Chapter 8

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A man was sitting at his desk in his office, hastily looking through files, something was obviously on his mind and the woman who watched him from the doorway could see this, so she decided to poke fun at him.

"Something on your mind Morgan?~" The woman asked and smirked, sitting on his desk.

"I can't talk right now, Emily, I'm busy." The man mutters.

"Aw, I'm just trying to have a bit of fun~" Emily pouted.

"Well your fun is obnoxious at the moment, so please leave." He says.

"Tsk, tsk, you've been acting weird ever since you went to your new client's house." Emily says.

"Then I'll continue to be "weird", now just leave me be. And don't you have some serial killer to catch?" Dr. Morgan says with a smirk, knowing that she hasn't caught him yet.

"Tch, Shut it." Emily says. "I'll catch them soon, just you wait." She says, she had an expression only a sadist could pull off apparent on her face. "And I'll come back later to talk." She then left the room.

"Whatever..." The male rolled his eyes and looked back in his files, but he couldn't stop thinking about someone, more importantly, her eyes. 'I don't know what's with me and why I'm so obsessed with Skye's peepers, but I don't care, I must have them! They're the ideal I've been looking for!'


A dark haired male slowly opened his eyes and smelled something... nice... weird. He quickly popped up and glanced in his kitchen. "Skye?" He mutters groggily.

"Oh you're up." The blonde says, glancing at him. "Good morning."

"What're you doing, it's so early..." He says, rubbing his eyes.

"Making breakfast." She says. "I normally do this on weekends for my family... so I thought I'd do this for you, since we're friends."

"That's nice of you, but I usually just find whatever's around, you don't have to do this." Jax says, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Let me guess what you mean by 'whatever's around', you probably get a small pastry and chips at the convenience store." Damn, she hit the nail on the head.

"I hate that you're smart." The male said and bonked her head once more.

The girl chuckled softly. "I'm just good at seeing through people... well most of the time." She says. "Anyways, that isn't good for you, you need a healthy breakfast, not just something randomly packaged that's full of sugar and who knows what."

"Yeah, yeah..." Jax grumbled, knowing she was right. "Anyways what're you making."

"Well, you didn't have much, so I used the bread you had lying around to make french toast." Skye replies.

'It smells good... damn she's too nice and really smart. How did she end up being friends with me?' The man thought.

"And let me guess you learn how to make it through your parents or something?" Jax says.

"No. The internet." The girl says. Looks like Jax missed the head of the nail.

"Hey... why are you doing this?" He asked.

"I already told you, because your my friend-"

"No. Really. I don't deserve this, so why are you really doing it?" He says.

"That's not true. Jax, you're a good man. Sure, you're a little rough around the edges, but deep inside you're a kind and caring guy... the first day we met you saved me, even though you had no clue who I was and you were even kind enough to get me medicine that day too. You also let me stay here even though it hasn't been too long since we met... Jax, I don't know if you see it, but I do, you really are a great person. And I should do more than this to thank you for being that great person." Skye says with a small smile, her eyes, they aren't as dead as they were the night before, in fact they may be a little lively.

Jax slightly blushed from all those compliments, especially from a person like her. He immediately covered his face. 'She's too good for me!' He thought.

"Eh? You okay?" Skye asked, noting his actions before looking back at the food she was making. "Oh. It's done. Jax, go sit down, I'll bring it to you."

"You sure? Do you even know where everything is?" Jax asked.

"I did some looking around while you were asleep. And I'm surprised you didn't hear anything when I was making the food, you're quite the heavy sleeper." Skye giggled a bit.

"S-Shut up!" Jax says, embarrassed.

"I'm just joking around, calm down." Skye said. "Now go sit!" She demanded. "I want to be a good guest!"

Jax rolled his eyes and walked to the couch. 'Yeah, that's right, she's only a guest, I should be the one doing this shit, not her... so why am I letting this happen?' The man snapped out of thought when a plate was set in front of him on the coffee table.

"Here you go!" Skye says happily.

"I don't understand how you're so nice to me. I literally give you brain damage and probably a migraine already." Jax chuckled.

"We're just playing around aren't we? It's what friend's do." Skye giggles, grabbing her own plate and sitting down next to him.

Jax rolled his eyes and started eating, his eyes widened when the food hit his tastebuds. She's really good at this cooking thing.

"Is something wrong?" Skye asked, noticing his pause in eating.

"S-Shut up, it's nothing." He said, stuffing his mouth. This made Skye smile a bit, she knew that he enjoyed what she made him, even though it was simply cooked bread with eggs and sugar. She then started to eat the food herself.

'Oh yeah, that's right!' The girl thought to herself, she forgot about the door by the man's room.

"Hey Jax." The girl muttered, setting the plate down. "There's something I wanted to ask."

"Okay, shoot." The male said with a half-full mouth.

"When I walked into your room yesterday, I noticed a room by it. This is going to sound weird, but I felt a strange type of aura by it... so I wanted to know what was in there." Skye explained.

"A room that gave you a weird aura?" The man muttered, thinking to himself. "Oh that one!" He said. "Yeah, to tell you the truth, I don't even know what's in there..."

