Bardock vs Minato

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Requested by MasterOfPractice

DBZ vs Naruto, both Goku and Naruto are no doubt two of the greatest heroes in Shonen history, but what happens when both their fathers clashes in battle?

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Fathers, the one thing most kids always have as a mentor a lifelong guide.

Megumi: But sadly, some dads are never really there for them.

Toomi: Like Bardock, the First Super Saiyan,

Megumi: And Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, she's Toomi-san, Sachi-san and I'm Megumi-san

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Bardock sees the future of What if Battles

<Cue: Du hast den schönsten Arsch der welt by Alex C>

Megumi: You know the story of Jor-El sending Superman to Earth. Well long story short, the same thing happen for Bardock and Goku.

Toomi: Like most Saiyans, Bardock has been ranked as a low class warrior, rendering him and the rest of his family weaker than the royal family.

Sachi: Not much has been known about Bardock's early life other than the fact he married a Saiyan Woman Gine and was often times on missions alongside his fellow Saiyans.

Megumi: And due to this, Bardock has never even spent a single time with his sons like at all.

Tora: Allow me to demonstrate. Bardock, you remember what day your son was born?

Bardock: No...but that was a long time ago.

Fasha: It was not you lazy bum. Yesterday? Come on, you've need to go see the little tod. You've have enough time to stop him before our next assignment.

Bardock: Visit him huh? How nuts! Father son bonding. Why should I? They'll just send him away. What's the use? Tell me that?

Megumi: Damn, what kind of father is he?

Toomi: Regardless, after his recent assignment, a survivor from the planet he plundered cursed him, granting him the ability to see into the future.

Sachi: And believe me, it's far confusing and painful than most people think.

Toomi: After getting wounded from his last mission, Bardock was left to recuperate while his teammates left for a mission without him.

Megumi: And trust me, things didn't end well for them.

Sachi: Enraged at the death of his crew, Bardock went on and defeated four of Dodoria's men all by himself only to lose to Dodoria himself.

Toomi: Despite his injuries however, Bardock quickly rushes back to his home planet in a desperate last stand against Frieza.

Megumi: But Frieza easily kills Bardock, at the same time destroying Planet Vegeta with all the Saiyans living on it.

<Shows footages of Frieza sending a Supernova down on Planet Vegeta, destroying it>

Megumi: But plot twist, Bardock survived the halocaust! Lucky guy.

Toomi: To be exact, he did actually die, but his body and consciousness was sent to a place called Planet Plant, which is young Planet Salda or Planet Vegeta.

Sachi: Bardock was tended by a group of people who treated his wounds and nursed him back to health but instead of being thankful, Bardock bullies and even mistreats them, only to help them when Lord Chilled, Frieza's ancestor invaded the village.

Toomi: After his defeat, a dying Chilled then orders his men to warn his family about the greatest threat in the universe, the 'Legendary Super Saiyan'

Sachi: Being a Saiyan, Bardock possesses great strength, speed and endurance, capable of firing ki blasts and even flight.

Toomi: He was also granted the ability to see into the future, learning not only about his son's life on Earth but also all the enemies he will soon encounter in the near future.


Super Strength

Super Speed

Ki Blast

Great Ape transformation


Final Spirit Cannon

Megumi: And like most Saiyans, he can turn into a giant monkey just by looking at the full moon.

<Shows footages of Goku turning into a Great Ape>

Toomi: As a Great Ape, Bardock's powers increases ten times, growing not only larger but stronger as well. He can not only tank small ki blasts but can fire a devasting attack from his mouth, incinerating large radiuses of land in the process.

Megumi: But nothing compares to his strongest transformation, the Super Saiyan.

<Shows footages of Bardock transforming into a Super Saiyan>

Megumi: Hey Sachi, Toomi, there's something I really wonder.

Toomi: What is it?

Megumi: You know, Bardock is sent to the past years before Frieza was born right?

Toomi: Yes...

Megumi: Then doesn't that make him the first Saiyan to achieve that transformation.

Sachi: You're right Megumi. That does make sense.

Toomi: Moving on, despite being ranked as a Low Class Warrior, Bardock is surprisingly strong for one, even mentioned to rival the power of King Vegeta himself.

Megumi: He can even wipe out planets easily as a Great Ape and even kill four Elite Frieza soldiers singlehandedly.

Sachi: And even sustaining injuries, Bardock is shown to be more than capable of combatanting an entire Frieza army all by himself and is the first and only Saiyan to actually try to oppose Frieza.


