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Zar's Pov

Okay I got to tell everyone in neraka that master created two more loyal demons.

Master y/n is very nice to everyone from his mansion, his creations, to neraka.

I'm lucky that y/n is my master and get to protect the nice people of neraka.

Once I got to neraka and looked around for ted.

Then I see ted in the distance talking to people.

This is perfect timing to tell him.

Me: "Hey Ted!" I yelled to get his attention.

He started looking around, until he saw me walking towards him.

Ted: "Hey stone friend and ted thought stone friend don't guard until sun comes up."

Me: "No I'm here to you guys that master y/n created two loyal demons and their roaming around."

Me: "One of them has a huge hammer and the other has two wolves."

At first they were shocked then someone said

Random faunus woman (excited): "Yeah more support."

Ted: "Thanks stone friend for telling ted the good news." as he proceeds to bear hug me.

After a while he let go of me.

Me: "Well I did my job for telling you guys that and I'll get going now."

Random faunus woman & Ted: "Bye zar/stone friend."

Then I walked back to master's mansion to sleep out in the front until the next morning.

The next day, Nabe's Pov

This morning y/n asked me to capture a grimm, so yuri can start working on the grimm knights, since salem's grimm & followers keep interfering.

Me: "Well, here comes a ursa or is it a major ursa."

Me: "You know what I don't care what it is. All I know that I need any type of grimm, so yuri can  start making grimm knights."

As the ursa started to charge towards me, while I slowly charged a lightning bolt and dodged it's claw swipe.

I kept dodging, until I felt the lightning bolt was heavy enough.

Then I teleported above it and threw the bolt in front of it, only for the ursa to be surrounded by a wall made out of lightning.

Me: "Lightning Inferno!"

Then the grimm is starting to get electrocuted, until it got knocked out.

After the lightning wall was gone I went up to the grimm and dragged it all the back to the mansion.

Once I got back I asked yuri.

Me: "Yuri do you think you could carry this?" as showed the knocked out ursa.

Yuri: "Sure" as she lifted the ursa with one finger.

Me: "Show off." as she ignored that.

Yuri: "One more thing: where did y/n go?"

Me: "He went into yunaiteddo to get a few people."

Yuri: "For what?"

Me: "I think for is my guess."

She seems to be satisfied with that.

Then we went down into yuri's laboratory and sometimes I forget how futuristic it looks.

(Just ignore the person and I forgot to show it last time)

Yuri then set the ursa on one of the two tables, while I chained it up very tight.

Yuri: "Okay everything is set and now I can begin with the grimm knights."

Yuri: "Nabe, you can leave now unless you want to help."

I shock my head and went back up.

Me: "Okay now that's done." 

There's nothing to do besides training or make some random dessert from yuri's cook books.

I think I'll just go with the random dessert and hopefully make enough for everyone, except for yuri since I always put something aside for her.

CRAP!!!! I nearly forgot about roberta, since she was tasked this morning to ask wesker to create a virus that can turn anyone undead. I better put something off to the side for her too.

Meanwhile in Yunaiteddo, Y/n's Pov

Where is that damn bar at!

As I kept looking I heard a familiar voice and decided to hide in alley.

???: "Got damn it!!!"

Wait is that jaune.

Jaune: "Why won't pyrrha forget about y/n and go out with me?"

Jaune: "It's not like he special or something."

Ah pyrrha, some of the people that actually cared for me. Now jaune why would she date a huntsmen that won't help others or better that don't hurt others you asshole.

Wait, this is perfect to try making a demonic knight. I better lure him in the alley.

Me: "Pssst!" as he began to look around.

Jaune: "Am I hearing things or did I hear someone say psst?"

Me: "Psst!!!"

Now he's either getting annoyed or he just shat in his pants.... 

Oh god I hope didn't do the second one.

Jaune: "O-o-o-okay m-m-m-maybe It's m-m-m-my i-i-i-imagination."

Jaune, I always knew you were damn pussy from the beginning when I met you.

Me: "Psst jaune!"

Jaune (scared): "Okay now the voice somehow knows my name." 

Thats it!

Jaune (scared): "M-m-maybe karma's-" 

I grabbed jaune by the mouth and brought him back in the alley and snapped his neck.  

Then I let go to see his body drop on the ground and holy crap that took a little bit more out of my strength.

