Chapter Three - Glittery, and Pink and Poop

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Cole's POV

I walk beside Chris, deep into conversation about a new rumor spreading around the school, as we walk to lunch.

"They even say that Kate got pregnant because the boy didn't use-" and I block him out from any other disgusting details.

Suddenly Chris puts a hand on my shoulder, making me stop walking and shake back to reality. I notice his other hand is on this other guy's shoulder with a schedule in hand. The guy is around 5'8, Dark chocolate brown hair with light bangs that slightly cover his right eye, and grey eyes.

"Hey, do you need any help with your schedule?" Chris asks him.

The guy looks up, from the ground, looking at my eyes first. I analyzed his eyes and noticed there was a dark ring surrounding his grey eyes and long beautiful eye lashes. Though sadly, it ended quickly, only lasted for a solid 4 seconds then his eyes flickered with panic but then looked at Chris.

He mutters a no, and walks past us, shrugging my shoulder. I feel an electric spark but I just ignore. Could be static. He seemed... interesting and oddly familiar.

I feel Chris beside me, pulling me back into reality. "Huh? Sorry what?"

"I was telling you how weird that guy was. And I was asking you, why didn't you insult him? You usually insult everybody. And by everybody I mean everybody. Even us."

I quickly make an excuse inside my head, "Hah, that new kid didn't deserve my wrath. He probably already knew he was a loser. His shoes definitely needed more glitter on his shoes by the way." I snort.

I see he wants to push it further but doesn't, I'm glad for that.

We continue to walk inside the cafeteria and sit with the 'gang', Kylie and Derek, obviously sucking each other's faces off, i'm surprised they lasted this long but I'm pretty sure one or the other has been cheating on the other. Then there's Sam and Zach deep in conversation about something I don't bother knowing and there's Emily taking a selfie with her boloney sandwich.

I sit beside Sam, with Chris beside me (I mean who would want to sit beside those octopi?), and Sam and Zach greets me.

"Hey, what took you guys so long?"

"What do you mean, long?" Chris emphasizes the word long.

"Well not long, but you're usually here before we get here."


I interrupt him, "We found this rat and before the rat could even bother us it scurried away. Like all the other rats I find."

Chris sighs, "We bumped into this guy who seemed lost, I tried offering him help but he rejected it. Silently."

I eat my carrot sticks as that conversation continues.

The conversation is still going and I'm doing my eye lashes now.

"You guys done? Derek, Kylie and Emily are already gone. I, like, don't want to be early but I don't want to be late either, you know?"

"So, on time?"

"Yes! That's the word." I exclaim.

"That's two..." I hear Zach mutter.

"Whatever! I'm gonna go to art to do my nails or something." I sass and strut out of the cafeteria and into the Art Room.

I scan the room and find only 2 seats available. One beside the kid I just bumped into and the kid who's always sneezing, blowing his nose, etc. (I know stereotype.) I have no choice. I choose the seat in the back, beside the new guy.

I ignore him and take out my phone, texting someone pretty dumb (i'm surprised she made it this far!) I think it's Emily... or is it Edaline? What's the difference?

I continue to text, whoever this is, dumb stuff with my long fake nails tapping against the screen. The teacher starts talking but I ignore her. I laugh out loud because of this dumb text. Or giggle.

"Ms. Andrews." A stern voice calls. I see the new guy flinch at the name or voice. Either way, she makes everything sound intimidating when she's mad. "Ms. Andrews!" She shouts.

I slowly look up and give her the what-the-heck-do-you-want look. "Yes Ms. Samantha? Do you need something? Maybe like more makeup to cover that mess..." I mutter the last part, loud on purpose and everyone starts laughing.

"Actually Ms. Andrews, you came here for something. If you don't then you can get out of my class."

"Actually Ms. Samantha," I hear 'oo here it comes' and 'ooo it's gonna go down now.' "I came here to get grades. You see, you go to classes to get grades. And besides I only come to this is because my parents are forcing me so why don't you figure out what you need. Maybe more concealer." I snap back. Just to let you know, I could totally say something better but I mean I'm still acting, I have to make it believable.

She scoffs and continues with her class an I continue with my texting. Besides it's only Art. I suddenly read something that literally sounds the most dumbest and the most hilarious this ever.

"Ms. Andrews-"

I look back up, "Let me stop you there. It's Cole."

She huffs and clenches the book in her hand. "Ok, Ms. Cole, would you mind telling us what you're laughing at?"

"Would it be rude to not answer your question?"

"Obviously." She seethes.

"I was laughing at you." Everyone laughs except one person. Or should I say, two.

I swear she's clenching her teeth so hard, they might break.

And the cycle kept going on until the bell finally rang. Finally! I rush out of there and take in a deep breath.

I go to my locker and take out my Science textbooks. I can't help but notice someone near me, also getting their textbooks. I take a glimpse of their textbook and disappointment floods through me but soon recovers. His eyes catch mine and we hold this gaze for a while until Kylie is crushed into the locker beside me by a little someone named Derek. Well he's pretty big.

Moaning sounds come from them and I almost BARF in my own mouth. The show couldn't be any more closer. I kick my locker lightly, making sure I don't make a too loud of a noise for them to hear, and rush off to Science.

After School

I pull my helmet over my head and swing my leg over my white motorcycle. Just as I was about to hit the gas someone approaches me. It's the guy from earlier!

He shows me a black plain book. It's THE black plain book from my locker.

"What do you want me to do with a plain, black book?" I scoff as if it's nothing but really it's almost the most important thing to me.

"I saw it fall from your locker," he replies.

"Then why didn't you put it back like a normal person would?" I snap.

"Because i'm not a normal person," he says, "Anyways, i'm pretty sure the only normal person you consider is you and your friends so i'm surprised you're even asking."

"They aren't even my friends..." I mumble quiet enough for him to to hear then glare at him, just as I was about to say something, he spoke first, "Anyways, i'm not here to argue all day so why don't you just take your book."

"Who said that, that is my book?" I said, un-interested.

"No one said it," he shot back and then opened the first page, showing it to me, "but it's written right here."

I felt myself go pale as I read the first page. Right there, was written, "This book belongs to Cole Andrews."

I laughed, "Is this some sort of prank? Why would I own a boring black book when all my other books are pink and glittered?"

He shrugs, "Well, if you don't want it, do you mind if I keep it?"

My eyes widened in fear, "That's actually my friend's book." I snatch the book from his hands, "I'll give it to her." I hold it close to my chest. "Did you read anything in there?" I asked, worriedly.

All he said was, "No." It didn't look like he was lying but she barely had time to worry.

I press the gas and drive away, leaving myself puzzled. Did he really not read it? I mean it's the ONLY book that's not glittery and pink and poop.

Written by Bluestar.

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