Defeated four Frieza soldiers singlehandely 

Fight through an army of Frieza soldiers despite being injured from Dodoria

Survived an attack from Dodoria

Wiped out an entire planet alongside his teammates

Achieved the Super Saiyan transformation

Killed Lord Chilled

Megumi: Not to mention, Bardock was the first Saiyan to transform into a Super Saiyan and he even killed Lord Chilled, the goddamn ancestor of Frieza.

Toomi: But despite this feat, Bardock is anything but flawless. Having been sent on missions a lot, Bardock is rarely at home, neglecting his own wife and sons for his own missions

Sachi: And while his power level does put him on par with the royal family, Bardock is nowhere near to being one of the strongest Saiyans at all.


Lost his crew

Neglect his own family

Beats and abuses the very aliens that nurses him back to health

Killed by Frieza

Megumi: And to add insult to injury, Frieza killed him. But one thing's for sure, knowing about the dark truths of the future makes Bardock more than determined to change it by killing Frieza.

Bardock: Heh heh heh! No way! You've lived long enough! Actually, it's been too long for my taste! Frieza! Listen up! We quit! All of us! Got it?! We don't work for you! We're free! You can find someone else to do your dirty work. Oh yeah. There is one last thing. This is for all the people we killed in your name. At least we weren't foolish enough to obey you! Here! Have it!

Minato Flying Raijins into What if Battles

<Cue: I Lay my Love on You by Westlife>

Toomi: Minato Namikaze, praised by his entire village as the Fourth Hokage, is perhaps the greatest Hokage of all time.

Sachi: But before he was the Fourth Hokage, he was still a badass ninja, Minato was mentored by the Legendary member of the Sannin, Jiraiya, under the Perv Sage's tutelage, Minato proved himself to be the ideal ninja.

Megumi: Then one day, Kushina Uzumaki was moved into his class, and for many years, Minato admired her, but Kushina was kidnapped, so, he singlehandedly rescued his future wife and professed his love to her.

Kushina: But you never helped me.

Minato: Well, that's because I know that you're strong, however, this is a matter between villages, and different from all your other fights. I didn't want to lose you.

Megumi: Awww, how sweet

Toomi: Minato would go on to have his own team of ninja students, including the iconic Kakashi Hatake, with them, he would complete almost every single mission, ultimately being chosen by the Third Hokage to be his successor, becoming the Fourth Hokage, but I didn't say he completed them all, you see... When he fought against the Masked Man, that douchebag was able to free the Nine-Tails from Kushina and used it to reign terror on Konoh

Megumi: And while the ensuing battle was won, Minato and Kushina sacrificed their lives so that their newly born son, Naruto would live, Minato would always be remembered as one of the village's greatest Hokage.

Sachi: As a ninja, Minato carries standard ninja tools, including Kunai, Shurikens and stuff like that, however, Minato didn't just solely use standard tools, Minato actually got himself his own special brand of kunai for combat, triple-prong kunai enhanced for better offensive potential.

Toomi: As standard weapons, Minato would throw them at opponents or wield them as melee tools and could even wield a kunai in his mouth, but their main use came from the Flying Thunder God seals they were marked with, allowing him to teleport to wherever one of the kunai was thrown, instanteously, he carried a large number of kunai in the field that he would scatter across a wide area so that he could move around quickly and with more options.

Megumi: Being one of the most powerful Shinobi ever, Minato is immensely smart and powerful. Notably speedy, Minato was faster than the eye could see, being even faster than a normal ninja, and having the nickname "Yellow Flash."

Sachi: Minato can use one of Naruto's basic abilities like the Rasengan, and he can teleport himself and others with him. Minato's special three prong kunai were lightweight, good for projectiles and offensive combat.

Minato Namikaze

Medium-high Chakra reserves (Large Chakra reserves as Kurama's Jinchuriki)

Superhuman strength & speed

Expert in stealth & ambushing

Trained by Jiraiya, Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Fukasaku & Shima.

Chakra Styles

Fire Style

Wind Style

Lightning Style

Shadow Style (Yin Style)

Light Style (Yang Style)


Shadow Clone Jutsu

Sensory Jutsu

Chakra Transfer Jutsu

Flying Raijin Jutsu

Summoning Jutsu

Contract Seal

Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal


Megumi: And like our fellow Rock Lee back in our last battle, Minato knows how to use Taijutsu, Jiraiya helped hone his skills when he was under his tutilage. Experience during the Third Great Ninja War honed his skill even further.

Sachi: After defeating the Masked Man and stopping the Nine-Tails, Minato utilized his expertise of sealing to seal one half of the Nine-Tails into his son, and the other half into himself.

