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     Over the years, the Bakugos never noticed the fact I lived longer than most dogs. Even if they did, Katsuki would rule it off as me being the top dog, the better one than all the rest. Every day was the same. I'd wake up Katsuki with a few licks and a bark and he'd get ready, pet me, ruffle my head a little, and go to school. I'd spend the day with Mitsuki as her husband, Masaru, went to work. She decided it was best for her to stay with me, given my injury and my struggle to eat. I'd try my best to eat the steak and meat she fed me and then spend the day in Katsuki's room, awaiting his arrival. Once he came home, he'd run to his room, dropping his pack and opening the door to see me barking and he'd hug me tight. That was life. It kept me from thinking about my past and kept me happy with Kacchan.

Once he hit junior high, I knew I had to figure out another way around Mitsuki's watch. We went about our day per usual, but once Katsuki left, I'd get a few bites into my meat, a pet or scratch from Mitsuki and I'd go to his room as usual. Only this time, I turned back into myself, grabbed my backpack from the bushes outside his window, vault over the sill, and make my way to the school. I didn't hide my identity from anyone, but I made sure he didn't know I was there. I went to different classes, but didn't make friends. Kacchan was all I needed. I soon found out Katsuki had grown a kind of hatred for our old friend, Izuku. Calling him Deku instead and bullying him all through grade school. Rumors spread and even though I didn't want to believe it, I knew that was Katsuki.

Once school was over, I always walked my way home while everyone else took bus, saying I could walk home. Once I was sure I was away from people, I turned into the same wolf Katsuki knew me as and raced home, dropping my backpack in the bushes, jumping through the window, and Katsuki burst through the door to hug me. It was hard, but it worked. Now I could get my education, credits, and still have Katsuki's affection before I signed up for UA. It was obvious he wanted to go by himself, but he still barely knew me so he thought almost nothing of it since we couldn't talk anyway.

Although, it hurt to see Katsuki come home sometimes. There was always that one day a month, at least, when he'd come home, either stressed out or ticked about something, and he'd come into his room and collapse on his bed to rant and vent about whatever was off. Every time, I would jump up beside him and lay down to let him pet me. I rubbed my muzzle on his face, making sure to not get his face wet from my nose, and he'd just gaze at me as I rested my head on my paws. After a while he'd hug me and just go to sleep. I knew he'd be okay, but it still ached. Even more so as time went on.

When it was time for the UA Entrance Exams, I knew I had to leave for good. I couldn't play this game anymore and I knew how things would go. I grabbed my backpack, turning into myself, and looked back at Katsuki's room, trying not to imagine what would happen once I left. I shook it off and went to UA. Once I make a breakthrough here, I can see him as myself and he won't need a dog anymore.

It took most of my energy to use my quirks, but I soon found Izuku and Katsuki during the Entrance Exams and I was proud of how much they both grew their quirks. I didn't even realize Izuku had a quirk until then. Afterward, I snuck back to the Bakugos and peeked in the window, waiting for Katsuki. I soon realized I shouldn't have when he burst through the door to find his room empty.

He searched the house, asking Mitsuki if she'd seen me. When she said no, he started raging and panicking. When he came back in his room, I could hear his heart racing as he teared up and sat on his bed, burying his head in his hands and he stifled a cry. It was heartbreaking to see him like this. I couldn't watch him break down all night, it would only hurt more, so I left and went to wait for my letter from UA. I wish I'd stayed with him instead...

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