Chapter 20

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"Come in, I won't bite," the stranger reassured Gidget as she got up to the door. Peering inside, she could see in the dim light a huge red tailed hawk with a hood over his head. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and stepped inside the shed. There was a loud cracking noise. Looking down, the Pomeranian discovered that the floor was littered with thousands of bones. "Aren't you a fancy decorator," she remarked, ignoring them. Sighing, she mumbled, "I hope Max is alright, wherever he is..."

"You sound like a very thoughtful food- friend! I said friend!" the hawk exclaimed, chuckling to himself nervously. Not hearing what he had said, Gidget piped up, "Alright, I'm in here, now what?" Lowering his head down to her level, the hawk answered without any hesitation, "First off, welcome to my humble home. Secondly, before we discuss, could you... uh... take off my hood so I can see your face. That way, it's easier for the both of us." Not giving the hawk's words a second thought, Gidget gripped his hood and tugged it off his head.

Blinking his light brown eyes, the hawk smiled faintly and whispered, "Thank you." Slowly, he rose to his full height. What have I done... Gidget thought too late as the hawk let out a screech before lunging at her...

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