Chapter 16

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New York was as quite as it could be. Cars beeping and the chatter of people was quite in The City of Life.

Wade sat on top of a building, fighting with his boxes, adding to the noise that was going on bellow him.

Why exactly are we here?

So we can stop crime well our spidey is sick.

"And so we can stop Spidey if he tries to go on patrol." Wade said, keeping an eye out for the web slinger.

What? Why? Wouldn't it be better to have the guys company? I mean, it's boring without you partner.

Aw! Yellow likes our spidey!

Shut up.

"Yeah, it's nice having Petey around, but he needs to rest. Whatever happened to him could be more serious than he thinks." Wade groaned, laying back and closing his eyes, imagining his Petey in his arms.

All he really wanted was for the arachnid to get better, but he knew that Peter had a normal immune system and a little smig of a healing factor. It was going to be along time until Peter could go out and fight alongside Wade, so until then it would be Deadpool to the rescue!

A scream from a few blocks away snapped the hero in training from his thoughts. Wade got up and ran from roof top to roof top until he was right above the screaming. He looked down to see someone in a black suit beating the life out of a guy that was laying on the ground.

Deadpool jumped down and kicked the man in the suit away from the guy on the ground. He bent down to the man that laid on the ground. "When I say so, run." Wade whispered to the man.

The guy in the black suit lunged at Deadpool with force, causing Wade to hit the wall behind him. Wade grabbed his hand and held it be hind his back well pressing him to a wall. "SO!" Wade yelled, managing to get the guy apprehended. The other man stood up and ran, he had a slight limp, but he'd be okay.

"What's wrong with you?! You're letting the bastard get away! He tried to get into an unwilling girl's pants!" The man pressed into the wall yelled. Wade sighed, knowing what this was like from the other man's prospective.

"Okay, why don't you tell me your name. The author is getting really sick and tired of calling you guy. It was really confusing during that fight sense." Deadpool muttered the last two parts.

"Venom. Can you let me go now, I have to go do the job your too incompetent to do." Venom growled, pushing the on the wall, trying to get out of Wade's grasp. "Just because you know big fancy words doesn't mean you're more... What's that word?" Deadpool mumbled. "Qualified?" Venom answered.

"There you go with those big words again!" Wade yelled, causing Venom to wince. "How can someone be this annoying?" Venom hissed, successfully getting Wade off of him. Venom then kicked Wade in the shins, a sickening crack coming as soon as the foot made contact.

"You do know that it's going to snap back into place, right?" Wade said, his voice way to up beat for the situation he's in. "It's hard to believe that you're so happy cheery all the time, especially with all that's going on right now." Venom growled at Wade, "You know that he won't make it, right?" Wade's face fell under his mask.

"Who's he?" Wade asked, not daring to let his voice show concern. "Don't act even more idiotic than you already are. You know who I'm talking about." Venom cackled, knowing that he had plucked a nerve. "I don't know unless you give me a name." Deadpool said blankly.

"Spiderman, or your Petey. That illness is going to kill him no matter what you do. I even bet that you're going to be hugging him when he passes! And once you look at his lifeless face, I want you to remember that you could have stopped him from meeting his early end." Venom laughed as Wade took a small step farther the alley way.

Well Wade was processing what Venom had said, Venom took that as his chance to leave. Its host was close to waking up anyway. He swung into his bedroom and as the parasite retreated back into Peter's skin, the boy collapsed onto the floor.

Yo, sorry this took so long, like... Really long. Heh, September.

Oh! Also, I may have an idea for a book about the Avengers.

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