Chapter 1

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This is also Sonadow with some Vespio and other things.

Also I have zero filter on this, so you are warned.

Enjoy this weird collab I did with my friend.



Jasper stared at Marklin tiredly.

"Of course." Jasper sighed, Marklin stood from the dirt road, then helped Jasper up. It was only a few seconds before both were pushed over by a blue blur rushing by at insane speeds. Suddenly as Marklin and Jasper both recovered from that shock, a small orange fox with two tails panted up to them stopping for a breath.

"Are you two okay?" the two tailed fox asked, Marklin and Jasper looked over, Jasper was lost for words.

"We're just getting our bearings." Marklin chirped, the two-tailed fox nodded.

"Ok sir!" They peeped, suddenly the blur arrived back, stopping instantly. It was a blue hedgehog.

"Tails, are you okay? I lost ya!"

"I'm fine, Sonic." The young fox smiled to his companion. "You must've ran into these two."

The strange looking hedgehog looked to the two, rubbing under his nose. "Eh, sorry about that. I guess I just got too in the zone."

"It's fine, we were in the middle of the road." Marklin said quickly, Jasper finally gulped down his shock.

"Mark, it's a talking hedgehog and a double tailed fox!" Jasper hissed, Marklin blinked a bit in quiet.

"You can see them too?"

The two animals just stared at the two men, not knowing what to do.

"Mark, you took your meds this morning didn't you, why would I be in your trip!"

"I mean, sometimes people around are also here, unless you're a delusion as well." Marklin looked around. "I mean, I normally can't touch them." Marklin reached out, and quickly patted Tails, feeling the softness of the fur, he continued.

Tails looked a bit uncomfortable, but didn't say much about it. Sonic raised an eyebrow curiously, wondering why these two were acting... weird....

Jasper quickly took Marklin's hand from the fox. "Mark, you don't know where they've been."

"Well, we've been down this road, over the bridge, through the woods, Shadow's house, Dr. Eggman's lair-"

"Sonic, that's not what he means...."

"I know."

The realization hit Marklin.

"Oh mine gott, It could have fleas." Marklin yelped, he started to wipe his hands on his shirt.

"I make sure Tails washes himself every day!" Sonic crossed his arms.

"Sonic, you're getting mixed up again. I'm the one that has to force you into the tub everyday." The fox crossed his arms as well, looking exasperated.

"But Tails.... Water...." Fear shone in Sonic's eyes.

Jasper put his hands on Marklin's shoulders.

"Marklin, we are in a place with talking animals, that go really fast, and you are panicking over fleas." Jasper shook Marklin lightly.

"Jas, fleas are not only carriers of so many diseases but I'm-"

"Mark!" Jasper shook him slightly more. Marklin finally woke up a bit to the situation.

"I mean, we could have been transported to hell, what are you complaining about."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Sonic waved his finger in front of Marklin's face. "That word is no good! We have a child near us!"

Jasper quickly lowered Sonics hand from Marklin's face.

"I wouldn't do that." Jasper said quickly, Marklin snapped his attention to Jasper.

"Jas, he could have-"

"Mark shut up." Marklin fumed quietly.

Sonic looked at Jasper questionably before shrugging and saying, "Alrighty then. You two obviously don't come from here, so would you like some help getting home?"

"That would be amazing, thank you so much." Jasper said with exasperation, Marklin snapped his attention to Jasper.

"So we're just going with the two animals we just met to go who knows where to do who knows what?" Marklin asked angrily.

"Don't worry, we've done this a few times before." Tails smiled calmly before looking to Sonic. "How far off is the Tornado?"

"I think we left it a few miles after Shadow's house."

The young fox groaned before looking to the two humans. "I'll be right back." Then, his two tails spun, causing him to be lifted off the ground. He then proceeded to fly off.

"This beats my meds wearing off." Marklin said dully as he watched to fox fly away, Jasper punched Marklin in the arm.

"Don't talk like that." Marklin rubbed his arm sorely.

"You didn't have to hit me." Marklin bitterly growled.

"It wasn't that hard."

"That's how it starts!"

"Oh come on! Not like I beat you!"

"Wow, ok, that was-"

"Oh shut up, this isn't an issue until you make it one!"

"Well if I didn't make it an issue who know what you would do!"

"Why am I suddenly the bad guy."

"Maybe because you are always the one-"

"You always start the fight by over reacting!"

"I'm sorry that I get overboard!"

"Overboard is an understatement, over the moon and back is more like it."

"At least I don't get PMS bitchy every-" It became a blur of screaming and shoving.

Sonic was just standing there awkwardly, hoping that his two-tailed buddy would come, but when the screaming and shoving started, his ears flattened against his head. "Stop, you guys! This isn't the right time for this! Oh, boy if I get in trouble with Shadow because he heard this...."

The two suddenly stopped the fight, and stared at each other.

"This isn't going to help anyone, we can finish this at home." Jasper said quietly, Marklin nodded, his voice choking in his throat. Jasper pulled Marklin into a gentle hug "Come on, meyls, it's ok," He cooed, Marklin kept himself in the hold as he calmed down.

Sonic sighed in relief. "Thank you. Jeez, you two yell so loud; I think I would've gone deaf if you went on."

"Faker! What was that fucking noise!?" A gruff voice was heard behind the blue one, causing the one in question to tense up.

"Oh, hey, Shads! How are you!?"

