My Story From The Beginning

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        As the title says, this is my story, from the beginning. I've been thinking about getting back into writing for a little while now. As you all can tell I took a bit of a hiatus from all my stories. It's to my thoughts that I was just to depressed and stressed to write anything, at this point in my life I am at right now, i'm really happy. I won't get into it right now because it should come up later on with this story/journal type thing i'm writing. We should start.

        In the year of 2005, date May 7th, I was born, or I birthed myself as my mom and I say. If you ask I will answer why in the comment section. Later on in a bit more years, I would freak my parents out by deciding its a good idea to pull draws out, using them as stairs and sitting on a stove while playing with the nobs, turning it on. I have a nice lovely scar from that. 

        I had to move out of the house that I burned my leg in because we had a mold problem so that sucked, I was about 2 or 3 at the time. Let me tell you, living in the country and your parents working all the time means you don't get to make friends so I had no contact with other children other than my sibling and family. My family and I moved into town where I still live at this moment. Elementary school, a lot better than middle school. I mean, middle school isn't that bad but it could certainly be a lot better then it is. I've had a fair share of boyfriends who I now realize, didn't love me at all and were just using me cause I am popular. After elementary school, I had to move schools to one where it had 7 to 8 for me cause, the school I went to before only went up to 6. 

       I've always made friends really easily, never had trouble. Most friends I made at my middle school aren't really my friends but just classmates. Some are actually really good friends. Since this is a getting to know my chapter I will stop and start my new one to explain, sort of why ii\m making this book.

      Anyways, thank you for reading it a bit and I hope you enjoy if I actually remember to write :).

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