Chapter 07: Date

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[Tetsuna (Author): hello reader-sans. It's been awhile. I apologize for not publishing any chapters. Our exams just ended a yesterday so hopefully I get to write and continue my other books. Also I apologize in advance if Yuri is out of character, his character was pretty hard to write and I had a hard time. I hope you'll like this chapter.]

3rd Person's P.O.V

It's a normal school day. Y/n sat on her desk as she wait for the bell to ring, tapping her finger on the table as she stare at the window beside her. The last bell rang and she start to fix her things. "Ready to go?" Kaito ask as he went to her desk and Y/n nodded. The two left their classroom and head to the clubroom with Y/n humming a happy tune. The taller looks at her at the corner of his eye, noticing her behavior. "You seem happy today, did something happen?" He ask as he look away. "Nothing happened, I just feel happy that's all." Kaito nodded and decided to shrug it off for awhile, but he still can't help but wonder; 'What happened that made her so happy?' 

[Tetsuna(author): then why don't you just admit that you like her and that you're jealous that someone else made her happy and not y--

Kaito: //blushes* shut up! I don't like her and I'm NOT jealous!

Tetsuna(author): Oya? Megane-kun is being a tsundere~

Kaito: //still blushing* No I'm not!

Hayato: Tetsuna-san, sometimes I wonder how you're related to Kuroo-san but now I kinda get the resemblance between you two

Y/n: ...uhm...

Tetsuna(author):  Don't mind us Y/n-san, please continue with the story. And if you have questions, yes Kuroo--or should I say Tetsurou-niisan is my relative, to put it simply my cousin (meh, it's my OC who's cousins with Kuroo)]

The both of them arrived and they went inside to wait for the others to arrive. As they did so, Y/n sat down playing games on her phone to pass time--at least that's what Kaito thought. One by one, everyone arrived and they finally opened the club.  As the members busied themselves by entertaining the guests, Kaito stood by the side, writing on his black notebook from time to time as he observe them. "Y/n, look so happy today. Did something happen?" He hear a random girl ask the brunette. "Nothing, I just feel happy. That's all."  Y/n responded. Kaito looks away as he continue writing.

Timeskip >> Friday // 5:50 pm - Clubtime

The Host club entertains the guests as usual. Kaito stood at his usual spot doing his thing as a certain pair of twins approach him. "Say vice Prez." "Prez looks so happy these past  few days." "Did somethin' happen that made her look so happy?" They both ask as the trio looks at Y/n. Kito sighs, adjusting his glasses. "If only I knew the reason why she's happy, I could've told you guys already." The twins sighed as they watch the guests leave one by one. "What are you guys sighing for?" Alex ask as he walk to them with Hayato beside him. "Well, have you notice something about Y/n lately?" Kaito asked. "Lately? Well I noticed how she's been so happy these past few days." "I also noticed that she's always on her phone lately." Hayato joins in the conversation. "But what could that mean?" Kaito ask as he put his index finger and thumb on his chin. Alex suddenly gasped out of nowhere. "Don't tell me she..." "If you're thinking about Y/n-chan having a boyfriend, that would be impossible." Hayato said as he sighed. 'Why do I like this guy again?' he thought to himself.

"I have an idea!" the twins said at the same time. "Hey stop copyin' me!" "So, what's this idea you're talking about?" Kaito asked. "Say Haya-chan, you mentioned that Prez has been on her phone lately right?" "Mhm." The blonde nodded. "Now then Al-senpai! How about you try to take a peek at her phone while she's using it later when you go home then update us at the groupchat. The other one without Prez." "I was thinkin' the same thing!" Hana Said as she loos at her twin. "Good minds think alike!" "Well I can do that but, I don't want to invade Y/n-chan's privacy. "Do you wanna find out or not?" "...Fine..." The siblings sat inside the limo as they head home. Y/n is on her phone as usual. Alex glanced at her to see his sister texting someone. He took his phone and texted the groupchat.

Alex: She's texting someone

Hana: So...

Sara: What're they talkin' 'bout?

Alex: Something about going on a date tomorrow

or something

Hayato: If that's the case then we should

                 help her

Kaito: I agree

Sara: Oho?

Hana: Oho ho?

Alex: Oho ho ho?

Kaito: What?

Hayato: Aren't you jealous?

Alex: Even though you have feelings for my baby sister

Kaito: Huh? what do you mean?

             I don't have feelings for Y/n

Sara: Are ya sure?

Hana: We've seen the way ya look at her

Hayato: Don't even try to deny it

Alex: just admit it kid

Kaito: I'm not denying anything

            and could you please stop acting like an

           old man Alex-san

"Nii-san." Alex flinched as he hear his sister's voice. "We're here." "Uh yes! Wait a sec." After sending the group chat a message saying goodbye, the blonde exit the limo following his sister.

Next day // 8:00 am - Suoh Estate

Y/n got up as she hear her alarm ring and turns it off. She yawned and stretched, got off her queen sized bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for her date.

At the same time...