"My ears are ringing." The voice appeared to come from a dark hedgehog with blood red eyes and matching stripes.

"Jasper that one is fluffy." Marklin said softly, regaining his voice, Jasper petted Marklins hair.

"Take another breath Mark." Jasper said sweetly, holding onto Marklin.

The other hedgehog's ears twitched as he glared at the two. "What did you do this time, Sonic?"

"Nothing! I swear!" The blue one smiled nervously to the other one, causing him to sigh.

Marklin broke free of Jasper hold, and reached to pet the dark hedgehog.

Quickly, the black hedgehog hit the human's hand away, growling. "Don't fucking touch me."

Marklin gasped a bit and held his hand, taking another step back into Jasper and looking scared at the dark hedgehog. Jasper held Marklin softy.

"Come on, you can't just touch things." Jasper whispered.

Sonic, meanwhile, laid a hand on the other hedgehog's shoulder. "Shadow, don't be rude."

Shadow simply kept his glare to Marklin, but he seemed a bit less tense with Sonic's hand on his shoulder.

Marklin finally swallowed down the last of his haze. He leaned into Jasper and placed his hands over those Jasper had on him.

"You ok Mark?" Jasper asked, Marklin nodded gently.

"Sorry about that, dude." Sonic smiled nervously. "Shadow is, uh, touchy on the touching." The other just huffed and rolled his eyes.

The sound of a plane in the distance alerted the two hedgehogs. Marklin and Jasper both picked up on the droning, and looked to see the plain approaching. Tails lowered the plane to the ground, making sure to not hit anyone.

"Hey, Tails!" The blue hedgehog smiled happily. Shadow just looked to the fox, nodding his hello.

"Hi Sonic! And you too, Shadow." Tails smiled. Marklin and Jasper both looked on, slightly concerned.

Tails looked to the two humans. "We'll be able to take the Tornado to my workshop, and I can get you home in a jiffy! Get in!"

Sonic proceeded to jump on the wing of the biplane, offering a hand to the other hedgehog, who looked away before taking the offered hand and sitting on the wing. Marklin and Jasper walked nearer, noticing the lack of adequate seating. Marklin was just about to comment.

"I guess we're sharing a seat." Jasper sighed, picking up Marklin bridal style. Jasper climbed onto the plane, and flopped them both into the seat, a soft crushing feeling on both.

Tails, looked back to the two, readjusting his aviator goggles. "Make sure to keep your arms and legs inside the plane at all times. I'm sorry if that seems stupid, but I've had a passenger fall out because of that."

Sonic chuckled. "Good ole Knux."

The two tailed fox then turned around and the plane took off, the two hedgehogs holding on to the wing.

Marklin gripped into anything he could get a hold of, as Jasper laid back and dealt with the two vice grips on him. Jasper shifted a little bit only to be elbowed by Marklin.

"Oww, what was that for?" Jasper asked bitterly.

"You think it is wise to move when we are shoved into a small place and a mile up?"

Sonic looked back to the two before nonchalantly swinging his legs boredly. Marklin looked over at the hedgehog and almost panicked, Jasper seethed as Marklins grip tightened. Sonic raised an eyebrow at the human's behavior before being distracted by the hedgehog beside him, who had his eyes closed.

"It's rude to stare."

Jasper shifted an arm out from being crushed and around Marklin to try and calm him. "Come on, Mark, it's only a plane." Jasper cooed, Marklin grip lessened as he buried himself into Jasper a bit more.

Soon enough, Tails signaled that it was time to land, and he did so gently. He landed beside a small hut in the middle of nowhere with a small garage beside it. Sonic and Shadow hopped off, the dark one finally opening his eyes. Marklin and Jasper pried themselves from the small seat, Marklin scrambling to the ground and Jasper taking his time. Tails shut off his plane and got out, taking off his goggles and throwing them into the seat. "Now, just follow me to my workshop."

The young fox opened the door to the garage and gestured the others in. Sonic and Shadow walked inside, and Tails waited for the humans to go in as well. Marklin and Jasper bother wearily walked in as well.

The garage was a LOT bigger on the inside, it being filled with various inventions and other things. Tails led the others to a big machine. Marklin and Jasper looked at it in awe. Tails smiled and pointed to a certain spot near the machine. "Just stand there and I'll do the rest!"

The two did as told, the looked on to the animals quietly. A still quiet went over them. Tails pressed a few buttons and switched a few levers before a bright beam appeared over the two humans. They seemed to be disappearing, until....

Kazap! The beam disappeared, leaving Marklin and Jasper still there, but with scorch marks on their bodies. Marklin started to panic as he looked himself over.

"I-I- We're not dead, that was at least 2500 volts!" Marklin screamed.

The three animals ears flattened against their skulls, Shadow especially taking extra precautions to cover his ears. They calmed down after a bit, and Sonic looked to Marklin. "Of course you're not dead; that was hardly anything. Now, could you please stop screaming?"

"I am in hell, I killed us and we went to hell, satan is the blue one." Marklin said blankly.

"What are the other two?" Jasper asked.

The other three just blinked. Shadow was the first to speak, surprisingly. "No wonder I've hated this place. It's Hell. Everything makes sense."

"Shadow, this isn't Hell." Sonic blinked.

"Who says so." Marklin hissed.

"Everyone besides you and Shadow apparently." Sonic stated. "Why would you think you'd even go to Hell?"

Marklin looked at Jasper, then back at Sonic.