I wonder if I should ask ted to carry back jaune's dead body...fuck it I'm asking. As I was about to put in a earpiece ted showed up right behind me.

Ted: "Ted reporting for duty, master." 

Me: "-_-"

Me: "First off how did you know I needed help?"

Ted: "Ted heard master's thoughts."

Oh that's right I forgot that they have telepathy and I don't.

Ted: "So what does ted need to do?"

Me: "Can you bring back that dead body." as I point at jaune's body.

Ted: "Yes master." as he lifted up jaune's body with ease.

Ted: "See ya later master." as he waves at me and I wave back.

As ted teleported back I see across the street and it was the bar I was looking for....Juniors.

3rd Person Pov

Y/n (Wait, before I go across I better check both ways.) as he proceeds to check both ways of the street.

Y/n (Okay It's clear.)

Then he runs across the street and goes into juniors, but little did he know that certain someone was watching him.

???: "Okay oz, I just saw him walk into Juniors."

???: "What do I now?" as ??? was talking though a scroll.

Ozpin (scroll): "Just wait around, until he gets out qrow."

Qrow: "Alright oz, but it might be tempting not to go inside."

Qrow: "Then again we might be too late, if she didn't get to him first."

Ozpin (scroll): "I highly doubt it, since y/n won't let anyone near neraka."

Ozpin (scroll): "But if thats the case then leave as quickly as you can."

Then qrow hung up and put his scroll away.

Qrow: "I hope oz knows what he is doing by trying to get this kid back."

Back to Y/n's Pov

Now all I have to do is...and why is this place empty.

???: "Are you new here?" as I look around to see twins.

I just nod.

Melanie: "I suppose we can introduce ourselves, I'm Melanie Malachite."

Melanie: "The girl in red is my twin sister, Miltia Malachite and she's usually quiet." as miltia stared at me.

Miltia: "Oh my."

Please don't tell me that the quiet girls are the most flirty.

Miltia: "Aren't you y/n l/n that help defended neraka from yunaiteddo."

Me: "Yea"

Oh good.

Me: "Well, technically I did nothing because my creation did most of the defending, while I'm just more powerful magically." as I put my head down.

Miltia: "Ah, don't be ashamed about it." as she gently pulled my head up.

Miltia: "I mean you did create something that help defend neraka and if I'm correct neraka is the only place without anything to defend themselves."

I mean she's not wrong.

Miltia: "If you want us to be your personal bodyguards then I'm up for it, Melanie?"

The both of us looked at her.

Melanie: "What?"

Miltia: "Can we?"

Melanie: "Can we what?"

Miltia: "Be y/n's personal bodyguards PLEASE?"

Melanie thought about it for a while, until she said

Melanie: "Take that up with the owner."

Melanie: "I'll go get her to discuss about it."

Then miltia jumped up in excitement.

Okay is she fan or something.

Me: "Miltia, how do you know about that?"

Miltia: "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that heh."

As she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. 

Miltia: "To be honest, I heard it from some weird guy who keeps saying his name every time he talks."

Is she talking about that phenex heir.

Miltia: "Also every-time that weird guy comes in here with his slaves, I think that's what they are."

Miltia: "Well anyway, that's when I heard him talking about it and I notice his "slaves" look very sad when they're around him. When he goes somewhere else I usually would talk to them and let me tell you I wish I was stronger to beat him because I learned that he beats them if they tell anybody the truth about yunaiteddo being corrupted."

Damn, just beating your own kind to prevent the truth to protect a reputation.

As she was going to say something her sister came back with what seems to be the only two waitresses working here.

(Aka owner & waitress)

Me: "Velvet?!?!"

Then she ran towards and bear hugged me.

Me: "Woah woah, why the bear hug velvet?"

She looked up at me and said

Velvet: "I missed you that's why and I started working here as soon as you left the school and never returned."

Velvet (teary): "I left yunaiteddo after the day you never came back because team crdl never stopped bullying me and every pervert kept doing things that I don't want to describe." 

She put her face on my chest and broke down into tears.

When I leave everyone's attention is towards the nice/innocent people, that happened to be either nice to me or helped me out.

Me: "At least you did yourself a favor by getting out of that school."

As I wiped away her tears.

Velvet let go hugging me and turned around, only for her to put one of my arms around her stomach.

Me: "Is saying no a answer."

Velvet: "Nope" 

I just sighed knowing that I put myself in this position, but on the bright side I'm happy that velvet left yunaiteddo high.