"You don't?" Skye says, surprised.

"No... ever since I moved in here the door's been locked. And I never found the key to it. But now that I think about it, the old man that gave me this place probably has the key somewhere..." He thought aloud.

"Hey Jax, you always mention an old man, who is he exactly. I-I know I asked this before, but I'm just really curious. You don't have to tell me though." The blonde rambled.

"I'll explain him to ya later, you might even meet him if he ever comes by when you're here." 'I really hope that doesn't happen though...' The male thought. "But I'll just tell you a bit. The man's a priest, all about god and shit, he took me in a while back and gave me this apartment."

"Oh. That's nice of him." Skye says with a smile.

"Yeah... but I always think he wants something in return... and then he never explains things to me that I don't understand... Gah! He's just so weird." Jax says.

"Well maybe if you took time to listen to someone you'd understand." The girl joked.

"I'll give you literal brain damage." Jax says, glaring at her.

"I'm kidding." Skye chuckled. "But I know you're the type of guy that doesn't listen to people, considering how you don't really clean up and how you also cut people off-"

"Since when have I done that?!" Jax shouted, cutting her off. "Oh... I see what you mean." Jax grumbled. "Agh! You really can see right through me!" He says, scratching the back of his head.

"That's just one of my perks." Skye says with a small smirk.

Jax rolled his eyes. "You're always so confident in yourself." He says. "But... and remember I don't lie, I like the confidence you have in yourself."

"Huh?" Skye mutters, staring at him a bit confused. "My confidence...?" She looked at the floor for the moment. She hadn't realized that these past few months she's been a bit confident within herself... it's weird she never thought of herself like this, in fact she's never really thought of herself as anything other than a burden since... she hates herself.

"Jax... to tell you the truth... I hate myself." Skye starts.

'Huh? What the hell?' Jax thought.

"But after these past months, since I met you. I've been more confident. You've given me confidence. Thank you." She says with a soft smile.

He gave her a bonk on the head. "Ow..." Skye muttered. "What was that for?" She asked, rubbing her head.

"For saying you hate yourself." Jax says. Skye was a bit surprised at his response.

"But it's true." Skye mumbles.

"Well you shouldn't. Remember how you called me a great person. Well you're better than me. You go out of the way for others and care for them. Even the people that you've known for a short time. Even though you can look dead, be a bit obnoxious and dense, you're a great girl at heart." Jax says, he almost looked a bit embarrassed to say it.

"Jax..." She mumbles surprised, she can't believe he noticed that about her.

"Don't you dare ever talk like that ever again, okay?" He says.

"I won't. Sorry..." She mumbles, now she felt guilty for thinking about dying.

"What's with the guilty face?" He asked.

"Oh umm... well at some points, I recently thought about wanting to die too-"

A male cutting through a girl's neck with a scythe.

The male quickly grabbed her and held her close after that appeared in his mind. He didn't know what the hell caused him to do it, but somehow he felt awful hearing that, many knots twisted in his stomach, he even felt sick, as if he had a horrible memory... why was something telling him that small image in his mind just now was somehow was a memory...

"J-Jax?" Skye mumbled confused.

Jax immediately realized what he was doing and his cheeks turned bright red and he immediately let go. He awkwardly coughed to. "S-Sorry... I don't know what came over me..." He says, turning his head away from her. "I-It's just, you shouldn't think about dying."

"I-It's okay... and I know, I shouldn't think about things like that. Sorry..." Skye says, standing up. "A-And I think I should head out before my parents get suspicious, is that alright?"

"Yeah... but hold on a sec." Skye looked at the male confused. "Let's make a promise real quick."

"A promise?"

"Yeah... you've made my life hella weird, but it's been fun and nicer with you around. And, it's embarrassing to say this but, your my first actual friend... and it wouldn't be fun without you and I'd have no reason to really live anymore. So, lets make a promise. If you ever die, I'll die too." Jax says, holding his hand out, as if they were to shake on this.

"J-Jax?! Isn't that a bit too much?!" Skye says surprised.

"It seems you haven't actually noticed something else about me, I can go to extremes sometimes." He smirked. "Well... are we going to shake on it or not?"

Why? Why does he care so much about her to do this? They've only known each other for a short time, right? So why was he doing this?! But... why does she care for him just as much?

If she cares for him just as much then... she'll keep him alive! They'll stay alive together!

"Okay... and the same goes for me. If you die, I'd also really be sad, you've changed my life and I really wouldn't know what to do... so if you die, I'll die too." Skye says, putting her hand, no her life, in his hand.

And there they shook on it. This oath wasn't just some silly handshake or some small promise... they basically just entrusted their lives to one another.

"Let's call this promise... 'What Happens After Death?'" Skye suggested.

"I like the sound of it." Jax smirked. "Also another thing." He says. Skye looked at him before leaving the apartment. "Next time you come here, look a little more alive." He smirked, she knew what he meant and gave him a small guilty, but genuine, smile.

"I promise I'll work on it." She says and closes the door.

And this was only the start to something bigger in not only their friendship, but their own lives as well.

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