"A few reasons, you want the list?" Marklin asked.

"I'm actually quite curious now." Shadow said.

"Shadow no."

"Well, first off, I'm -really- gay, then there's the whole situation with the kid I didn't want, not to mention all the premarital-"

"We don't need to hear anymore." Sonic nervously cut in. "Child. in. the. room."

"He'll learn eventually, I mean, in my line of work, the younger they know, the easier it is to help them when things happen." Marklin informed.

"What do you work as?" The panicked hedgehog asked, glancing at the working fox.

"I'm a doctor, I look at small children, stick my hands into women, and pull children out of people." Marklin told.

Sonic, blushing, grabbed Tails and held his head to his chest, making sure to cover the young fox's ears. He then snapped his head to Jasper. "And what do you work as?"

"A waiter?" Jasper said quickly.

Sonic's head tilted in slight confusion. "What's a waiter?"

"Umm, I wait tables, in a restaurant, you know, the guy that serves food." Jasper explained slowly.

Sonic just blinked, still holding the fox child. "You have to wait to get food?"

Shadow sighed. "Yes, Faker. Some people actually want to dine on something other than chili dogs while running."

"That sound unhealthy." Marklin droned.

"I've been doing it all my life, and I'm perfectly fine." Sonic said simply.

"Are you sure about that, you are bright blue." Marklin said.

"I was born blue."

"That still doesn't sound that great, maybe you should eat some cabbage, or some kale."

Sonic stuck his tongue out childishly in disgust. "Ew. That wouldn't get me far with my metabolism...."

"I know you're like, 5, but eating nothing but protein and carbs can kill you, eat an apple or whatever once in awhile."

"First off, I'm 16 3/4. Second, I don't know how your world works, but things work a bit a different here. I've been living like this all my life."

Marklin looked at the fox. "I'm so sorry for your existence." Jasper punched Marklin in the arm.

"They're healthy enough ok, we have more to deal with right now." Marklin stared at Jasper rubbing his arm. "Sorry." Jasper seether bitterly.

Tails blinked simply. "It's fine. Now, about the little shock, I think something happened with the machine, or maybe it won't send you two for some reason."

"Why would it not!" Marklin snapped, Jasper put a hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe because we aren't the same kind as them." Jasper told, trying to keep Marklin from blowing up, again.

"Well, I never did try it out on a human...." Tails looked to his machine. "I should've tried it out on Dr. Eggman...."

Shadow blinked. "That would've solved so many problems."

"So where litterally stuck here until you can entirely rework the portal machine." Marklin growled.

Tails ears flattened against his head, scared. "I-I'm sorry. It won't be long just a few days! I-I'll try my best, I promise!"

Sudden a switch in Marklin clicked. "No, no," Marklin knelt down to the fox "I'm sorry, this really is fine, trial and error is the way to success. Come on, do as you feel necessary, but don't rush for us, we are the ones who should be indebted to you."

Sonic gave Marklin an approving look before wrapping a gentle arm around the young fox. "Yeah, little buddy, you don't need to rush; I know you can do it if you just take your time."

"A-Are you sure...?" Tails looked to Marklin.

"Of course," Marklin peeped, "being here is not -that- bad, and hey, we don't need to you work yourself up or to death because of some people who just showed up."

Tails smiled gently. "Okay. I'll do my best to make sure you do get home, though. We know the feeling of wanting to go home."

Marklins lips almost turned up as he stood and stepped back to Jasper. Sonic smiled proudly to Tails.

"That's my little bro." He said, ruffling the foxes fur on his head. Jasper rung an arm around Marklin, pulling Marklin into himself. Tails giggled at the hedgehog's attention.

Sonic smiled as he let the boy go. "Well, we should probably let you do your thing. Don't want what happened last time I sat in here with you while you were working to happen."

"Why do you have to get so bored...." The fox sighed before nodded. "I'll get right to work on it!"

Marklin and Jasper both stood there with a companionable silence over them as they waited to be told what to do or where to go.

Sonic looked at the two humans and smiled, wrapping an arm around Shadow's shoulders. "Shads and I can show ya two around in the meantime. I'm sure you are both curious about our world."

"That sound wonderful." Jasper piped, Marklin nodded.

Sonic smiled and grabbed Marklin's arm racing outside. Shadow looked to Jasper. "Does your husband care about really fast speeds, or do I need to stop the faker from giving him a heart attack?"

Jasper looked down at the dark Hedgehog. "Well, he does drive cars pretty fast when I make him drive, and when given the chance, his motorcycle can go, reasonably quick, but I don't think it is wise to go mach speeds with him before his asthma flares or he shuts down." Jasper looked at the hedgehog wearily. "How do you know we're married?"

Shadow just shrugged before walking outside, where nervous screeching was heard.

Jasper followed and saw Marklin being dragged along by Sonic. Shadow rolled his eyes before reaching out when Sonic was running by, grabbing his arms, and surprisingly stopped him without dislocating or breaking anything.

Meanwhile, Marklin flew forwards quickly and face planted in the dirt. Jasper helped Marklin up, wiping dirt from him softly. Marklins breathed panicked and he fumbled through his clothes for an inhaler. Sonic tilted his head before Shadow pulled on his arms a growled for him to get the inhaler that was probably dropped during the run. Sonic nodded before running off and coming back with the small object, holding out for Marklin. Marklin fumbled it from Sonic and quickly puffed on it, calming down slightly.

