Chapter 26

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Once he started thinking about it, Wei became more and more excited, it would really happen, after such a long time of crying trying to fight the knowledge that he'd never be happy, things were turning for the best, he had an amazing boyfriend and they would live together!

It was such a beautiful dream that he had a hard time believing it was real.

For a couple of days he felt like he was walking on clouds, then Dreadful Sunday happened.

Wei had spent the night at Yunlan's house and they had walked together until they were in sight of the store. Wei went first then Yunlan followed two minutes later.

Wei entered the store like any other day and saw the girls at the checkout counters chatting among themselves.
He was about to move along after a simple greeting, but they called him back with curiosity written all over their faces.

"You're from Mr. Chen's hometown aren't you? Then you must know them also."

Wei froze, who were they talking about?

"Three people came to see Mr. Chen today, they're talking in his office right now."

Wei felt a lump in his throat, who could they be? What were they doing here?

The office was on the left, at the far end corner; it had glass walls and a closed door. He wouldn't be able to hear them, but if he got a little closer maybe he could see who they were.

Some thirty seconds later Yunlan entered the store and greeted everyone, then his eyes landed on a stone-cold figure, a salt statue if it wasn't for the restless hands.

He approached him like he hadn't left him happy just a couple of minutes before. "Hello Wei, what are you doing here?"

Wei didn't reply. Not only that, he didn't even hear him. His eyes were wide, his face pale, his stance rigid, and Yunlan began to worry.

He tried to call him again but no change. He followed the direction of his eyes and saw that in the boss' office there was a young man looking at Wei with some kind of eerie smirk that he didn't like one bit.

Yunlan had to think quickly, Wei would never be able to show his face again if he broke down at his workplace in front of everyone.

All of Yunlan's worries were coming true and he had to do something.

He turned around so not to be seen and took Wei's phone out of his back pocket.
He looked through his contacts and wrote a message to Qiqi.
>Come to the store immediately

He didn't know if she could do anything, but he had to try something.
He put the phone back and moved in front of him, cutting his visual.
"Talk to me Wei, who is he?"

Wei's eyes slowly focused on him, but there was still panic in them.
"He... he..."

"I'm here Wei, ok? Just tell me who he is."

As hard as it was for him, Wei now had Yunlan's eyes to focus on, they kept his mind grounded and he managed to say the words. "He... Jiu, Jiu is here... he's here... he started it all, what's he going to do now? It's over, he'll do it again, he hates me..."

"No he won't, you're not the same Wei, you're stronger and I'm here with you."

Wei's eyes looked at him with a mix of desperation and gratitude, and a whole lot of uncertainty.

At that moment a girl entered in a rush yelling, "Wei!"
She scanned the place then she saw him and ran towards him. Yunlan moved aside.

Qiqi reached them and hugged Wei in a protective/comforting way. "What's happening? Why did you call me?"

It was the first time she received such a message in all the months she had been there so she had bolted out the door as quickly as she could. It had to be serious if Wei sent her such an urgent message with no explanation.

Now she held onto him, he focused his eyes on her and finally spoke.
"Qiqi? Why are you here?"

After those words she worried even more.
"You don't remember texting me?"

Another girl had approached; Yunlan looked at Lisa guessing they had to be together when Qiqi received his text, so she followed her here.

"(What's going on?)" she asked him.

"(The man over there is from Wei home, bad bad man)". A very brief summary but it would do for now.

Suddenly three people exited the office and walked towards them. The four of them were between the office and the door, so they watched as the two men and the woman walked closer.

Wei's face became even paler. "Feng," he murmured; Qiqi didn't know about him and maybe Yunlan didn't know everything, but he knew enough.

He furrowed his brows and shot a deathly glare at the guy, but Feng motioned to walk past them as if they didn't exist.

Jiu had every intention to acknowledge their existence though. He stopped in front of them with the same evil smirk as before.

BeiBei grabbed Feng's arm. "Let's go out of here."

Feng nodded at Jiu. "We paid our respects as father asked, we did what we had to do, let's go."

Jiu didn't move.

Yunlan whispered in Qiqi's ear, "Better move out of here."

Even if she was completely oblivious of what was going on, she instinctively disliked Jiu's face. She grabbed Wei's arm and he let her pull him outside, with Yunlan and Lisa right behind them.

They walked out the door and to the side, they were in nobody's way now, and Yunlan hoped these people would just walk away.

The couple seemed inclined to do so, but Jiu had other ideas.
"Why are you running away? Don't you want to greet an old friend?"

Yunlan wanted so much to do something, to protect him, but most of all he worried about Wei's state of mind, so he stayed close and instinctively put a hand on his back to remind him that he wasn't alone.

A part of him also wanted to see Wei's reaction, but he didn't acknowledge it.

Wei stiffened at those words, he wanted to run away, to hide in a corner and disappear, but Yunlan's hand at his back kept him still, it reminded him that he had Yunlan now, and that was all that mattered. It gave him the courage to speak. "We were never friends, Jiu."

A smirk once again appeared on that face, evil and disturbing.
"I apologise, Your Honor, I forgot you were too high up your pedestal to mingle with us normal people."

"(What are they saying?)" Lisa asked her girlfriend.

Qiqi did her best to translate what was being said. "(Say hi to your friend... Wei say he not his friend... man say you big man think you too important...)"

Seeing that he was not joining them, Feng and BeiBei came back and joined him instead. "I said let's go, Jiu. Leave it."

"What? Why? After so long we don't deserve even a greeting? After what he did he has the nerve to look all superior at us."

"(We go... no... long time... not a hi... Wei did something... now he act like big man.)" Qiqi provided.

Feng shot a quick look at Wei then turned around to show he didn't care.
"He's not worthy, leave I said."

Yunlan's hand on Wei's back twitched, he wanted to smack that face on the ground but struggled to keep calm.

Wei felt the hand pressed against his back, and the words: 'I have Yunlan now, they don't matter, I matter, Yunlan says I matter,' played in his head like a mantra.

He opened his mouth shocking all the men present, himself included.
"I didn't do anything."

Why did he have to speak? Wei wished he hadn't when he saw Jiu's face.
"How dare you speak like that? After you tried to ruin two good people's happiness?"

"No I didn't... it was him who..."

Feng's face paled, he had to stop him from saying those words. "I what?" He growled aggressively.

"You... you..." Wei was losing his courage, he had never spoken to Feng after that time when they did what he thought, not knowing any better, was making love.

BeiBei was at her husband's side, and now she joined the conversation.
"Shut up, Jiu told me how you went after Feng trying to break us up, and you even dared speak to me! You can run all you want but being in Rome doesn't change you, pretending this little thing here," she shot Qiqi a disgusted look, "is your fiancee doesn't fool me, you were and always will be a shameless bitch."

Qiqi had a hard time keeping up with them, and even a harder time trying to think of suitable Italian words for Lisa. "(Man say Wei... little... Wei say did nothing... man say Wei... did something bad... make they unhappy... woman say Wei steal woman male wife...woman say Wei run here, she know I am...)"

It really was difficult, whenever she didn't know a word, like husband, she tried another way to say it - and she did know the word wife for all the times she had scribbled dreamily Qiqi+Lisa=wife♡wife,
but how could she translate all those other difficult words? Maybe she should sum it up a bit.

"(She say...Wei bitch.)" Qiqi really tried her best, but she was so focused she didn't realise what she had said.

Lisa's hand shot forward in rage, slapping BeiBei's cheek so hard her face turned the other way.

Everyone looked at her in shock but Lisa had no apology in her heart to offer. Nobody could call her Qiqi anybody's bitch.

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