A one-shot y'all probs read and i completely forgot about but let it be here

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I completely forgot about this and y'all probably read this before but it was in my notes and I was laughing at it so I'm putting it here.

So this takes place a few years after "What Happens After Death?" And Skye/Ray and Jax/Zack had a kid and even in au's the kid's are named the same because I'm uncreative and I actually like their names lmao.

Also idk 4 year old talk f in the chat for me

'I'm 17 now, almost an adult... I have friends, they're out doing cool things... so how did I get stuck babysitting my niece?' Eliza Mare was sitting in the living room with her 4 year old niece, Serenity.

Right now the four year old was drawing on the floor while Eliza was sitting on the couch, trapped in thought.

She was snapped out of thought when Serenity called for her. "Aunt Elly! Aunt Elly!"

"Hm? What's up?"

"I drew this! Do you like it?" Serenity holding a paper for Eliza to see.

Eliza looked at the picture, it was an image of her, Serenity, Skye and Jax.

"It's adorable." Eliza said, smiling at the young girl. "I love it."

Serenity smiled happily at her aunt's response. "Yay!" She said.

After that she went back onto the floor to draw again.

'Skye and Jax went out on a date... they shouldn't be back for a few hours... and I don't think Serenity's ever been into the town before...' A smile then adorned Eliza's face.

"Hey Serenity! You ready to have fun with your coolest aunt ever?!" Eliza says.

"You're my only aunt." Serenity replied.

"I-I know, but still I have something fun we can do!" The blonde said.

"What?" The younger girl asked, her eyes seemed to brighten.

"We're gonna go into town!" Eliza says with the a grin.

"But daddy said-"

"I don't listen to your dad."

"But mommy said-"

Eliza gently patted Serenity's head. "It will only be for a little bit. And I'll take the blame if they get mad, don't worry." 'But they won't find out.' The blonde smirked a bit at her prideful thoughts.

Serenity stayed quiet for a minute before smiling. "Okay!" She says before running to get her shoes on.

"But I have one rule. Stay by me the whole time. Okay? If you want to go into a store or there's something you want to see just tell me and we'll go look at it." Eliza said.

"Okay! I'll hold Aunt Elly's hand the whole time!" Serenity said, standing up.

"Good." The blonde young woman said opening the door and grabbing the dark haired girl's hand.

After stepping outside and locking the door, both girl's starting walking into the area where the town was.

"Aunt Elly, do you have friend's that live here?" Serenity asked.

"Yeah, I do... I haven't seen them for a while though." 'And I wasn't allowed to invite them over. Such a stupid rule.'

"Oh! Aunt Elly, Aunty Elly!"

"Hm? What is it?"

"There's a bear in there!" Eliza looked at what the four year old was talking about and saw a stuffed bear in one of the windows in the shopping center. 'Oh the toy shop. I remembered I loved going there when I was little.'

"You want to go in there?" Eliza asked, the dark haired girl nodded. Eliza gave her a small smile. "Okay, then let's go."


After Serenity picked out a small stuffed animal, and promised Eliza she wouldn't show her parents her small gift so her aunt wouldn't get her ass kicked, the two decided to look around a bit more.

Well that was until Eliza saw someone looking into the windows of one of the shops and she recognized that person very easily.

'Is that really Mio...?' Eliza thought.

"Aunt Elly?" Serenity says, pulling on the blonde's arm, trying to get her out of thought. Then Serenity noticed who she was looking at.

It was a woman with dark skin and short brunette hair.

'Is that Aunt Elly's friend?' Serenity thought.

"Aunt Elly? Is that lady your friend?" Serenity asked her aunt.

"A-Ah! Yeah." The blonde snapped out of thought and lightly scratched her cheek. "S-Something like that."

"I see..." Serenity then let go of Eliza's hand and started to run up to the woman.

"Ah! Serenity!" Eliza yelled, chasing after her niece.

Serenity went up to the dark haired young woman and lightly pulled on the end of her dress. "Hello miss!"

"Eh...?" The female said.

"Serenity!" Eliza said running up to them. The voice caught the brunette's attention.

Once the blonde got to the two of them and gripped her knees and took a deep breath. "Serenity you're supposed to stay with me the whole time-" Eliza looked up to see her old friend (and possibly old crush) Mio.

"E-Eliza?" The short haired woman said.

"M-Mio... Hey..." The blonde woman said.

"It's been a while..." Mio says.

There was an awkward tension in the air and both of the young women could feel it, meanwhile Serenity didn't seem to have a care in the world.

"I-Is she your's?" The she Mio was referring to was, of course, the young black haired female.

"Huh?! No, no, nonono. Serenity is Skye's kid. I'm just babysitting. You know I wouldn't be interested in being pregnant at such a young age." Eliza says.

"Oh! Skye had a kid! Is that one man you talked about the father? Jax, right?" Mio says.