"Gott I need a light." Marklin gasped, Jasper rolled his eyes.

Shadow hit Sonic in the back of his head. "You need to start thinking before acting, Faker."

"Sorry...." The blue hedgehog looked down. Marklins breathing finally calmed and he leaned into Jasper trying to keep his breathing as even as he could.

Shadow crossed his arms, glaring at the blue hedgehog. "You need to learn proper manners also."

As Marklin finally calmed, Jasper spoke up.

"Alright, now that we're all calmed, what were we to be doing?" Jasper asked.

Sonic's ears perked up and he smiled. "Well, I was thinking of just showing you two around before hitting the hay, so let's start-"

"SONIC!!1!1!one!" A loud, annoying voice ripped through the air, causing both hedgehogs to cringe.

"Oh no...." Sonic hid behind Shadow, not even daring to look away from the others back. Marklin and Jasper both looked in the direction of the noise.

A bright pink hedgehog came running with a small plate in her hands, but a large hammer was with it. She came running up to Shadow. "Move it, Shadow! I need to see my Sonikku!"

"So Satan, and the punk one aren't dating?" Marklin said softly, Jasper elbowed him.


Shadow glared at Amy, but held that battle for a little bit later as he looked to Marklin. "We're NOT dating! I would NEVER date that Faker!"

"Wow. Harsh, Shads." Sonic put his hand to his heart like he had been hurt. "And this is NOT HELL."

Marklin bitterly glared at Sonic. "I declare this land Hell, fight me."

Amy, acting like that didn't just happen, pushed Shadow away and hugged the blue one tightly. "Oh how I've missed my Sonikku!"

"Amy! We're not dating!" Sonic tried to push the other gently away, panicking as Shadow's eyes flared with anger.

"So no one here, is dating anyone else. This makes no sense." Marklin commented dully.

Shadow just blinked, though his anger didn't diminish. "Why is THAT your priority!? Does it really matter!?"

"Because it seemed like you two were together, then that one appeared, and then I stopped being able to read anyone, and it got confusing."

Amy just ignored the person talking with Shadow, not really caring. "I brought you some cookies, my darling Sonic."

"Eh, Amy.... You really don't have to...." Sonic was near a panic attack.

Meanwhile, Shadow glared at Marklin. "What would even make you think Faker and I were dating!?"

"The hold, the getting on the plane, the married couple bickering, the-"

"Honey stop." Jasper cut over. "He's bad at reading people, actually he just can't, we've been working on that."

"I'm not -that- bad, they're making it so obvious."

"Meyls, your gay-dar doesn't work on animals, leave them alone about it."

Shadow's face was heating up from anger or frustration or embarrassment, but nobody could really know because it's Shadow. Anyways, Sonic managed to pry Amy off him.

"See, he's blushing, seren I know what I'm talking about. You know that 'gay-dar' is just the chemical smell of pheromones coming off of people due to their state and attraction of arousal." Marklin told, Jasper knew better than to start argueing him.

Shadow covered his face with one hand, not wanting to deal with this, but being too damn stubborn to drop the subject and make the other feel like he was right. "We are not dating, and I. don't. like. that. Faker!"

"Fine, fine, whatever you say." Marklin grumbled to himself, Jasper nodded contently that Marklin had just dropped the subject.

Shadow then turned his attention to the pink one, who was standing WAY too close to Sonic. He picked her up by the hem of her dress and growled, "Take a hint, pinkie, he doesn't like you."

Marklin gave Jasper that look and smirked slightly.

Amy squirmed in the dark hedgehog's grasp. "Put me down, Shadow! You probably don't even know what love is!"

"That doesn't matter. I'm tired of seeing Sonic hide in fear whenever you're around."

"That's not fear! He's just shy!"

"Since when has he EVER been shy!?"

"He just doesn't know how to express his feelings!"

"All you are doing is chasing him around like an idiot!"

"Fight me!"

Shadow growled. "Alright." he threw the pink hedgehog to a nearby tree.

"Shadow! Don't hurt her!" Sonic's eyes were wide as the black hedgehog formed a lightning bolt like attack in his hand.

Marklin and Jasper both took a step back and looked in in awe-struck fear. Marklin gripped into Jasper.

Shadow ignored the blue hedgehog as he threw the attack at the girl. Amy dodged, forming a large hammer out of nowhere and running towards him.

"Stop!" Sonic tried getting in the way, but they still just ignored him. Marklin and Jasper both were silent as they watched the two start to try and kill each other. Marklins grip deepened into Jasper. The pink and black hedgehogs quickly headed into battle, Shadow holding many attacks and disappearing and reappearing in different places. Amy managed to hit him a few times, but he took it like it was nothing. The pink hedgehog, however, couldn't take Shadow's attacks and eventually landed on the ground, coughing up blood. Marklin almost instinctively dove to help her, but Jasper held him back, for his own safety. Shadow stood over the pink one, eyes flaring angrily. Acting quickly, Sonic got in between them both before Shadow could even deal a final blow. "Shadow stop!"


"You know this isn't right! What would Maria say!?"

Shadow was silent, backing away at the mention of that one name. Sonic sighed as he looked to Amy. Marklin and Jasper stilled looked on in awe-shocked silence. Shadow stared at the hedgehogs, walking backwards and accidentally backing into Marklin and Jasper. Marklin and Jasper both stumbled back and fell. Marklin angrily kicked Shadows legs out from under him. Shadow fell back, scraping his elbow on a rock and cursing. Marklin and Jasper both got up quickly. Shadow glared at Marklin, wiping some of the green blood oozing out of his elbow.