Me: "I assume that the owner isn't here."

Other Waitress: "No and I'm the owner."

Me: "Wait a minute, how are you both the owner and a waitress?"

Owner: "When nobody comes here I usually make sure this place is cleaned along with everything else like the food and pay for everything, since it's expensive to pay. But I'm a waitress when the place is packed and I don't think I need to explain why."

Me: "I know why because you can't afford more waitresses, am I right?"

She just nodded.

Rin: "Oh how rude I forgot to introduce myself, I'm rin and I know a few things about you y/n."

Not surprising since she probably asked velvet.

Rin: "Like how you were bullied by my former crimson."

Former students!?!?! team crimson were her former students.

Is she some kind of teacher or what.

Rin: "To tell you the truth I didn't teach them to abuse their power to bully others, however I still teach a team and you might know who they are."

A team that I might know, hmm.

Rin: "The team leader is miyabi."

My eyes widen knowing that she knows them.

Rin: "You seem surprised now"

Me: "Well...its just that...I know them too."

Me: "And the fact that I'm talking to someone that taught them."

Oh boy does it feel weird.

Rin: "Or could it be the fact a beautiful ninja taught miyabi & her team mostly everything~"

Is she trying to flirt with me and a ninja teacher?!?!

Me: "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

Rin: "Maybe~"

As she somehow got in between me & velvet.

Me: "Well, Since your this close to me I better tell you why I'm here. It's simple would you girls support my goal and it is to live on this planet peacefully without yunaiteddo, atlas, villains or grimm."

Velvet: "You can count me in!" she said in a happy tone.

Miltia: "Yeah I definitely help you." as she had stars shaped eyes.

Melanie: "Your goal seems reasonable, ah what the heck I'll join."

Miltia: "Yay!"

She seems very energetic and happy.

Rin: "I'll join if I join your little harem that you got going on~"

Me: "H-how did you figure that out?"

Rin: "Well, I happened to follow three bullheads going towards neraka and by the time I got there I notice you being hugged by twelve other girls."

Oh, that's how she knew.

Me: "Okay then."

I know velvet sees me as more than friend, but I'll think wait until we get back.

Then I let go of both velvet and rin.

Me: "Sorry I had to let go because I think that there's someone outside and I don't have the strength to do fight, so I'll bring cavaliere angelo here."

As I said that cavaliere showed up and awing the twins & velvet.

Me: "Okay cavaliere go outside and deal with the huntsman."

Cavaliere: "As you wish master." as he teleported outside.

3rd Person Pov, Outside of Juniors

Qrow (He's been in there for a long time now.)

Qrow (What makes this kid so special that oz wants badly?) 

He was interupted with a lightning bolt heading his way and imminently dodged the attack.

Qrow: "What was that?"

Then cavaliere walked out of nowhere.

Qrow (Oh great.)

Cavaliere: "I was ordered to dispose of you."

Then qrow brought out his weapon and transformed it into a scythe, while cavaliere's sword began to glow.

Qrow: "Alright then bring it on." as he charged towards cavaliere.

10 minutes later. (I was too tired to try writing a fight)

Now we see qrow bleeding and exhuasted.

Cavaliere: "Huntsmen, huntresses, heroes, and the supernatural are PATHETIC!" as he stabbed qrow one more time.

Qrow: "AH!!!"

Cavaliere: "I'll heal and let you live, but your going to delivery a message to the headmasters."

Qrow: "If I refuse."

Cavaliere: "Do you really want to refuse right now."

Qrow: "Okay fine what do I have to say."

Then Cavaliere started laughing.

A/n: 2:19-2:22

Cavaliere: "Did you think that I would actually tell you the message. No this is the real message."

As he stomped on qrow's head and leaving a crushed in head of qrow.

Then he went back inside and reported to y/n.

Cavaliere: "It is done master." as he was kneeing.

Y/n: "Good and girls go get anything you have here."

Then they went in the back and came back with everything they wanted.

Y/n: "Okay then and rin is it okay to destroy this place?" 

Rin just nodded, while they went outside.

Y/n: "Cavaliere."

Cavaliere: "Alright master." as he slowly built up a ball of lightning.

Once it was done he quickly aimed at the place and it exploded causing power outage for the surrounding block.

Cavaliere then teleported everyone back to neraka.

A/n: And done. 

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