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Fury didn't think much of it when he found his brother missing from bed. Sprinkle was usually up early to make breakfast like mom used to. Speaking of mom, though, he wasn't surprised to see he was in Sprinkle's bed, either. That dream about their mom becoming an Error had been terrible, and he usually sought comfort with his brother. Fury inhaled deeply, loving the smell of eggs and sausage in the morning. Well, he better not keep them waiting. He still had a dad to harass for not being there for his birthday. Fury got out of bed and dragged his bandana up higher over his mouth and nose. He headed out and down the hall to the kitchen, where he froze. It wasn't a dream. The Blueberror thing was there. With dad. With Sprinkle. Fury tried to puff himself up, his expression settling into one of hidden hostility and much more open annoyance. "morning sprinkle! dad." The Error's smile fell when it wasn't even acknowledged. Good. Fury didn't want it here. He took his chair and plate, which was between Sprinkle and the Error, and moved it so he was between Sprinkle and their dad instead.


Sprinkle looked at mom, who looked hurt but was trying hard to cover it up. Sprinkle didn't blame Fury. He probably didn't even know it was mom! Sprinkle could fix this, easy peasy. "Brother, I would like to introduce you to a very important person in our lives. He was gone a long time, but he came back for us! This is -" Fury jabbed his fork into his plate, making a screeching sound. "i don't care. i don't trust that he won't kill us. he wants something." Fury glared, and Blueberror flinched. ("Of Course I Do, I Want To Meet -") "O-Of Cou-rse I-I Do, I W-Wan-ant To Mee-et-"
"see, he admits it! and as soon as he gets it, he will kill us and move -"
"fury, that's enough!" Dust snarled. Fury froze as Dust's magic flared. "i have half a mind to kill you for your behavior, you little-" Dust's threat was cut short as well as gloved hands took his. ("It's Fine... His Fear Of Me Is Understandable. Come On... Let's Take Some Alone Time?") "It-s Fi-ne... Hi-s Fe-ea-ar Of M-e-e Is Un-n-nder-sta-and-ab-ble. C-Co-me O-On... Let-s Ta-ake So-me A-Alo-ne T-Tim-e?" Dust nodded slowly, and mom led him away.


Fury scoffed as he crossed his arms. "dad of the fucking year..." He growled bitterly to himself before looking over to his brother. Sprinkle's expression was one of hurt and Fury could feel his soul breaking. "sprinkle i-"
"We... we finally have our mom back, brother... Sure, he doesn't look the same, but in essence, it is him! So- so why..?" Tears gathered and fell from Sprinkle's sockets and Fury really did feel pain. "y-you've met error! glitches like that, they can't be trusted!" Sprinkle shot up, his hands slamming into the table while his chair fell back with the force. "THEN TRUST ME!" He shouted and Fury flinched hard. Sprinkle couldn't seem to stop though. "YOU KNOW I AM BETTER AT SENSING INTENT! I CAN DECERN A GOOD GUY FROM A BAD ONE AND MOM IS A GOOD GUY! HE JUST WANTS TO BE IN OUR LIVES AND YOU'RE TO BUSY BEING AN ASSHOLE TO SEE IT!" A sob broke from Sprinkle and before Fury could say anything to comfort him, he ran off, slamming the door of their bedroom. Fury felt tears gather in his sockets too, but he quickly wiped them away.

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