"Hey, sorry, come on, let's get you patched up." Marklin said, he pulled out a small box with a red cross on it. Shadow growled and scooted away. "Come on you need stitches" Marklin informed.

Shadow shook his head. "I heal fast no matter how bad the damage. Just go help Faker's little girlfriend and leave me alone."

Marklin looked at Amy. "She has a broken rib, the rest is just scratches. You are going to bleed out." he informed.

"Doesn't matter." Shadow stubbornly looked away, grabbing his elbow and covering his glove with the green blood.

Marklin rolled his eyes and walked towards him. "Come on."

Shadow growled, glaring into Marklin's eyes with his own ruby ones. Marklins glance flicked away quickly. "You need at least a compress to stop the blood."

Shadow still glared at him ears twitching as Sonic shouted to him, "Stop being so freaking stubborn!"

Shadow glanced away from Marklin, trying to ignore Sonic. "I don't trust doctors...."

"Do you trust a midwife?"

Shadow blinked, not saying a word.

"I have a -lot- of certificates and I can find one you're comfortable with helping you." Marklin hissed.

Shadow, still ever so stubborn, crossed his arms and looked away. Sonic walked up to them and grabbed Shadow's arm holding it out for Marklin. "Quickly help him."

Marklin pressed one hand into the wound and then pulled out some gauze, and wrapped up Shadows arm. He taped it down, as he backed off he gave Shadow a soft pet on his chest hair. Shadow growled as he was pet, not liking it one bit. Well, that would be the case if he hadn't purred the tiniest bit. Sonic smiled at the other hedgehog, secretly awing in his mind.

"Don't move that elbow for 15 minutes." Marklin informed quickly.

Shadow rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Sonic smiled. "I should get Amy back to her home. I'll be right back! Please watch Shadow for me." Without a response, Sonic picked up Amy and took off, leaving Shadow with the two humans.

Marklin helped Shadow off the ground. Shadow just watched the speedster take off as he was helped up.

"So, umm, what was any of that about?" Jasper asked.

"Love." Marklin commented blankly.

Shadow scoffed as he looked away. "That wasn't about love."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course it wasn't. I don't love him." Marklin nodded slowly.

Shadow looked down, eyes closed. "I don't."

"Mark, leave him be." Jasper said, Marklin leaned back into Jasper.

Shadow glanced at them before his face reddened and he looked back down, wondering what was taking the blue one so long. Marklin and Jasper stood, slightly intertwined. Shadow started to tap his foot on the ground, a habit he caught from Sonic. He was starting to get really impatient, and the two cuddling humans were not helping. Jasper noticed Shadow's annoyance.

"Hey. He'll be right back." Jasper chimed.

"He's taking too long.... He should be back by now...."

"Hey, it can only be so long before you get tired, and maybe he's making sure that Amy got in her house safe."

Shadow looked away, mumbling, "That sounds like him.... Why does he have to be so nice...? I just want him here...." Marklins lips turned up.

"Of course, Shadow, but you know, love isn't singular." Marklin chirped.

Shadow glared at Marklin, but the sound of Sonic's feet approaching caused him to look back.

"Hey guys! What did I miss?" Sonic smiled.

"Oh nothing." Marklin chirped.

"What took you so long?" Shadow crossed his arms.

"We had to go over a rickety old bridge." Sonic scratched the back of his head nervously. "Thanks for worrying though."

"I wasn't worrying.... You were just taking too damn long." Shadow said, looking away.

"He only took two minutes." Jasper commented.

Shadow growled at Jasper. "That's too long for him." Sonic chuckled at the now blushing hedgehog.

Jasper and Marklin intertwined lightly. "Well now that you two are together again, what do we do now?"

Shadow huffed and looked away, crossing his arms. Sonic just smiled. "I was thinking of taking you two through Station Square."

"Ok, sounds nice." Marklin sighed.

Sonic smiled brightly. "Ready for a run?"


Sonic grabbed Marklin and raced off.

"Faker!" Shadow growled.

Jasper inhaled, and started to walk the direction they went.

"Do you really think you're going to catch up to them like that?"

"I can try?"

Shadow sighed and picked up the human, racing off after Sonic at fast speeds. Jasper was a bit surprised but unaffected nonetheless.

And so it turned into a race, much to Sonic's delight. The two hedgehog raced towards Station Square with the humans in their arms. Marklin was now past screaming and just looked on in pure unadulterated, fear.

Finally, the two hedgehogs stopped at the edge of a large city. Marklin launched forward into his face once more. Shadow set Jasper down and proceeded to slap Sonic in the back of the head.

Jasper helped Marklin up, wiping dirt from his face. "You ok meyls?" Jasper asked, Marklin nodded.

"Sorry about that." Sonic smiled nervously. "But welcome to Station Square."

"Idiot...." Shadow mumbled.

Marklin took a puff of the inhaler, as he put it away he found another package.

"Oh thank the gods above." Marklin said relieved he opened a pack of cigarettes and put one in his lips, he was just about to light it when-

"Woah, woah, woah!" Sonic interrupted. "That's no good!"

