part 1

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Hey guys...yet with another ts........are u excited....

Well I will judge that with the amount of love I get through comments 😘😘😘😘😘😘

So enjoy this yet another glimpse of naamkaran......

Happy reading....

Please don't request for fast updates.....I don't want to stop giving u updates inspite of my eye infection....that's why I am spamming all the blogs on my pc which  I have written long before entering wattpad so that I could edit those to give something or next part may or may not delay....well actually honestly speaking I am in search of next part in my pc😂 I have written but lost long hope that I get that soon😉....I know I am weird and so not speaking anymore let's move to the update...

And remember guys this  is purely because I crave for ur love and I am badly in need of kindly vote and  comment because that makes me heal much sooner.....😍😘😘😘 and regarding the ff's I will update as soon as I come back fit and fine😊....till then in ur love😘😘

As the calling bell of Neil's bachelor pad rings he gets up to see this unknown visitor. After Avni left Neil at most of his time other than in police station and traffic he has been used to lock himself up in this room along with the memories of Avni. Her memories have become oxygen for him leaving it to be the only content for him to live.

"Where are u Avni. I wish that I could see u one last time. That would remain close to my heart forever. I wish I could." His thoughts were disturbed by this calling bell which he is approaching to attend.

It's 10 at night. Neil is wondering who is that up to visit at such a late night. Expecting dd with some case files he was completely back taken to see the visitor at the door.

A lady was wearing burka with nose piece covering her identity standing in front of the door with a purse in her hand. Now as he noted her hand he got to see that the lady was pregnant with big visible baby bump. Then it got into his mind that this same burka wala girl watched many times in past few months either on lift or car parking areas. But whenever I watch her I could easily caught her starring at me. But I purely didn't understand her intention then and neither now. Maybe she is living here. Neil got conscious when again he came out of his thoughts by himself.

"I am sorry for not recognizing u. but how can I help u mam" Neil asked in his concerned tone not in a clear idea of mystery behind her. But her eyes were cold with some sort of notorious features. He felt as if he has seen these eyes for a million lots of times and he has some old connection to that look.

But before Neil could register what is happening the lady pushed him inside his flat forcefully and got herself in locking the door behind her.

"Excuse me mam what are u doing" Neil asked surprisingly confused with the strange behavior of the girl. She keeps her index on her closed face near her mouth as to be exactly guessed and asks him to stay calm. When Neil understands and stays still she removes her veil.

To be appalled would be an understatement for what Neil felt. He sensed as if thousands of jolts landed on his heart directly in macro seconds. He was completely shaken up with the vision in front of him making him thug over the bed. Is blood shot eyes once again went through the features of her face to confirm what he saw and when he recognized he remained spell bounded.

"Avni" he asked shockingly his eyes not leaving her face rechecking it again and again to ensure whether the sight in front of him is for real. He wasn't been able to believe himself.

Avni went near him standing just in front of him cupping his face. She wiped his tears with her thumb while whispered a short "Neil"

A sharp piece pierced his heart shattering him when reality hit him. He shoved away her hand which made her startle with a sudden move but yet she balanced herself grabbing her bump protectively. His eyes marked with red and the fresh formed tears met hers eyes which was equally intense in pain and that made him look away not being able to stand her suffering.

"u are alive" Neil now grabbed her cheeks standing straight looking into her face while she nodded her head crying hard seeing the pain he has gone through all because of her.

"And u were hidden from me and law for all these days." she looked down in shame while this question shot up.

"That too for freaking 10 months. What is the need for this Avni?" His impressions on her face tightened on each passing minutes while avni's face still refused to look up at him.

"And this." He now looked at her full grown baby bump. "This is our baby which u has hidden from all of us. U hided it from me too Avni" Avni let out an audible cry while she no more been able to bear his disabling questions.

Then she clasped him hugging tightly gathering all the strength her body could offer to hold him on place. That was a side hug as her baby bump wasn't allowing her to give a full grown hug. Neil wasn't able to jerk away concerning about the tiny life growing inside her. But in each growing minute angry was evidently extended without boundaries.

"Leave me Avni" he tried to remove her hands gently to move himself away from her to which her grip yet tightened.

"Neil let me explain for one last time. I know u are angry on me. U even hates me for doing this. But trust me. We don't have much time and let me explain it. We have full life to fight among us but for now we have to fight with evil so that justice can be once again saved from being slaughtered." Avni struggled and spoke in-between her non stop tears while Neil stopped his work of pulling her apart to listen her.

Seeing him responding she pulled away from the hug to look at his face while he looked away not being able to see her teary face.

She stepped little back to see him while he immediately left the embrace and stepped back swiftly.

Avni pulled her long chain which lies inside her layer of clothes while Neil looked sideways to see what she is doing.

Down inside her dollar she broke it a little from which a chip poked out of nowhere and in seconds she handed out the chip to Neil which he stared with raising eyebrows.

"Neil I know that tomorrow vidyut's judgment is going to come for my murder case. But in truth if u see this ur intentions will change." Avni said in her own swag of confidence while Neil starred at the chip once again doubtfully.

"Now vidhut won't be arrested and instead you'll go to jail for faking a fake murder case on a person Avni." Neil raged back in anger.

"Watch this Neil. Neither a word more nor a word less." Avni replied sighing as Neil will never understand the reality until she shows him the same.

Grabbing the chip in anger and took is laptop to play the video.

Seeing the clip Neil's eyes widen in shock. It was a clip where vidyut in person was blackmailing Avni to marry him.

"If u want ur happy family safe and sound then marry me Avni. Otherwise ur father in law will be in jail ur mother in law will become a mad and ur lovely Bebe will die in heart attack. Not only that the main scene will be Ur Neil arresting his father for killing ur neelamaa. Can u imagine how serious the matter is?"

Neil was now shaken completely hearing what vidhut was saying in the clip.

"That bastard blackmailed u" Neil was asking his eyes even redder than before in anger.

Avni sat beside him for moral support as the upcoming one can shake him to the core. She gripped his shoulders making him see her face emotionally.

And what does it mean about arresting papa" Neil asked confusingly.

"Watch the next video Neil" Avni replied shortly making her grip on his shoulders yet tighter.

Neil immediately played the next video in which Neela maa was shot by prakash uncle under drugs.

Neil's eyes widened in every passing minute and reality struck him hard.

"That means vidyut planned to kill me in my father's hand while neelamaa came in-between just to save me. And vidyut later used this clip to blackmail u to marry him. And that left u no choice but to frame him in some fake crime so that u can escape from his evil plan. And that fake crime came out to be Ur death." Neil said one by one slowly registering what may have been happened while Avni nodded her head with teary eyes with much emotion in it.

It was really hurting for Neil. That was clearlyevident in his voice. Yet he remained calm and silent as its time. Sher abshikar pe.


Much love,

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