Chapter 03:A Stalker?!

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3rd Person's P.O.V

The bell finally rang, signalling the students that exams are over and that it's clubtime. Y/n stretched her arms, hearing a satisfying pop with a smile on her face. Toono sighed beside her. "Finally, exams are over. I thought I was gonna die back there." The brunette girl giggled beside him. "Good job surviving Toono-kun."

They see Yacchan walk to them as he called their names. "Well done you two! How did you do at math's?" "Well I did great thanks to Y/n." the girl blushed. "Yeah N/n! Thanks a bunch for tutoring us!" "I-it's no big deal. I'm glad I could help." Y/n said as she sheepishly scratches the back of her neck with a blush on her cheeks.

Y/n stood up and picked up her bag as Toono did the same. "So we're now going to the clubroom." "See you tomorrow Yacchan." Yacchan just nodded and the two brunettes walked side by side to their clubroom. As they walk through the hallways of the school, they happen to meet Kashima on the way. "Ah! Toono! N/n! Are you two heading to the room?" he asked loudly as they nodded. The trio walked together as they talk about how did they did in the exams.

They arrived and Toono opened the door. Much to Y/n's surprise, they are looking normal for once and Yuri is nowhere to be found. "Huh? Yuri-kun isn't here?" Toono asked as the three of them entered the room and sat down. "That's because he's at his special lessons. He has more exams to take, I think he'll be here later." Akemi said as he took a potato chip and ate it. (if you get the reference, comment down below). They all talk about Yuri for awhile while eating pocky and potato chips until Akemi suddenly changed the topic.

"It seems like there's a stalker bothering Y/n-kun." "STALKER?!" Both Toono and Kashima said at the same time. The brunette girl brought her fingers to her chin. "Now that you mention it, there were always strange letters stuffed in my locker and some of my underwear went missing." "Entering Y/n-kun's room without permission, stealing the adult toys that I bought for him! Unforgivable! I bought them with the club's expenses!" Akemi said angrily. Y/n sighed. "Hm? What's wrong?" Kashima asked her worriedly. "This stalker thing is happening to me again." Y/n muttered with an irritated tone as she ran her hands through her hair, a habit she had when she's nervous or anxious. "AGAIN?!" "Yeah, they even kidnapped me back then but the police found me immediately and they arrested him."

Toono hugged Y/n too tight for her liking. "DON'TWORRYWE'LL PROTECTYOUFROMTHISSTALKERIPROMISE!!" "WAAHHH! COULD YOU SHUT UP YOU PLEBEIAN! AND LET GO OF ME!!" Once they had calmed down, Y/n took out her inhaler and inhaled on it as Akemi spoke. "That's why, we're going to catch him and have a gang bang!" "Again with the crazy ideas?!" "I don't mind, just don't go too hard on him alright?" "EH?!"

❏️❏️☆️Later at Y/n's dorm☆️❐️❐️

"Perfect! We caught you."  'Fujisaki-kun?! How in the world did he get in my room?' "But still, I didn't expect for him to hide under the bed." Shikatani said as he adjusted his glasses. "Do you know him Y/n-kun?" Toono asked her. "Yeah. We met on the school rooftop last week." "Who the heck are you? Start talking you nasty stalker." Tamura said as he take off the gag ball on the poor boy's mouth. "I...I'm a freshmen..." "Ah, maybe he's plain so he's Jimmy. So, why are you stalking that playboy?" "Oi! That's just rude!"

"Because, because..." They all turn to Jimmy as he started talking. "I like him..." "HUH?!" The brunette girl turned her back on them as she took out her inhaler and inhaled on it as they boys asked questions. "Why and when did you start liking him? You're unbelievable!" "Y/n-kun is an amazing person." Jimmy mumbled quietly but enough for them to hear. "Huh? But why? Why would you fall in love with him?" Shikatani asked. "I..."

○️●️○️●️○️Jimmy's flashback○️●️○️●️○️

Just as I look, I'm too plain, and nasty. I never say interesting stuff, so I don't have many friends. I've lived without knowing what fun is. Everyday, repeating, day after day...

That's day... I thought that I'd be better off dead. But I couldn't understand why dying was so scary. Making me go nuts....
"Hey!" I turn around to see a boy with brown hair. He looks like an angel. "What in the world are you doing?! Get away from there!"

Since then...I felt like I couldn't get away from him. No matter how hard I tried...I should thank him somehow...

●️○️●️○️End of flashback●️○️●️○️

"SHOULDN'T YOU THANK HIM INSTEAD OF STALKING?!" Akemi gave Toono a thumbs up. "Nice technique." "It's thanks to Y/n-kun that my life has turned brighter! After finding Y/n-kun, I realized that it made me happy to sniff his socks and even his pants." Y/n stood there, speechless and her face red as she try to process every word that Jimmy said. "I...really like
Y/n-kun." the black haired boy looked up at the brunette girl. "Way too much." Y/n inhaled on her inhaler again to calm herself. "But..." she began. "Didn't I give you my cell number back then? You should've just called or texted me you know?" "You gave him your number?" "Yeah."

Yuri stood up and pulled Tamura out of the room. "Wee...We have five persons. Let's go for a walk!" "Huh? What? Hey, Yuri!" They both left Y/n's room. "Okay, okay, let' go." "Don't just say 'okay'." "Sure." Y/n stood up as well and walked out of the room. Jimmy sighed as he looked down, his face showing despair. "It's over...Now Y/n-kun will hate me..." "Hey don't be sad! I'm sure that Y/n isn't mad at you. He just need to think." Kashima said, trying to cheer up the poor boy. "I'll try my best next time!" "Good guy!" "You're too calm."

Y/n's P.O.V

"I like him..." My face went red again. 'I came here for a report! Not to get a stalker who is in love with you!' I sighed. 'Why is this happening to me?' I slapped my cheeks. Don't worry Y/n! Only one week left and then you can leave! Wait a minute....

❍️                    ❍️                    ❍️                 ❍️

A WEEK BEFORE THE GANG BANG! I let my guard down. 'Whattodowhattodowhattodo?!' I slapped my cheeks for the second time and inhaled on my inhaler. I decided to go back to my room and that's what I did.

I arrived in my room to see only Kashima. "Yuu? Where are the others?" "Well, they left awhile ago and I decided to wait for you since our dorms are right across each other." he said as he scratches the back of his neck. It was silent until he spoke again.

"By the way, why did you suddebly leave like that?" "Uh... well...It's because I..." "You don't have to answer. I already know." He stood up and went to the door. "Well, I'm going to my room now." "Okay, see you——"
He kissed me. He slowly pulled away and left saying, "See you tomorrow." I was left there, standing and blushing like an idiot.

To be continued....

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