"Let him do what he wants, Faker." Shadow crossed his arms. Marklin lit the cigarette anyways. He blew a smoke ring at Sonic. Sonic coughed, his perfect lungs not particularly liking the stuff. Shadow just sighed. Jasper elbowed Marklin.

"Just suck on the death stick and be done." Jasper barked, Marklin rolled his eyes and quickened up his smoke.

Sonic continued to cough, and Shadow ended up rubbing his back. He was then distracted by a young bee buzzing around.

"Is that Charmy...?"

Marklin finished his cigarette and flicked it to the ground putting it out.

"It is...." Sonic said before calling out, "Yo, Charmy!"

The young bee noticed them and went buzzing towards them. "Hey Sonic! Hey Shadow! Who are they!?"

Marklin and Jasper looked at the small bee without any shock this time.

"This is Marklin and Jasper. They're from another world." Sonic smiled.

"Woah! Cool!" The bee smiled to the humans. "I'm Charmy!"

"Charmy, shouldn't Vector or Espio be with you?" Shadow questioned.

"Charmy!? Where are ya!? Aw man, Espio is gonna kill me!"

Marklin and Jasper watched a large crocodile waddle up quickly.

"There you are, Charms!" The crocodile said, exasperated.

"Hi Vector!" Charmy buzzed happily.

"Ya had me worried there for a second! Jeez, what would Espio say if he found out you wandered off?"

"Sorry." Charmy said. "I just thought I saw Sonic and Shadow, and I wanted to say hi!"

"By giving me a heart attack!?"

"Well, I didn't mean for that to happen...."

Marklin and Jasper watched quietly, confused. Sonic smiled.

"Hey, Vector!"

"Hey there, Sonic. Are you finally going out with Shadow?"

"What!? No!" Both hedgehogs shouted at the same time, causing Vector to chuckle.

"Alright, so what's up?"

"We're showing these humans around because they accidently came here somehow from a different world. Where's Espio?"

"He's back at the house. I just went shopping with Charmy for some food."

"Awesome. Hey, can we come over?"

"Sure thing! We were just heading back now."

"Yay! Houseguests!" Charmy cheered.

Marklin and Jasper were still quiet as they watched this all go down. Sonic looked to the two humans and Shadow, gesturing them to follow the croc and bee. Shadow crossed his arms and did so. Marklin and Jasper, hand in hand, followed on. Shadow kept his eyes forward, but he couldn't help glancing from the couple to his hand and then to Sonic's. Marklin and Jasper both noticed and just smiled to each other.

Finally, they made it to a small house in the middle of two large buildings. The sign on the top read 'Chaotix Detective Agency.' Vector opened the door and held it open for everyone to go in.

The living room was nothing special, just a small, old timey TV and a simple dark green couch. Sitting in the corner of the room was a meditating, purple chameleon. Marklin and Jasper both felt out of place and size in the room. Without opening his eyes, the chameleon said, "Hello, Vector, Charmy. Who are our guests?"

"Sonic and Shadow are here." The crocodile said as he went to put stuff in their kitchen. Charmy finished his sentence excitedly. "And they have new friends!"

"Humans." the chameleon said. "Their footsteps are too heavy to be Mobian."

"Righteo, Espio." Sonic smiled, plopping himself on the couch and gesturing Shadow to do the same.

The chameleon opened his eyes and stood up, walking to the humans. "Konnichiwa. I am Espio."

"Konnichiwa, anata o mitasu tame ni Idesu. [Hello, it is nice to meet you!]" Marklin said with a light bow. "Watashinonamaeha Markurin de, koreha Jesudasu. [My name is Marklin and this is Jasper.]"

Espio smiled. "Anata o mitasu tame ni Idesu. [It is nice to meet you.]"

Sonic looked to Vector, who had walked out just a moment before. "What're they saying?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

Marklin smiled at the chameleon, Jasper put a hand on Marklin shoulder.

"Hello, then, Espio." Jasper chimed.

"Hello." Espio smiled before turning to Vector. "Did you get everything on the list?"

"Yeah." Vector smiled.

"He got lost trying to find the soba noodles!" Charmy giggled.

"No I didn't!"

"Vector got lost! Vector got lost!"

"Why don'tcha just go to you're room!"

Charmy just laughed as Vector chased him around. Marklin and Jasper bother watched peacefully, leaning into each other gently. Shadow glanced at them and then back to Sonic and then down to his hands in his lap. Espio just chuckled lightly before laying a hand on Vector's arm. "Alright, leave him be, and help me cook." he then looked to their guests. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"I don't see any problem with it if nobody else does." Sonic smiled.

"Wareware wa ni daisuki desu![We would love to.]" Marklin chirped.

"Yes." Jasper simply phrased.

Espio smiled and nodded, gesturing Vector into the kitchen. Charmy giggled and buzzed happily around the two on the couch.

"Guess what Vector got me!?"

"What is it?" Sonic asked.

"A detective hat!" Charmy said, seemingly pulling a Sherlock Holmes style hat out of nowhere. "I'm gonna be the best detective ever! Just like Vector and Espio!"

Marklin leaned over the couch, and smiled at the bee.

"Don't ever let anyone ever tell you you can't, little guy, I can vouch, you can always achieve your dreams." Marklin cooed, softly, Jasper patted Marklin the back.

Charmy smiled brightly, putting on the hat proudly. "Yay!"

