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AYO MY BAKUSIMPS. I know it's been a hot minute since I last updated this one, BUT I HAVE GOOD REASON. One: Writer's Block, and two: I have been working on multiple other fanfics. My brain was going off like crazy for everything BUT this one and I apologize, but here's chapter twelve! Btw, I know my timeline is all weird and messed up, but it's for good reason. That's just how I wanted it to play out and I will continue to write and put in the events as I see fit for the story between my favorite explosion boi and my OC. BUT~~ We're getting close to Forbidden Part 2 of the book so just a little longer, bare with me here, and we'll see what sent our villain Katsuki to go over the edge >:3 Love you all! Tysm for the 70+ reads and enjoy this long-awaited chapter TwT 

Once again, I awoke to the sound of a heart rate monitor's incessant beeping. I could already smell the awful hospital scent filling my lungs. I felt heat rise in my palm and a slight squeeze. I barely opened my eyes to a sleeping Katsuki holding my hand. He seemed distressed so I weakly lifted my opposite hand to run my fingers through his hair. The major bags under his eyes worried me.

"Oh, Hino! You're awake." I heard Recovery Girl exclaim softly.

"Not again... I feel like Deku..."

"You were being just as reckless if not worse! You tried to fight All For One, for Heaven's sake!"

"Can we, like, not do this right now...?" I felt my heart rate speed up before hearing the beeping increase as well. My breathing started to quicken and cut itself off so I wasn't taking full breaths.

"Hah.... Hah...?" I heard the sleepy grunts from the pomeranian at my mercy and noticed he was struggling in his sleep. The occasional snarl and whine—of which concerned me because I thought I was the dog in the relationship— told me he was having a nightmare... I tried to calm down as I continued to try to comfort him, relieved at my success.

"He's been struggling the whole time he was asleep, poor thing. Only a mind reader could know what horrible dreams he's having right now..."

"I-I'll ask him about it when he's awake.. For- for now, can we... not have the monitors on...? The beeping.."

"Oh right. Almost forgot about your fear." I watched as she disconnected and shut down the heart rate monitors beside me. I let out a major sigh of relief and calmed down.

"Thanks... How long has it been...?"

"Only a day or two, I believe. You haven't missed much of anything. Just classes and combat training. I'd be careful now. Aizawa may be happy you're okay, but who knows what he'll do once you return to class?"

"Can't dodge it, so... might as well get it over with.."

"Glad to hear that," I flinched at the low voice and sighed of annoyance when I saw the black-clothed figure at the door. "Because you've got some explaining to do."

"Hi, Aizawa..." I rest my head back, closing my eyes.

"What were you thinking? For once, Bakugo was right and yet you still tried to fight in your weakened state, are you serious?"

"The mission at hand was to get Katsuki out of there and to safety. I did what I had to. Besides, if I had jumped with him, I might've weighed them down!"

"rhhh... Can you both shut up..? Wait—" Katsuki grumbled before opening his eyes. "HINO." He hugged me tight, causing me to cough a bit. "You dumba**, you said you'd come with me, dammit!"

"Come on... not you, too..."

"I'm your BOYFRIEND. I know what's best for you, dammit, and you tried to fight with All Might?!"

"ALL MIGHT!! IS HE OKAY?!" I sat up, begging for answers.

"........" Katsuki went quiet.

"All Might is okay... But he's retired."

"What...?" My ears dropped.

"It seemed his quirk died out because now he can barely be in his muscle form for five minutes, so he did the only thing he knew he was going to have to do and retired from the hero business." Aizawa explained.

"N-no.... it's all my fault...!" I teared up and covered my mouth with my hand.

"Hey! Don't you even try in hell to say that was your fault! If anything... Well... Never mind. It wasn't you." Katsuki pressured. I whined and hugged him. He gently kissed my ear and whispered to me, "I missed you so much, dammit... I thought you'd never wake..."

"I'll let you both be excused from class for the next few days to recover. And Hino?" I looked up at my adopted father. "You'd better have learned a lesson with this..." I whined softly as Aizawa turned and left me and my boyfriend alone with each other. I yelped softly when said boyfriend grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. He slowly released my jaw to cup my cheek and I melted. When he broke off the kiss, I ended up resting myself on his chest.

"Please, never scare me like that again.... You had me worried sick..."

"You sound like a mom, Kacchan." I teased him.

"Yeah, well maybe you need it, dumba**." He gently flicked my forehead, causing me to laugh. My tail lashed back and forth as he began to pet my head and run his hand up my ears, knowing they were sensitive. My heartbeat sped up at the gentle affection and I let my tongue hang out. "Something feel good, Teddy Bear...?" I scoffed at his words.

"Shut up, stupid..." He stopped stroking my ears at my last word. I whined when I looked up to see his smirk.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"I said shoosh!" I whined.

"You sound like a little brat!" He laughed.

"I do not!" As he continued to laugh, as loud as it was, I felt my heart almost leap out of my chest. I'd almost forgotten what his genuine laugh sounded like. Despite the volume, someone would call me crazy, but it was the cutest thing to me. I'd give anything to hear it again. His genuine happiness. I'm hoping I was the only one who could make him this happy. Worry him this much. Comfort him without a word of displeasure or protest.

"You wanna head back to the dorms?" Noooo! I wanna hear your laugh again!

"I guess..." I mumbled.

"Did you forget our dorms are right beside each other's?"

"Oh yeah! Let's go!" I perked up and jumped out of bed, causing my legs to crumble beneath my weight at the sudden action. Katsuki caught me and scoffed.

"Dumba**, you could have fallen! You haven't been on your feet in over twenty-four hours, and you tried to jump and run?" I rolled my eyes at his scolding before he threw me over his shoulder.

"Whoa! Wait, is this really necessary??"

"You're too weak to walk and easy enough to carry." He deadpanned as he started his wall back to the dorms. I sighed and groaned. I forgot how many times I've been thrown and I felt my back ache like hell.


"What's wrong?"

"My back hurts..."

"You sound like an old lady."


"Fine, then." I let out a 'hut' as he swept me off his shoulder and into his arms, bridal style. I blushed, but rested myself on his chest. My tail lashed back and forth as we made our way back to our rooms, reveling in the familiar scents of all the rooms. When we reached mine, I asked Katsuki to stay with me. With success, we both laid in my bed, spooning each other, and getting some needed rest. If only I knew it wouldn't be long before everyone started coming back and begging to see us. All Might help us...

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