Megumi:  This allowed Minato to access the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki mode, as it was once sealed inside Kushina, Kurama and Minato bonded almost immediately, allowing Minato access to the powers of a Jinchuuriki.

Toomi: He can use chakra arms of the beast itself, enter Tailed Beast Mode, create Tailed Beast Balls, and perform stronger versions of his usual techniques, and he can go even faster than he was before, while his Tailed Beast Mode has a time limit, it's one hell of a ride to his opponents.

Sachi:  Minato's large chakra reserves enabled him to learn Sage Mode, as he was Jiraiya's star pupil, he naturally learned from the Toads of Mount Myōboku, though while he didn't use this technique when he was alive, he still learned how to use it regardless, granting him access to natural energy and enhancements all around.

Megumi: With all this power, it almost makes Minato sound untouchable, he has pulled off some impressive feats, Minato reacted to A's top speed attack in time to teleport out of the way twice defeating him in the process, fast enough to outpace all the other Hokage, strong enough to carve mountains with his Rasengan and tough enough to go toe-to-toe with the broken and empowered former pupil, Obito.

Toomi: Plus Minato learned a number of former Hokage's techniques, Hashirama's Four Violent Flames Battle Formation, Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Technique and Hiruzen's Reaper Death Seal, almost making him a collective embodient of all the past Hokage.


Since he was a child, has been able to move faster than a well trained human eye can track, a feat requiring speed of well over 9,000 mph. With Flying Raijin, can move instantaneously.

Reacted to and avoided the Fourth Raikage's lightning speed at last second, putting his reaction time at well over 220,000,000 mph.

With his teleportation barrier, was able to deflect Tailed Beast Bombs from both the Nine-Tails and Ten-Tails, saving the lives of the Hidden Leaf Village and the Allied Shinobi Forces respectively.

Defeated Obito Uchiha, who's Mangekyo Sharingan essentially allowed him to become intangible.

Sacrificed his life to split the Nine-Tails Chakra in half, sealing one half in himself and the other in his son in hopes that he would be able to gain control over that power and stop "Madara" in the future, where he could not.

With the Nine-Tails Chakra, managed to use Flying Raijin on the entirety of the Allied Shinobi Forces, albiet was exhausted after doing so.

Sachi: Plus as a reward for doing a great job in the Third Great Ninja War, he was chosen for Hokage, becoming the Hidden Leaf's Fourth Hokage and leading his own team of students, through which his moniker of Konoha's Yellow Flash made him known around the well.

<Shows footages of Minato becoming the 4th Hokage>

Toomi: Though for the feats he's accomplished, Minato can't always walk off the battle a winner, despite his impressive record and prodigious talent, he's still got a couple of setbacks, notably, his Sage Mode, while mastered, isn't something Minato has fully learned to incorporate into battle aside from enhancing his Rasengan with Sage Chakra.

Sachi: He also couldn't figure out that Obito Uchiha was the one who attacked the Hidden Leaf Village on the day of his son's birth, jumping to the conclusion it was Madara Uchiha.

Megumi: And for reasonable reasons as well. Though after being reanimated, Obito began ridiculed him for this.


Despite having decent Chakra reserves, can run out and be exhausted. Has mastered Chakra control in order to postpone this from happening.

Could not save Obito Uchiha from his 'death', as he was busy on another mission at the time, ignorant to the events that had took place.

Could not save Rin Nohara from becoming the Three-Tails Jinchuriki, and her subsequent death, as he was busy on another mission at the time, ignorant to the events that had took place.

Could not figure out that Obito Uchiha was the one who attacked the Hidden Leaf Village on the day of his son's birth, jumping to the conclusion it was Madara Uchiha (A reasonable assumption). Obito, after Minato was reanimated, ridiculed him for this.

Had not mastered Sage Mode to the same extent as his son, and requires large amounts of time to gather the Nature energy required to enter Sage Mode.

Toomi: And he can also run out of Chakras as well though he did Mastered Chakra control in order to postpone that from ever happening again.

Megumi: Plus for some reason he thought it'd be a good idea to seal a Demon Fox in his son, just after he was born, because that'll have NO repercussions at ALL...

Sachi: Well, Minato didn't do it out of haste or spite, he did it because he couldn't bare the entire power of the Nine-Tails on his own, and knew that Naruto could hold the other half himself, besides, Naruto used that power to save the world.

Megumi: Yeah, it sure took a while for it to happen though, but I won't argue with a guy that can be practically anywhere he wants at anytime while fighting you at the same time.

