Chapter 11

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Yezun's voice was cold, hard, so different from what it used to be.
Wei's heart ached. "You hate me?"

Yezun growled in anger, but he kept his voice down. He was in his room and he didn't want to wake his sleeping parents.

"It was all my fault, I ruined everything! Why would you write those words?"

"It wasn't your fault, Yezun. I never blamed you."

"You should! If I hadn't trusted Jiu to be on my side now you'd be here with us and none of this would have happened! Feng would have gone away with his girlfriend and you would still be my big brother!"

Wei felt tears again but tried to hold them back. "But I am. You'll always be my little brother, how could you think otherwise?"

Yezun did nothing to hide his own tears. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault," he repeated. "Jiu was your friend but for some reason he always hated me, I don't know why."

"Because you're better than him!" Yezun whispered screamed.

"Or maybe because we were closer than you two were," Wei said, remembering Jiu's annoyed face every time Yezun praised his brother's accomplishments in front of him, but he didn't care anymore. It was in the past and Wei didn't want to be stuck thinking of Jiu's hate.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Wei went on seeing Yezun's confused expression. "It probably wouldn't have changed anything if you hadn't talked to him, I was... obsessed back then, I would have done something stupid."

'More than I already did', he added in his head, but didn't say it.

Yezun didn't reply to that, he had never liked Feng and had never understood Wei's obsession with him. He was glad when he got married and moved away, so he didn't have to see his face ever again.

"Besides I'm doing ok here, I even... met someone."

Yezun frowned. "Who is he? Does he treat you well?"

"He's a good person," Wei said with a smile. It was a sad one, but it was a start.

Yezun looked worried so Wei changed the subject. "How is dad doing?"

"Working too much, as usual. I guess I haven't been much help lately."

"Have you been fighting again?" Wei asked concerned.

"How do you know about that?"


"Of course. So you asked about me..." he still sounded surprised, so Wei said,
"I've missed talking to you. When I call you're always out. Please don't fight anymore, I'm good now and soon everything will be alright."

Yezun stared at his brother, then nodded. "Next time I'll be here".
Wei smiled again, and this time it was not as sad as before. Talking like this felt good, and he hoped things might go back to how they once were between them.

They talked for a while more; when they said their goodbyes, Wei switched off the computer and went to the bedroom, smiling fondly at the sleeping figure. Yes, everything will be alright, he only had to try harder and be strong.

Easier said than done, but it was enough for tonight. He laid on his side of the bed careful not to wake her and fell asleep shortly after.


"What do you say about meeting Mr. Chen today?" Wei asked her during breakfast.
Qiqi didn't have to get up so early, but she was a morning person and always got up at the sound of his alarm clock.

She was glad that he appeared to be better today, and smiled warmly. "Of course, just tell me what you want me to say. Will I be your girlfriend? Is it too soon to say that we are engaged?"

They considered this for a while then she put on one of the prettiest day dresses she had brought with her and they got out together.

Wei hoped not to meet Yunlan right away, and his wish was granted. They entered the store and went directly in search of the boss.
Wei felt very nervous, 'this was it', he thought.

Mr. Chen was a serious, tough man who acted like he was granting them audience, wasting on them his precious time. Qiqi held Wei's hand for comfort, and he squeezed it gratefully.

Wei thanked the man for his time and introduced her as his girlfriend. "She's also 21 and we plan on getting married soon, but for now we... we'll be living together at the apartment you kindly gave me, if you have no objections."

"Living together before marriage? Youngsters these days, I was never fond of the modern ways."

Wei began to panic, he had not taken into account that Mr. Chen could actually deny them permission to stay there together, what would he do in that case? He would have to find her a new place, or maybe get married too soon... he didn't like that idea at all.

When Qiqi started pleading holding his hand tight he listened with his mouth open, she was smart and touched all the right subjects in a 'serious young woman' tone.

She said that before getting married they wanted to get settled, she would start a new job soon and by living together they would be able to save on the expenses, they were thinking of their future and didn't want to rush things, they were being responsible...
she went on and on until she saw Mr. Chen nodding slightly.

Mr. Chen approved of her words, called her a 'fine young lady', complimented Wei on his choice and gave them permission.

When they exited his office they were stopped by a few coworkers and answered their curious questions, then she went back leaving him there.

Wei began working, but his eyes would often wander in search of Yunlan.
They exchanged intense glances but didn't really get a chance to talk, so Yunlan wrote him a message,
>I'm sorry.

Wei looked at it with soft eyes, wanting to say so many things he didn't know where to start.

Don't apologise, I'm sorry too, you did nothing wrong, it's my fault, I'm a mess, you're amazing, I like you, I'm scared, I need to tell you something, I...

His fingers hovering the phone keyboard not knowing where to land, his mind swirled with all those thoughts and maybe he took too long because another message arrived.

>Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I won't push it, I respect you to take your time, just give me a chance.

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