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OK, Guys, I know a lot of people kind of hate me now cause I've been MIA and all but I'm back now and I'll update kind of regularly now since I have the whole book now in my head so let's just hope writer's block doesn't get to me.


"Well Hello there my little lioness"

OMG, it just had to be him. I was already glad my day was going well and I just had to see her this a**hole

"well if it isn't Mr. Stick up his ass," I said with a little raise of my brow. He just looked at me and just at seeing his face I was already getting pissed bad.

"You can get out of my way any day now some of us have things to do sir" When I said that he just looked at me and smirked, he didn't even budge from where he was standing and that infuriated me. I opened my mouth to yell at him more but he beat me to it.

"Now now my little lioness didn't mama teach you how to control that little mouth of yours am kind of in a good mood so I'll let it slide." after the douche had finished his o so mighty speech he smirked at me and I was infuriated past the breaking point and my hand was midair when he caught it.

'tsk tsk tsk tsk little lioness wrong move , just because I let the talking slide but don't you dare use your f**ken hands on me.You don't know me and what I'm capable of ." He said with a snarlnstill holding my hand.

"What are you going to do,hit me back ?" She said looking at him in his eyes. Anybody passing would think they were two lovers sharing a passionate moment lost in each others eyes but were they wrong the only passion these two share is their hate. But who knows right?.

Rhode suddenly broke the heated stare and said"I would never do anything of that manner. I'm a gentleman and I'll never raise my hands against a woman.But I can and will ruin you if you get on my nerves which you have already started doing with that attititude of yours."

Ariel pulled her hand back with force and she stumbled back and he caught her and they share another heated stare and this time Ariel is the one to pull back and she looked him direct in the eyes and said

"You rich people are all the same thinking you can determine the outcome of other people's lives cause you have money but let me tell you something ill never bow to your kind.I might not have your money but I'm a better human being than you ever wish you will. You think your money is everything but you'll forever never have someone who loves you with that attitude you have.Hope you have a good day Mister thank you for ruining mine. Horrible human being Bye-bye."She said and stormed around him into the restaurant.


Everything she said started sinking in when I heard the low bang of the restaurant door.Nobody had ever spoken to me like that ever since my mother had passed.They have all been scared of me but this girl just spoke to me like that its like she doesn't know who I am.I didn't even know her name but I needed to know who she was.I looked up and saw a traffic camera then I called my PI

"Hello" He answered.I just went straight to the point I didn't have time for pleasantries

"I want you to find someone for me.More like a background check I want to know everything about her.I don't know her but check the camera on Welsh Street facing a small restaurant called SALLY'S.Cgeck the footage between 2:30pm to 3pm I'm seen talking to girl in front of the restaurant find her I want everything by tomorrow this time." After saying all this I cut the call and released a deep breath and I composed myself and got in my car and drove to my Penthouse for a really strong drink

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