Minato: Everyone stay out of this. I will take care of this!

Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.

Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!



In the depths of a forest, the tranquility of the day rings across the border.

Up on a tree, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage sat crosslegged on a tree branch, meditating.

Little does he know that his seemingly peaceful meditation is about to be ruined by an unexpected visitor.


A loud crashing sounded interrupted Minato's train of thought, causing him to turn around.

Minato: Something's wrong, I better go check it out.


Minato then disappears right in a flash, moving swiftly towards the source of the sound.

Open Space

Stepping out of the pod, Bardock raises his head up, looking left to right.

Bardock: Huh? That's weird. Why is everything so...normal? Kakarot should have reduced this entire planet into a desert wasteland by now.

Bardock thought to himself.

The Saiyan taps at his scounter, activating it.


Upon sensing a rather impressive power level, Bardock remarks to himself.

Bardock: Huh? Interesting. Just who does this power level belong to?

Just then, Bardock heard a voice from above.

???: Hey you!

Bardock spun around, finding himself facing a tall muscular man with short blonde hair.

Bardock: Who are you?

The Saiyan demanded.

The Ninja rises up, looking down and he speaks up in a warning tone.

Minato: I am Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage and you are causing a great disturbance in the village. I suggest you leave or else I will be forced to take you out.

Upon hearing the Ninja's threats, Bardock scoffs out.

Bardock: Take me out? Heh! You must really be in a hurry to die. Very well, I'll take you down first and then Frieza.

Announcer: Fight!

<Cue: Livin La Vida by Ricky Martin>


Minato suddenly disappears from sight, reappearing right behind Bardock.


Bardock: What?!

Just as the Fourth Hokage swings his leg across, Bardock raises up his arm, swiftly blocking the attack.


Bardock clenches his fist, throwing one powerful punch right into Minato.


Minato was barely able to raise his arm up in time to block one devastating blow from his opponent, jumping backwards from the impact of the blow.

Minato narrows his eyes as he faces his opponent.

Minato: Impressive. He's way stronger than I thought. Looks like I better not hold back this time round.


Minato lunges upwards, putting his fingers close to each other.

Minato: Shadow Clone Jutsu!


Bardock: Huh?

Bardock exclaims out in amazement, watching just as two Minatos closes in onto him.

The Saiyan jumps back, narrowingly dodging a kick from one of the Minatos.

Bardock looks up, thrusting out his palm, launching a ki blast across the forest floor.

Bardock: HARGHHHHH!!!!


The ki blast struck right into a Minato clone, causing it to go off in an explosion.


However, before Bardock could even react, he sensed a presence right below him.


Bardock: What?!

Before Bardock could even react, he felt something sharp pierce right through his armour, causing him to cough out.


Bardock: AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Bardock looks down, finding Minato right below him.

The Fourth Hokage thrusts out his leg, striking Bardock in the chest.


As the Saiyan staggers backwards, Minato puts his hands together, screaming out just as a sphere of Chakra energy forms within his palms.


Minato: RASENGAN!!!


Bardock looks up just as the Rasengan struck into him, causing a massive explosion.


Minato looks up, speaking out in a rather indifferent tone.

Minato: I warned you. Should have listen to me.

However, Minato felt his facade shatters upon hearing a familiar voice within the smoke.

Bardock: Heh! Warned me what?!

Minato: What?!

Minato stares in horror, watching just as Bardock steps out, stretching his neck and arms casually.

Bardock: You call that power? Heh! I'm barely even breaking a sweat.

Minato simply smiles at Bardock stating.

Minato: Trust me, this isn't even my full power yet.

Minato thrusts his arm out, throwing a kunai at Bardock, only for the projectile to bounce off his armour.


Minato then puts his hands together, screaming out.

Minato: Jinchuuriki Mode!


Bardock widens his eyes, watching just as Minato's entire body engulfs itself in a bright overwhelming aura.

But what caught the Saiyan's attention is the nine long tail-like aspandages behind Minato's rear.

Bardock: Well, things just got real interesting.

The Saiyan remarks out.

Without waiting, Minato lunges forward, swiftly moving past Bardock in a flash.



Bardock felt a small graze across his cheek, feeling a small flow of blood trickling down his face.


Minato: Like it? Now this is what I'm truly capable of!


A powerful aura surges around Minato, forming a construct of a giant Fox-like demon with nine long tails.

Minato has transformed into Kurama!


The Nine-Tail Fox lets out a loud bellow, lunging towards Bardock.


Bardock: What?!

Bardock exclaims out in horror just as Kurama swings his paw across, sending Bardock flying with a single hit.