"Yeah. Surprisingly." The blonde muttered.

"Hey, hey! Miss!" Serenity said. The other females looked down at the four year old.

"Yes?" The dark skinned woman answered.

"Are you Aunt Elly's girlfriend?" Of course Serenity didn't know the meaning of that and only thought of it as a friend that was female.

Meanwhile both young women were bright red. "S-Serenity we're only friend's." Eliza says.

"That's what I said." Serenity replied.

'Such an oblivious child to the meaning of girlfriends and boyfriends.' Eliza thought.

"So Eliza... how have you been?" Mio asked, trying to catch up with her best friend.

While the young women were catching up Serenity saw something that caught her eye. She had always been drawn to bright and/or sparkly things and she seemed to had seen something like that in one of the outer windows of a store.

She noticed that the other female's were still talking and didn't want to disrupt them so she decided to go off on her own.

She quietly went to the shop across the street and went inside to look at everything.


A few moments later Eliza and Mio had somewhat finished catching up and decided to end their conversation.

"Okay Serenity you ready to-" Eliza looked down and did not see her niece.

"S-Serenity?!" She says, looking around. "Oh my god! I lost my niece! Holy shit my sister and Jax are going to kill me!"

"C-Calm down Eliza! She couldn't have gone far! Why don't we check the shops around us." Mio says. "I'll help look."

"Y-You will? Thank you. I owe you."

"Okay, then after you're done, you have to explain why you were gone for so long." The brunette said.

"R-Right. Okay, let's start looking." The blonde said.


After the girls started to look Serenity came out of that certain store only to see Eliza and Mio were no longer there.

"A-Aunt Elly?" Serenity says cautiously running across the street.

"Aunt Elly?! Where are you?!" Serenity says, about to burst into tears. "Where'd you go?!"

Serenity started walking down the sidewalk, looking for her aunt. It was scary being alone while being so small. 'Where did she go...? Did she leave me?' She was about to start crying when she heard a voice.

"Hey you looking for your aunt little girl?" Someone said. Serenity turned to see an older male. He looked scary, but Serenity didn't know any better, so she nodded. He smirked.

"It's pretty scary being on your own little girl, why don't you stick with a man like me." He laughed.

Serenity backed away a bit and shook her head. 'He's scary.'

"What are you so scared of? I'm not a bad-"

He got cut off by someone speaking to him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing to my niece?" A female voice said from behind the stranger.

"What? I was only talkin' to her-" The man went quiet when he saw a pocket knife being held by a blonde girl.

"You better leave now before I either call the cops or stab you to death." Eliza said.

"H-Hey let's not get violent, I-I was just thinking of leaving." The man said, sweat dripping from his forehead from nervousness.

The stranger then ran off. Not wanting to deal with a pissed off blonde with a sharp object. "Tch, wuss." 'And he's an example of why I don't favor men.' She thought, putting the 'weapon' away.

"Aunt Elly!" Serenity said running up and hugging her aunt.

"Serenity are you okay?!" The blonde asked, checking for any wounds or scratches on her face. "Did that man do anything to you?!"

"No. I'm okay. But I was really scared." Eliza then picked her up.

"I understand that must've been scary. Please don't ever run off like that." Eliza says.

"I won't. I'm sorry." Serenity hugged her tightly.

"It's okay... I'm just glad you're safe." Eliza said with a sigh.

"Damn who knew you could be so badass." A voice said from behind them. Apparently Mio witnessed Eliza threatening the man.

Eliza blushed a little from embarrassment. "A-Ah, yeah. I picked it up from experience, I guess..."

Mio laughed a little. "I'm really impressed, you just keep getting cooler."

"C-Cooler?" Eliza says.

"Yeah, I've always thought you were cool since elementary school. And now your coolness level really grew." Mio explains.

"Oh... t-thanks." Eliza mumbled.

"And now you have to explain why you ditched middle school barely ever came back-"

"I wanna go home." Serenity said.

"I-I know." The blonde said. She then looked up at her friend. "Hey Mio. I'll tell you another time. I promise, and I never break my promises." She said with a smirk.

The seventeen year old blonde then turned around and started walking back.

"Ah, wait." Mio said, almost in a whisper. 'I've missed you...' but that was only a thought.


"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Eliza yelled as her hair was being pulled and her cheeks were being pinched and pulled by none other than Jax.

"What are you stupid?! When babysitting you have to stay here! My daughter could've gotten killed!" Jax yelled.

"But she's fine! And this hurts! Knock it off!"

Apparently when they got back Skye and Jax were already back from their date so that resulted and Jax bullying Eliza for the rest of the day.

"Skye! Help me!" Eliza yelled.

Skye just walked away to put her daughter down for a nap.


Anyways I'm calm now if you have stuff you wanna send to me or something submit it through my tumblr!
(I disabled my Instagram)
Tumblr: weeb-ella

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