Sonic giggled at the young bee's excitement. Shadow had the smallest of smiles on his face, but he didn't seem to be paying much attention. Marklin lightly pushed Charmy's hat over his face and chuckled with the small bee. Charmy giggled, moving the hat so that he could see.

From the kitchen door, Vector and Espio smiled. Jasper leaned over the couch next to Marklin.

"So queen bee, what's it like with your own kind?" Jasper asked, giving Marklin a gentle kiss on the nose.

Shadow stared at the two in awe at their intimacy before quickly looking back down to his lap. Charmy buzzed happily as he saw Vector and Espio in the kitchen. "Is the food almost done yet?"

"Almost." Espio replied.

Marklin and Jasper leaned into each other and smiled.

It was only a bit later that everybody was called to the dinner table. Marklin and Jasper awkwardly walked themselves towards the dining room with the others. The animals in the room comfortably sat in their seats, not thinking about the humans and how they are literally double the size of the chairs and table. Walking into the dining room, Marklin went right into the door frame, Jasper just rolled his eyes and ducked in, used to low door frames. Charmy buzzed to Marklin.

"Are you okay!?"

"Yeah," Marklin grumbled, blinking away the splitting pain.

Charmy held out his hands, though he was way smaller than Marklin, he still wanted to help him up. Marklins lips turned up slightly, he gently patted Charmys hands.

"Thank you but I am fine, Charmy." Marklin cooed sweetly.

"I may not look it, but I'm strong! I can help you up!" Charmy happily smiled.

"I know, I just don't need any help right now."

The young bee shrugged. "Okay."

Marklin and Jasper looked at the table, quietly. The animals (and insect) looked to the two and realized that they were kinda too big for the small chairs. Espio looked to Vector with a certain look that made him get up and offer his bigger chair to the two.

"You're the guests."

"Oh thank you." Jasper peeped, Marklin and Jasper both looked at the chair. Vector smiled and nodded, glancing over to see Espio nodding in appreciation. Marklin stepped aside for Jasper to sit. Jasper grudgingly sat, but then pulled Marklin onto his lap. Marklin glared at Jasper for only a second before rolling his eyes and letting it be. Vector leaned against the wall, bowl of soup in his hands. Espio felt a bit bad that Vector didn't have a seat, but didn't know what to do about it. So, the dinner carried on. Marklin and Jasper awkwardly ate the soup peacefully. Shadow was the first to finish, and he awkwardly, but politely, excused himself and walked outside. Sonic, wondering why his rival walked outside, excused himself and followed him out.

"So how long have you been together?" Marklin asked shifting in Jasper's lap.

"WHAT!?" The two reptiles looked at the human, eyes wide.

"Umm, you guys are married, right?" Marklin said confused.

"What the h-" Vector glanced to Espio, who appeared right beside him in an instant, eyes in a glare. "I-I mean what makes you think that, kind sir?"

"Well, I, and the kid, the shopping, I mean you two have chemistry, also-"

"Mark stop."

"We are just a good natured team of detectives." The croc smiled.

"Wait... you two AREN'T together!?" The bee piped up.

"Charmy no...." Espio muttered.

"I mean, you two do raise a child together and-"

"Mark you aren't helping."

"There was no choice in the matter." Espio said calmly, covering Charmy's antenni. "His mother told us to watch over him with her dying breath."

"You two- erm, are nice parents, it's just, kinda, really confusing, you two seem like a couple." Marklin said awkwardly, Jasper rolled his eyes and patted Marklins shoulder.

"Well they aren't, and we should leave them be," Jasper cooed gently.

"All good." Vector smiled. "You have no idea how many times we've been mistaken for one...."

Marklin and Jasper both nodded and smiled.

Even though the bee couldn't hear what was going on, he still questioned. "If you two aren't together, then why does Espio sleep in your room, Vector?"

Espio, removing his hands from the young one's antenna, sighed, but Vector was the one to answer. "He sleeps in the corner, cross legged. Heck, he hardly even sleeps!"

"But why is your room-?" The bee questioned.

Espio felt his face heat up. "Why don't you go play in your room, Charmy?"

The bee just kinda shrugged before buzzing off. Marklin looked and Jasper and smiled, Jasper rolled his eyes but smiled at Marklin. Espio awkwardly walked to the corner of the room, sat down, and meditated, feeling like he needed to calm down. Meanwhile, Sonic and Shadow walked back in. Marklin and Jasper sat there contentedly.

"What did we miss?" Sonic smiled as he and Shadow sat back down. Shadow was avoiding eye contact with everybody, especially Sonic.

"Not much." Jasper sighed.

Shadow looked to Espio and noticed that Charmy was gone. Of course, he didn't say anything, but he did wonder what happened. Sonic, being oblivious to everything, smiled and did his signature thumbs up. "Great! Anyways, it's getting dark out, so maybe we should head back."

Marklin and Jasper both looked up, but didn't say anything.

Sonic looked to Vector. "Thanks for having us over!"

"No problem." The croc smiled.

Espio was now walking up to Sonic, a bowl in his hands. Nobody had even seen him leave to get it. "I know Tails hasn't eaten yet."

"Thanks, Espio! I'm sure he'll appreciate it!" Sonic smiled brightly as he was handed the bowl of soup.

