Chapter 18

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"Remind me again why I was forced to come up here with you people," Chloe moaned as the pets climbed up the green fire escape on the apartment building. Without looking over her shoulder at the apathetic tabby cat behind her back, Gidget explained, "It'll be easier to find Max from a higher vantage point. That means we have to get to the roof." Chloe was about to shout something else when Buddy shot her a look to keep her mouth shut. Meanwhile, Mel and Sweetpea were helping Pepe up the steps. At last, they made it to the rooftop.

"MAX!" Gidget cried, dashing over to the edge of the roof. Hopping up and down, she tried getting up on it. Quickly, Mel and Buddy pushed an upside down flowerpot over for her to stand on. Nodding her head to acknowledge the two friends, the Pomeranian jumped up... only to realize the city was much bigger than what she had anticipated. "Nice view, if you ask me," Mel remarked as he, Buddy, Sweetpea and Chloe came up beside her. However, Pepe had started to whine for some random reason.

"How will we ever find you Max?" Gidget wondered aloud, depressed. Her legs gave out underneath her. "Pepe, would you shut up please?" Chloe asked, annoyed with the whimpering chihuahua. Rolling his eyes at the tabby, Buddy reassured Gidget, "We'll find him, don't worry." Saddened, Gidget asked, "How?"

Before Buddy or one of the others could reply to Gidget's question, an anonymous voice answered, "That's easy. All you need to do is ask for some help."

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