Bardock: WHAAAAA!!!!


Several spheres of Chakras forms around Kurama, lunging up into the air.


Just as the projectiles closes in, Bardock somersaults in the air, thrusting his hands downwards, launching a barrage of ki blasts down at the monster.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!


The Chakras went off in an explosion upon collision with the ki blasts, causing Kurama to narrow his eyes.

Kurama: Damn. I can see why you are having so much trouble with him.

Minato: Yeah. But don't worry, we can take him out.

How wrong he was.

Right beneath the smoke covers, a powerful golden aura booms across the forest, shocking both Kurama and Minato.


Minato: What?!

Before any of them could even react, Bardock rushes down from the air, his hair now golden instead of black.


Bardock closes in onto Kurama, throwing one powerful punch right into the Fox Demon.




Bardock throws another punch, striking Kurama hard in the head.

Bardock: Take this!

Bardock cups both his hands together, slamming them down right into Kurama's skull.



Kurama screams out just as he crashes backfirst onto the ground, instantly disappearing from sight.


Minato: HARUGHHHH!!!

Minato coughs out in agony, his body bruised and ringing from the blows.

Just as Bardock steps towards him, the Fourth Hokage pushes himself up, gasping out a question.

Minato: Wh...what....what is that?

Bardock smirks, tapping on his scounter and he answers Minato's question.

Bardock: a Super Saiyan. And right now, you stand no chance of defeating me.

Minato: can't end like this!


Minato lunges himself forward, opening up his palms just as a sphere of Chakra forms from his hand.


Minato: RASENGAN!!!

However, before Minato could even throw his attack, Bardock thrusts out his elbow, slamming it right into his head.



The Saiyan somersaults in the air, thrusting his leg upwards.


Just as Minato is sent flying upwards, he puts both his hands together, screaming out.

Minato: SAGE MODE!!!


A powerful aura envelops around Minato, causing the Fourth Hokage to spin around, facing the Super Saiyan.

Minato: RASENGAN!!!

Minato thrusts out his hands, sending a powerful Rasengan flying towards Bardock.


However, Bardock simply disappears, instantly dodging the projectile.


Minato: What?!

Bardock: Hey you.

Before Minato could even react, he felt something wrapping around his leg, clamping it in an iron grip.


Minato: Huh?

<Cue: Ode to Joy by Beethoven>

BAM!!! BAM!!!

Bardock grits his teeth, slamming Minato down onto the floor repeatly.


The Saiyan then swings his body upwards, throwing the Fourth Hokage up into the air.

Just as Minato is high up in the air, Bardock opens up his palm, a powerful surge of energy forming within his palm.


Bardock: Eat this!

The Saiyan swings his arm across, throwing the ball of energy right onto the Fourth Hokage.

Minato could only close his eyes just as a massive ball of light consumes him, causing his body to go off in a massive explosion.


Bardock looks up, smirking just as organs and blood of what used to be Minato began raining down from the sky.

Plop! Plop!

Just as Bardock lowers himself onto the ground, he chuckles to himself.

Bardock: Heh. Wonder why do I even bother wasting time with that piece of crap?


<Cue: New Earth by Bruce Falconer>

Megumi: Damn. Things just gotten real ham!

Toomi: Honestly speaking, this is not even a close fight at all.

Sachi: Indeed, while Minato is fast, Bardock already trumps him in that category. Considering how he was able to react to Frieza soldiers moving at the speed of light and can even move faster than the eye can see, even Minato's feats of avoiding the Fourth Raikage's lightning speed attacks is kinda pointless.

Toomi: What's more, Bardock can fly and blow up planets as well. Considering how Bardock's Super Saiyan transformation is able to beat down the great great whatever grandfather of Frieza, Minato literally stood no chance of victory.

Megumi: Looks like Bardock just sent Minato's body parts flying in a great Raijin(Margin)

Sachi: The winner is Bardock

Bardock: Well...on to the next piece of trash!

Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.

Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.

Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles....

Up Next

Cloud Strife



Cloud vs Ichigo


* The connections between Bardock and Minato is that both combatants are fathers to Goku and Naruto, the heroes of their respective series who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their children

* Both of them have also been absent from their most of their son's lives, never being there for their kids throughout their childhood

* This is the first time pitting a Dragon Ball character against a Naruto character

* This is the second time a Dragon Ball character won a What if Battle, the first being Goku vs Aang.

* This is the first time a Naruto character loses a What if Battle

* The final part where Bardock beats down Minato is based off Bardock beating Chilled in the movie episode of Bardock.

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