The chameleon only nodded before saying goodbye to the guests and disappearing down the hallway to what has been assumed as their rooms. Marklin and Jasper stood and stretched lightly. Vector smiled and said goodbye, opening the door for them. Marklin and Jasper followed the hedgehogs out. Sonic was basically pulling Shadow along the way back to Tails, the bowl in his other hand. Shadow was blushing brightly due to the contact, causing him to look down as they went along. Outside, Marklin and Jasper both waited to see where they were going.

Sonic glanced to the two, and then to Shadow, and the to the bowl in his hand. Shadow, understanding this problem, took out a shiny green emerald and held it up, saying he'd be back before shouting "Chaos control!" and disappearing without a trace.

"Can I go with him, that looks safer." Marklin peeped.

Sonic hushed him. Soon enough, a sound of a motorcycle in the distance caused Sonic's ears to twitch. Jasper and Marklin both looked to the noise. Coming towards them was a hedgehog on a motorcycle. Shadow, to be specific. He skidded to a stop in front of them. Marklin's lips almost turned up.

He looked to the humans, almost snarling. "Get on."

Marklin gladly got on with no thought, Jasper got on a little slower. Shadow looked to his rival, who promptly shook his head.

"Not after the last time."

Shadow only scoffed and watched as Sonic took off quickly. Jasper griped into Marklin tightly. Shadow took off after the hedgehog, though not as fast. Marklin was -MUCH- calmer on the motorcycle than being dragged. Shadow kept driving until they made it to the two tailed fox's house, where Sonic was waiting boredly. Marklin and Jasper hopped off quickly, stretching a bit from the position the squat motorcycle made them sit in. Shadow turned it off and got off glaring at the bored hedgehog.

The other just yawned. "That thing is too slow."


Marklin and Jasper both finished stretching. Sonic smiled to the two.

"How was the ride?"

"Better than getting my face plowed into dirt-" Jasper elbowed Marklin. "Fine." Marklin grunted.

Sonic chuckled lightly, before opening the door. "Tails! We're back!"

The fox was walking towards them, wiping oil off his hands. "Hey, guys!"

Marklin and Jasper both looked to the small, tailed fox.

"I don't have it fixed yet, but I'll work all night!" The young fox smiled.

Sonic sighed. "Tails, you need rest. This is the fourth night in a row that you've tried to pull an all nighter."

"I'll be fine, Sonic! They want to get home, and I can do it if I stay up!"

"Go to sleep, kid, your health is not worth our trouble." Marklin said.

"Don't you want to go home as fast as possible, though?" Tails asked the human.

"Please, just get some rest, buddy." Sonic laid a hand on his shoulder.

Marklin gave a gentle glare to the fox, telling him to listen. Tails looked down, almost sadly. Sonic wrapped him up in a gentle hug. "Come on, buddy. You're going to bed." He then proceeded to pick up the young fox and walk inside. Shadow followed behind. Marklin leaned into Jasper lightly. Sonic soon enough came back.

"Heh, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow."

Shadow looked at the hedgehog, then to the humans, then to the floor. "I presume you've got everything covered from here.... I should go...."

"Wait!" Sonic called out to the leaving hedgehog, who stopped in his tracks. "I-I mean, we could always have you around, Shads."

Shadow blushed, but hid it from Sonic's eyes. "Fine...." Sonic smiled happily and wrapped his arm around the other's shoulder.

"Great! Thanks Shadow!" Shadow stayed silent. Marklin and Jasper smiled lightly to each other. Sonic looked to the humans. "I bet you two are tired. We have a spare bedroom thankfully!"

"Thank you very much." Jasper said gratefully.

"No problem!" Sonic smiled, arm still around Shadow. Shadow only glanced at him, muzzle only getting brighter. Marklin and Jasper stilled smiled to each other. Sonic let go of Shadow and motioned for them to follow him down the hall. Shadow followed behind absentmindedly. Marklin and Jasper followed instantly. Sonic opened a door and lead them in. The two humans looked at the tiny bed.

Shadow noticed this size difference immediately. "Faker, the bed is too small for them."

"Oh...." Sonic scratched behind his ear. "Didn't think about that."

"Of course you didn't." Shadow sighed.

"No, it's fine, um, we can always just sleep on the floor with some blankets, or make it work on the bed." Jasper said quickly, he elbowed Marklin.

"Yeah, eh, um, we've done much more on much smaller." Marklin said suddenly as he was elbowed in the ribs. Jasper buried his face in his hands instantly and just sighed.

Shadow blushed and looked away, coughing awkwardly. Sonic, however, stood there, oblivious to everything.

"Well, we, eh, better get to sleep." Jasper said quickly.

"There are blankets in the closet over there." Sonic said, pointing to a closet. Shadow just walked out and Sonic followed behind, but before his could shut the door....

"Wait...." His face heated up, embarrassed as he turned around. "That's no good!" Shadow face palmed.

"We are married after all...." Marklin said quickly.

"You still shouldn't talk about the- mmph!" Sonic was interrupted by Shadow's hand.

"I apologize for him. He doesn't know when to- Ah! Did you just lick my hand!?"

Sonic only crossed his arms and pouted.

"No problem," Jasper rolled his eyes and closed the door to the room. Shadow glared at Sonic before walking down the hall. Not knowing where he was going, he stopped.

"So.... Where am I sleeping?"

Sonic shrugged. "There's always the cou- Wait, no. Tails gets mad when he has to patch up the rips from quills.... Uh.... You could sleep with me?"

"Excuse me?"

"That is the only place...."

Shadow looked away and crossed his arms, blushing. "Fine...."

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