The Question.

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Jay's POV~

I held Stephen back as well as Hosha held Daniel back. This fight was never going to end. . . One moment they're cool, and then the next they're trying to murder each other!!

After I think about 15 minutes of struggling, I snapped, "OK. That's it! Stephen and Daniel!", the room's attention was now on me, I grabbed Stephen and put him in his room as for Daniel I did the same. I exhaled, "You two. Stay in your rooms until you've decided to cool off.", they could probably hear and sense the venom in my voice, because they closed their doors immediately. . .

Hosha and Ann soon started to cook in the kitchen, while I just sat back and read at the table. . .

Hosha's POV~

After me and Ann put the spaghetti in the pot to boil, Ann noticed something, "Hosha? Is something bothering you?", he looked at me before replying, "I'm. . . I'm just worried about what will happen now with Daniel and Stephen. . . But. . . I'm also asking myself something. . .", Ann titled her head to the side to show her interest, "What's the question?", I started to get rid of the water from the boiling hot spaghetti noodles, "Um. . . I'll ask it soon, don't worry.", she nods and gets the plates out. . .

-Once the food was ready, a time skip because your author doesn't know how to cook, fight MEH!-


nn's POV~

Daniel and Stephen sat to one side of Jay, Jay sat in between them, Ann and Hosha sat next to each other as they were having a silent dinner.

Hosha put his fork down in the middle of his food, "Huh, J-Jay?", Jay looked up at Hosha, "What's up, dude?", I noticed Hosha seemed scared, "Can I. . . I ask you something. . .?", Stephen looked up as Jay nods, "Fire.", Jay continues to eat as well as Daniel. I look at Hosha, 'What is he going to ask?', Hosha, took a deep breath before looking at Jay, "Why do you hide your eyes?", Stephen shoot his head up like a dog, Daniel nearly choked on his drink, I stare at Hosha like he just asked the million dollor question and Jay dropped his fork in surprise and shock. . .

Once he recovered, "Um-Um. It's a boring explanation, Hosha. Besides the others probably don't wanna hear it!", Stephen shook his head, "Actually. I've been asking myself that for a few months now, and I'm interested in your story...", Daniel nods, "Basically what Stephen said expect it's been bugging me ever since I met ya.", Jay sighs heavily, "Ann?", I nod. Jay throws his arms up in defeat, "OK! You got me!", Jay stood up and waved us to the living room. . .

Jay's POV~

. . . I sat in silence. . . For the first time in my life I'm actually going to tell them. . . Or even. . . Show them what happened to my eye. . . I looked up at them, "Alright. . . So. . .", I let out a small fake chuckle, "Where the hell do I even start. . .?"

**This takes place before the fight had begun. Remember that and if you're all wondering, yes, I'm going to continue Danplan stories because I'd rather not have their light due, so fight me!!**

**And I was honest, I literally don't have any idea how to cook.**

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