Everyone arrived at the Suoh Estate as Alex let them in. They all head upstairs to Y/n's room. The said girl exit the bathroom in her bathrobe as they barge in without knocking. The brunette raised her brow and asked, "What are you doing here?" "To help ya prepare for yer date of course!" Hana said as she sat on the bed. "Wait, how did you--" "Al-senpai told us." Sara cut her off. "WHY YOU--! Never mind that. I just happened to read your convo with the guy and decided to tell them and--" "We decided to help you." Hayato finished. "Look, I appreciate your decision to help me but I can do it on my ow--" "No! We're helpin' ya and that's final!" Y/n sighed and said, "...Fine... Do whatever you want." "YAY!!" Everyone except Hayato and Kaito cheered. "I'll do her make-up!" The Hitachiin twins said at the same time as they took out all the make-up they brought. "We'll choose her outfit." Alex and Kaito both said as they went to the brunette's walk-in closet. "I'll do her hair." Hayato said as he brought out the things to fix his kouhai's hair. After awhile theyare all waiting for the brunette to change into the outfit that Alex and Kaito picked. "Hope that you didn't pick somethin' stupid." Hana said as she look at the two. "No, we didn't pick anything stupid." The tall blonde said. "If I have to be honest, it looks good." The raven said, adjusting his glasses. "I'm done." "Finally." "Took ya long eno--" Everyone stopped what they are doing and stared at the brunette in front of them as their jaw dropped. "Um...Is something wrong?" the girl asked them worriedly. "A.... A goddess...Sara, it's a goddess!!" Hana said as she cried, crocodile tears. Y/n looks at them confused.

"You look stunning Y/n-chan." Hayato said as Sara tries to calm her sister down. "It looks better than I expected." said Alex. 'Cute. I wish I'm the one going on a date with her.'  Sara, Hana, and Kaito thought as they stare at her. "You should go, your date is waiting for you." Alex said as he push his sister to the door. "Yes yes, I know. I'm going." Y/n went outside. "So, should we follow them?" Hana asked. "We should, I guess." everyone agrees.

Outside, Y/n saw Yuri waiting for her leaning on the door of his car. "Hi~" "Hello Yuri-kun." The pink-haired boy opened the door for her as the girl thanked him as she went inside the car. They went off, Alex and the others following them. (They're riding a car) Yuri parked his car and they exit the car. He held Y/n's hand as they went inside the movies. "Yuri-kun, what are we watching?" the girl asked. "You'll see~." Yuri said as they bought some popcorn and drinks and went inside the movie theatre. They took a seat at the back then the movie started after a few minutes.

After the movie>>

Yuri's P.O.V

Y/n and I exit the theatre side by side. I looked over at the girl beside me to see her wiping her tears. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I-it's nothing Y-Yuri-kun..." I sighed and held her face and wiped her tears with my thumb. "Yuri-kun, I said it's nothing!"
"Y/n all better?" I asked. Y/n nodded. "Yeah. Thank you Yuri-kun."

Hayato's P.O.V

I side-glanced at Alex and flinched. Noticing the deadly aura around him, I hugged Usa-chan tighter. This guy can be scary sometimes I swear. "Guys stop him!" I yelled as we start to pull Alex, trying to stop him from killing Y/n-chan's date.

Alex's P.O.V

That little bastard! How dare he touch my precious sister! He even have the guts to ask her out on a date when I'm supposed to be the one going on a date with her! I'll kill him!

Y/n's P.O.V

I look around looking for the source of that voice. 'I thought I heard Hayato shout earlier.' I decided to shrug it off. 'Maybe it's just my imagination.' My stomach growled. I look down in embarrassment as I held my stomach. Another growl wad heard. I look up at Yuri to see him scratch his nape as he laugh awkwardly. "Hehe~ Y/n's hungry~." "I could say the same to you." we both laughed.

We decided to go to a café. We took a seat and ordered our food. I ordered (favorite/desert) and (Favorite/beverage) as Yuri ordered the same. "HEY HEY HEY!!" I flinched. I know who that is. "Y/n-chan Hey!" "Bokuto-san, keep it down. Everyone's staring at us." Akaashi said as Bokuto looks down in embarrassment. "Y-yeah y-you're right. I'm sorry." I giggled. "Hello Bokuto-senpai, Akaashi-senpai. Are you two on a date?" I asked them. And yes, Akaashi and Bokuto are dating, and for 5 months now. "Yep, we are!" "How about you Y/n-san?" Akaashi asked as he looks at Yuri. "I'm on a date as well." I said, holding the pinkette's hand. "I see. Then, we'll be going now Y/n-san. Enjoy your date and have fun." "You too." Finally our food arrived and we start to eat.

After eating we went to the arcade and played games. I beat him in a lot of them and sometimes he won. He even got me a dino plushie from the crane machine (yes, I love dinosaurs but I love anime more). After that, we decided to go home.

I'm kinda sad that it had to end but at least we had fun. O considered giving Yuri-kun a chance, but I like Toono-kun. The car stopped in front of the gate. I exit the car and waved goodbye to Yuri-kun but before I could get inside, he suddenly pulled me and his lips touched mine. My eyes widen and before I got to process it, he pulled away. "Bye~." Then he left.

I went inside to see Nii-san and the others. "Tell us about it!" "How did it go?!" the twins asked exitedly. "You guys already knew didn't you? You followed us." they nodded. "Goodnight!" I went upstairs to my room and flopped on my bed. Today was fun.

To be continued...

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