trying to catch you off guard by saying that.)

Then a huge ball of energy went flying towards y/n, who quickly charged the fire bow away and shot the energy. As the fire arrow pierced right through the energy ball it caused a huge blast that it leveled all the buildings in the abandoned town.

Mysterious voice: "I know your still alive and please do keep hiding I just love finding prey~ Fufu~"

Then the mysterious voice started forming multiple energy balls and destroyed just about anything in their path.

Y/n's Pov

Me (Hey demonic voice you got any ideas-) as I started coughing up blood.

Demonic voice (Well... I can heal you, but you might say-)

Me (That's boring.)

Demonic voice (Alright, my second idea let me take over your body & mind.)

Me (Hell yeah- wait no! I don't want that!)

Demonic voice (You really don't got that much of choice for 2 reasons and the first reason is that your currently bleeding and coughing up blood. Plus I know your not that much of a fighter or else you wouldn't be creating demonic generals and have the first demonic general be your bodyguard.)

Me (I-I-I-I-)

Demonic voice (Judging by your stutter you know it's true, right?) as I sighed in defeat and I asked what was the other reason.

Demonic voice (Well you might not like this but-)

The Mysterious person's Pov

I know he's around here somewhere I just have to-

As I heard a howl nearby as all the rubble went flying in all different directions while the temperature around me was starting to get very warm... lucifer I think you'll be proud of me for bringing out the traitor.

Me: "Yes! Yes! Let everyone know where you are at... you damn mutt!!!" as I created more energy balls around me.

Me: "Time to pay for you what did to mantus and how it changed lucifer & got him banished."

Flashback, 9 years ago in the underworld

I remember when Mantus was watching lucifer torture a demon for trying to steal something from me.

A/n: Mantus is around 9-10 years old

Lucifer: "So, is this like your 5th time for doing the same thing and failing miserable since my hellhound pounced as soon as you tried laying your hands around my wife's necklace."

Demon: "..."

Lucifer: "Nothing to say eh? That's fine it gives me more reason to feed you to the hound." as the hellhound started growling at the demon.

Demon: "Just *coughs up blood* fucking feed me *coughs* to the mutt already! Just like how you killed *coughs* mundus and all of his followers with no hesitation!"

Then lucifer just threw the demon at his hellhound and instantly started biting the demon in half as blood, guts, organs and intestines spilled all over the ground in front of me.

Me: "Was that really necessarily to show this to our son?" as mantus kept encouraging the hellhound.

Lucifer: "Well it depends on who's perspective you see it from and my perspective it was necessarily to show our son that since one day he might rule the underworld and might have to show his ruthlessness and strength to all, but I bet in your perspective you see it as unnecessarily violence but tell me a time when there was no unnecessarily violence?" as he turned around to face me.

Me: "Well... um, there was this time that everyone was living peacefully-"

Lucifer: "That was before the grimm bitch, the league of villains and others showed up to kill the mood."

Then he clenched his fist and I'm starting to get a little bit scared as my body starts shaking on it's own.

I slowly wrapped my arms around lucifer's stomach out of instinct and to make him unclench his fist.

Me: "I know you hate the grimm queen, but you must remember that she can't do anything to you or us." as I hugged tighter.

Lucifer: "Yes, but-"

Me: "No buts just take care of us please."

Lucifer: "Okay *sighs* I'll be a good father and husband to both of you." as he kissed me on my forehead.

Then we slowly bonded more as a family with more time together like eating together, teaching mantus magic from both of us while his father gave him tips about women, until that night.

7 months later lucifer's castle, lucifer's Pov 

Me: "Now son lets try to summon any type of demon." as I snapped my fingers and a demonic warrior showed up via a lava portal.

Me: "Now you try it."

Mantus: "Okay I can try it." then he tried snapping his fingers, but nothing happened.

He kept snapping his fingers and still no results. I could tell that he was getting frustrated since his snapping was getting louder and still no demon by-side him. Then I walked up to him and told him that I didn't get a demon on the first try either.

Me: "But remember this son I got my own demon within months and that's just trying to summon one and not training them to be whatever role you give them."

Mantus: "Really!?!?" as I nod.

Mantus: "Ah man, this stinks!"

I told him that I would help him if he needed any and he got excited after I told him that. Then he asked why I needed a loyal demon and I said to him just in case all the demons and devils plan to betray me so I know that there's one demon by my side as I patted his head.

Me: "Now lets go back in to see if your mother is making food and don't worry tomorrow we'll back out here when we wake up."

Mantus just said okay and took off running in while my loyal demon asked me something.

Loyal demon: "Was the demons and devils part true?"

Me: "It's not true, but I don't want that to happen and if it were to happen I want you to protect those two with your life, got it?" 

Loyal demon: "Understood lucifer." as I told him that he go now do his own thing. Then he left in the same way.

I better get inside or else I'm going to get a ear beating from my wife for not joining them for dinner. 

2 hours later

Me: "Alright mantus I think it's time for your bedtime."

Mantus: "Ah come on, why now?"

Me: "I never made your bedtime your mother did, but since she's sleeping now I'll allow you to stay up for another five minutes." as mantus said yes in quiet tone.

Mantus: "Dad?"

Me: "Yes?"

Mantus: "Do you think I can play with the hound?"

Me: "Sure, but be careful."

Mantus: "Don't worry I will." as he went to find the hellhound.

I hope he's careful I better have my loyal demon keep an eye on him. Then I snapped my fingers and my loyal demon appeared in front of me.

Loyal demon: "Do you need something?" as I asked him to keep an eye on mantus in case something happens to him.

Loyal demon: "As you wish lord lucifer."

Then he disappeared and now I can worry less about my son.

3rd Person Pov

We see lucifer's loyal demon watching the hellhound and mantus from a distance, but little does the loyal demon know that the hellhound is ready to end lucifer's bloodline starting with ending mantus.

Hellhound (That hybrid is not living to see another day nor is his father gonna rule the underworld again! I will destroy everything in the underworld and everything in the other worlds even if it means being branded as a traitor and going against huge armies of whatever comes my way!!!)


Mantus: "Come on hound." as he whistled to the hellhoud, which the hellhound did look at him and moved towards him to make it look like mantus was petting him.

Mantus: "Lets go for a walk-"

As mantus was interrupted by the hellhound bitting off the top-half of the kid's body and quickly took off and left the bottom-half of the kid's bottom behind.

Loyal demon (Ah shit! This is bad very bad right now.) as the demon left to report back to lucifer.

Back at Lucifer's castle, Lucifer's POV

Loyal Demon: "Lord Lucifer! I have bad news!"

Oh no, this better not be about my son.

Me: "What is?"

Loyal Demon: "Your son is dead."


Loyal Demon: "And the hellhound was responsible for killing your son, but took off quickly as it could."


Loyal Demon: "Sorry about your son I thought the hellhound was allowing your son to pet him." as he put his head in shame.

Me: "Don't be sorry it was my fault for keeping that hellhound around and you can go now." as the loyal demon left me alone.

Why!!! Why my son out of everything!!! That's it I'm taking argosax's power away and taking it for myself to kill that mutt!!!

Flashback over, back to lucifer's wife's POV

Then I see a pillar of fire appeared right in front of me... that's right show up to me.

Come on I have nothing left to lose anymore since my husband is banished and mantus is dead. I WILL DEFEAT YOU DAMN MUTT!!!!

A/n: And done. Sorry if I took too long to make this chapter I was taking a small break.

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